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Behavior Intervention: Bullying at schools
Bullying is unwanted aggressive behavior that is common among school-aged persons who participate in a situation of imbalance of power in reality or a perceived manner as shown in What is “What is Bullying…”. (2015)). The behavior can also be exhibited by adults, for instance, in the workplace where a given worker is harassed by fellow work mates. The unwanted aggressive behavior can recur from time to time. Children of any age may be involved in bullying behaviors; bullying has been linked to some mental illnesses like stress and depression among school-aged children which affects their academic performance “What is bullying…” (2015)).
Identify and Analysis
To be able to identify bullying and help stop it, it is important to be aware of the characteristics that bullies possess and exhibit at school and in the society. Bullying is manifested through issuing of threats, physical or verbal attacks. Also, the exclusion of someone from a group for a given purpose can is a form of bullying, and finally, the activities of spreading rumors about someone is also considered to be a form of bullying. Bullying can also be identified as a physical or psychological attack on weaker targets than the attackers. The attackers can conduct their bullying activities act school or after the schooling hours when the school management is not so keen on what students are doing Shetgiri, Espelage, & Carroll, (2015). The bullies can launch their activities in class, they may attack their victims at the bus stop, and they may also take advantage of the washrooms and many other places where supervision by teachers or the school management is compromised.

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Not all aggressive behavior can be classified as bullying, and for that reason, the following characters can be used to qualify a certain form of aggression as bullying activity. Repetition of the activity, which could be either physical or psychological attack is performed by the bully to their victim in multiple times. The bullying is always done when they meet in places with no or there is limited adult supervision. With consistent bullying, the victims will learn to submit and get bullied which affects their mental health tremendously. There is an aspect of imbalance of power, which implies that the bully in most cases is strong and huge as compared to the victim. The physical size and strength that the bully poses give them the power to attack their victims who have no option than to submit “What is Bullying…”. (2015)). The third characteristic is that bullies aim to harm their victims as stated above could be physical, psychological or both. The victim is aware of the intentions of the bully from previous reactions or threats that have been issued. The situation makes them upset since they understand the continuing challenge from their attackers.
To identifying bullying can also be facilitated by recognizing the characteristics that are being displayed by the victims. The victims show withdrawal from active participation at school and at home although they never want to be alone. The victims have an incomplete class assignment and their overall class and co-curricular activities performance decline. A student who has been bullied physically will exhibit signs of unexplained bruises; they also have broken bones and fracture “What is Bullying…”. (2015)). They never give an actual explanation concerning the source of their physical marks since the bullies’ promises to inflict them with more harm if they reported any of the experiences. The victims will always have a sad face and frequently cry without a reason. The sorrow and the cry are signs of emotional torment that the victim has been experiencing. They cry out of the harsh memories of the encounters with their bully. Since the bullied feel insecure, they may always be found near an adult to create a sense of safety just in case their bully may show up. They may be walking from school is not picked by their guardian and may randomly select an adult to walk by to ensure they are safe from their attackers Shetgiri, Espelage, & Carroll, (2015). They never prefer solitude since their refuge is being with a person with the potential to safeguard them in the case of an attack from their bullies who are stronger and bigger than themselves. This situation forces the victims of bullying to seek friendship with older persons or students than they are for their safety.
Correcting such behaviors
Bullying is common in almost all schools, and, at least, a third of students report that they have at least been bullied as shown by Shetgiri, et al (2015). Some form of bullying like the cases where one is on purpose isolated by others from a particular group is hard to control since people choose who they associate with and refusing to associate with someone cannot be justified as a crime. To correct the situation, the bullied should tell an adult concerning the experience, who has to take steps to remedy the situation. For instance, the adult should visit the learning institution to tell of the matter and ensure it has amicably been solved to support a conducive learning environment as indicated in Shetgiri, et al (2015). Another solution is avoiding or ignoring the bully and carrying on with normal routine instead of leading a life of fear for the bully. The bullied need to have a boosted sense of self-confidence and always avoid solitude. For parents to be able to identify and prevent bullying is important for them to pay attention to their children as they interact to take a corrective measure in time. Most parents get reports from their children that they are being bullied, which they ignore and with time it becomes a burden to the children. Immediate action by parents on bullying reports can help solve the problem. Before judging the bully, it would be vital to get both sides express their reasons and thoughts. Some bullies act aggressively to make a point concerning personal interest that have been overlooked. In some cases professional help would be important, some situations may be beyond parent expertise to advise the victims of bullying or the bully themselves, and it would be important to involve a third party to get an amicable solution to the problem.
Bullying is real and sometimes is considered as mere violence among students. If it is not identified and stopped in time, it will disrupt the learning process and in some cases, the students end up dropping out of school since they assume all schools have bullies. It is through the combination of teachers and parent’s effort to find a permanent solution to bullying once it has been identified as indicated by Migliaccio, (2015). It is also important to include professional counselors for such situations to guide the parents and students concerning bullying. School should lay elaborate frameworks to address bullying in their institutions.
Migliaccio, T. (2015). Teacher Engagement with Bullying: Managing an Identity within a School. Sociological Spectrum, 35(1), 84-108.
Shetgiri, R., Espelage, D. L., & Carroll, L. (2015). Bullying Trends, Correlates, Consequences, and Characteristics. In Practical Strategies for Clinical Management of Bullying (pp. 3-11). Springer International Publishing.
What is Bullying. (2015). Retrieved January 6, 2016, from HYPERLINK “”

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