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Bilateral Relations Between Russia And Ukraine

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Bilateral Relations between Russia and Ukraine


In order to understand the reasons that promoted the Crimean Conflict between neighboring countries: Russia and Ukraine, we will have to do a chronological analysis based today, of the bilateral relations that both countries have carried out since the foundation of kyiv in the ninth century until the current crime crisis that began in March 2014, with the adhesion of Crimea and Sevastopol to Russia . Keep in mind that the perspectives of both states are different despite being border and border countries, since throughout history they have had different tensions through Crimea (peninsula that is located south of Ukraine within the Black Sea ).

On the one hand, Ukraine has historically been a country that has suffered throughout its history many changes at the state level and different modifications within its territory, while in its political structure. Ukraine represents the former Soviet republic and even more for Russia, since both countries have a rather similar religion, race and languages ​​given to their historical relationships and geographical closeness, so Russia has considered Ukraine throughout its history as part of the great extension of the Russian country itself.

To be able to understand the arguments for which Russia considers the Ukrainian country as part of the surface despite the fact that they are two different countries, we have to go back to the seventeenth century, where kyiv became numerous occasions in the hands of the Russian state, just as it happened With the extension of the Dnieper River and in the later century, in which Russia conquered the surface of which today belongs to the Ukrainian State (belonging at that time to the Ottoman Empire).

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The territory of Crimea corresponded to Russian command until 1954, when the Russian State ruled the reason for giving or giving Ukraine the Peninsula in order to remember the anniversary that had elapsed since the Treaty of Peryeslav as one of the members of the presidium said of the supreme Soviet: Tasarov.. Decree of the presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. 1954: The question of the transfer of the Crimea region to the Ukrainian Republic considers the days when the peoples of the Soviet Union mark a significant event: the 300th anniversary of the reunification of Ukraine and Russia, which played a very important role in The progressive political, economic and cultural development of the Ukrainian and Russian people. This decree was adopted by Voroshilov, V. Decree of the presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

That symbolic gift was declared invalid within the Russian Parliament in 1992 and in turn, a series of disagreements emerged with the mode of distribution of the maritime fleet in force at that time in the Black Sea; These agreements were carried out through the peace and friendship treaty that was signed in 1997.

The bilateral relations carried out cordially through that signed peace, lasted between the two states until the so -called orange revolution was triggered, which occurred in Ukraine between 2004 and 2005 and with Vladimir Putin in the Russian presidency. This was a great distancing between the policies of the two countries, since this fact triggered the rebellion of the Ukrainian people, rebelled to the streets due to the great discrepancies they had about the Government that had been the winner of those elections (by alleged Amaños ), having to be repeated and that finally led to the presidency of Ukraine to the pro-European Viktor Yushchenko, who casually was not to the taste of his neighboring country: Russia; in front of his political rival Viktor Yanukovich

This event triggered a change in the field of foreign policy of Ukraine, leaning to Western countries within the European contine.

On the other hand, after the orange revolution, Russia changed its power with respect to Ukraine from performing a more flexible power position after the signing of the treaty in 1997, of providing a much harder power through different militarized operations With dominant structure, in order to exercise pressures to the Ukrainian territory and reopen the conflict, taking into account that in Ukraine herself was divided at the population level around the presidency of Yuschenko.

The new position guides the West by Ukraine with the arrival of Yuschenko’s presidential mandate was perceived by Russia as a clear entrometry into issues of their supremacy exercised to the Ukrainian people, which was very negatively prosecuted by Russia, which, which With the passage of time it was strengthened with the countries belonging to the European Union and the great American power. At the Munich Security Conference in 2007, Vladimir Putin showed his great concern about the approximation of NATO near his borders and nation issues as he declared at the Munich Conference: Putin, V.Cold winds at the Munich Security Conference. 10/2007, of DW. Thought of NATO is a political and military organization that reinforces its presence at our borders;

In spite ) in which it motivated the possibility in the future of adhesion to the European Union, a fact that until today has not finished producing and for what the former president declared: Yuschenko, V. Yuschenko: I hope that one day the Ukrainians wake up as EU members. 27-5-2015, from EFE Agency: they rejected entry into NATO not for a reason, but because some politicians said that it would create tensions with Russia; Although if twenty -one meetings or summits have been held between representatives of the European Union and Ukraine itself,

These facts find enough complications due to the different discrepancies that arise between the opinions of Ukrainian citizens themselves, taking into account that many of them work for Russia companies and can withdraw their work permits or incur large international blocks; It is also worth highlighting the high Russian militarization that is present in Sevastopol and Crimea within a tactical level used through Russian forces.

One of the great factors that we find within the relations between the two countries were based mainly on the importance that Russia’s exports had throughout Europe and especially to Ukraine, since it depends in its entirety of energy (gas and oil ) and shows us that relations between Russia and the European Union pass through Ukraine, the Gas being the object and the Ukrainian State the means of expansion in Europe. Within the framework of the orange revolution, it began to press through the gas that export to the Ukrainian State and its possible price increase and even Russian state could interrupt and cut with the supply in which a large number of a large number of countries that depend energetically on Ukraine (powers such as Germany and Italy),

Ukraine has the control in four of the six different gas pipelines from Russia that supply all of Europe, which makes this business for the Ukrainian state of the Ukrainian state given to the worn out the worn economic situation that they suffered and in the face of Russia’s incessant attempt to govern The gas pipelines. The objective of Ukraine was based on being able Iran, but if this fact was fulfilled, it could trigger serious sequelae for the Ukrainian state taking into account that Russia would intuit it as a great threat,

It was from 2013 when the beginning of the conflict was forged in the Crimean Peninsula, with the refusal of the Ukrainian Parliament to a possible association to the one already previously appointed European Union. Ukrainian civil society was seen before this fact betrayed by its own president, thus beginning a series of revolts against the approach of his government with Russia, which triggered the option of expatriation by the Ukrainian President Yanukovich to Russia, for which He begged the Russian State: Yanukovich, V. Russia grants the asylum to the deposed Ukrainian president Yanukovich. 27-5-2015, from El Mundo I see myself forced to ask the Russian authorities to protect my personal security from extremists.


The Ukrainian people sought an approach to Europe to be able to enjoy greater freedoms both at the political level and in the economic section and part with the Russian control that dragged after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Given these facts, I react through its president Vladimir Putin mobilizing the troops of the Russian army to establish themselves in the Crimean Peninsula in 2014, since for the Russian State this location in Sevastopol and Crimea established one of its military bases of Primordial naval scope for the country, being thread connector with the Black Sea and also the Mediterranean Sea. Russia’s main objective was to recover the Crimean and Sevastopol Peninsula through military force, which previously in 1954 gave Ukraine, which shows that it is a movement within a conflict that has always been present in Eastern Europe.

Ukraine and Russia broke practically all their institutional and bilateral relationships, triggering an armed conflict that has caused great instability between both states, especially in this region of the Black Sea that was supported by NATO’s troops with a militarized strategic objective and that It establishes one of the existing conflicts currently triggering a great distancing between the European Union and Russia and being the main adversary at the war level of the United States.

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