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Bilingual Intercultural Education In Peru

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Bilingual Intercultural Education in Peru

Bilingual intercultural education is an aspect that has currently acquired a greater relevance in national politics, since over time they have revalued the native languages of our country, proof of this is the recent distribution of texts in Quechua by the Ministry of EducationFrom Peru. However, despite these small advances, it is very questioned if there is currently a projection to have a bilingual intercultural education.

Bilingual Intercultural Education (EIB) is an education model in which education is given in two different languages without any higher than the other and occurs in the context of existence of two different cultures.

The quotation that comes next is in the publication “General aspects of bilingual intercultural education (EIB) and its foundations”, written by Eliseo Cañulef, Emilio Fernandez, Vivviana Galdames, Arturo Hernández, Jose Quidel and Elias Ticona.

“Bilingual intercultural education is a proposed proposal to respond to the developmental desires of indigenous peoples that, as a result of inter -ethnic relations of domination, today hold the highest indices of marginality and poverty of the national population. Many of them live a climate of negative discrimination that threatens their most essential rights;They suffer the progressive and constant deterioration of their cultural and linguistic heritage and tend to deny their status as indigenous people due to racial discrimination over them, which becomes a deterioration of their self – esteem and, therefore, of their identity ”

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As stated in the publication, Bilingual Intercultural Education (EIB) consists of a model that seeks to claim the rights of those whose mother tongue is not Spanish. Over time it has been seen how these people are discriminated and often excluded from the scope being considered lower.

Establishing concrete bases for the establishment of an EIB becomes necessary to end the differences, especially opportunities that people find by speaking another language. Communicate in another language should not be considered a disadvantage for anyone but something enriching and for this to happen, a change is needed that covers those differences and uses them as potential means to improve

The next appointment was obtained from an interview with Martín Valdiviezo Teacher of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru.

Bilingual intercultural education "is an express recognition of the diversity of the country, it is also a sign of the importance that the State gives to diversity and its needs."

As Manuel Valdiviezo says to establish an EIB it will mean recognizing diversity and showing the importance of this same. At present, citizens do not feel protected by the State because many times it violates their rights and if you seek to help you in the end it harms it.

It is true that recently the fact of establishing policies that allow the scope of educational quality, but these do not reach all parts of the country has been taken more relevance. It is necessary to establish an equal e3duction for any citizen who lives in the country and take into account the needs that everyone has, not only consider those who live in urban areas that do not have the same reality as those in rural areas.

EIB is a system that includes cultures throughout the country by giving them the opportunity to acquire knowledge through their original language and that proposes a quite acceptable policy to solve the disadvantages that many students find that do not have Spanish as a mother tongue.

The Office for the Measurement of the Quality of the Learning of Peru shows in its official page some scopes and advances that are made regarding an EIB.

“In our country a large number of children speak an original mother tongue, such as Quechua, Aimara, Awajún, Shipibo-Conibo, Asháninka, etc. They have the right to bilingual intercultural education (EIB) in which they can learn to read and write in their own language and in Spanish – which is the language of national communication – as a second language. In this way, it is sought that they can communicate efficiently in various contexts of social and cultural interaction."

Bilingual intercultural education in our country has had great advances since the implementation of this same since as mentioned above, in recent years books were distributed in original languages that had the same quality of knowledge as those written in Spanish, but despitethat this is a great step for the revaluation of the cultural manifestations of our region;Today these books are not used because teachers did not receive adequate training and to tell the truth they were never instructed since EIB is an issue that has recently acquired relevance and dissemination throughout the country.

The rural areas generally record high levels of illiteration and although it is due to multiple factors, one of them and the one that will be taken into account below is the difficult access that the students of these areas have to the information, compared to a student of a student of aCollege located in an urban area that has a teacher, material and instruction in their language. The differences that exist between the students of our country that come from completely different areas and situations and realities are a sign of the failures of the educational policies that our country has since the UN provisions that mention that they mention that they mention that they mention that they mention that they mention that they mention thatAll people will have an egalitarian education.

As this official page of the Ministry of Education of Peru mentions, the country does not have an official language, in our country they are recognized as official languages, Quechua, Aimara and the other aboriginal languages;Which means that the fact of teaching only in Spanish is a violation of rights, since as stated in article 2 of the Political Constitution of Peru, we all have the right to education.

In the article by Joao Paraskewa "deterritorialize: towards a traveling curricular theory" Bruno Latour is mentioned in his publication "o Power gives criticism"

"There is no major crime than to face your intellectual challenges with tools from the past".

Bruno Latour talks about the need for education to be taught with tools of current times and not only refers to technology but also to the establishment of a curriculum that is consistent with the needs of our time. It is urgent to establish a curriculum containing the current situation in which we live. You cannot continue talking and even worse teaching education in the same way as before, today the great deficiencies that the national curriculum has and it is time for reformulation in this.

In the article “A sociological theory to analyze educational systems: the morphogenetic approach of Margaret S. Archer ”by Ana María Brígido is mentioned:

“Educational systems are a relatively recent phenomenon in the history of humanity, they arose to meet the demands of modernity. They were not structured once and for all, but change over time."

Education must be given according to the demands of our time and the reality in which we live, the current curriculum with which it has a reality different from ours with educational policies typical of past generations and many times with a very policydiscriminatory to those populations that are considered minorities we need an urgent restructuring of educational models in our country where education can be taught according to the current needs with which we have.

There is not a single type of person or a single type of intelligence as previously thought about existing particularities in people and that it is impossible to establish rigid models that type students.

In the editorial written by Oscar Marín García in the Official Gazette El Peruano is mentioned:

“The great challenge is to bet on the restitution of the right to culture, which consists in ensuring the freedom of citizens. The identification of freedom and culture are like faces of a single currency in which the citizen expands his ability to choose when he has the possibility of maintaining his own language. Therefore, the importance of EIB in Peru lies in the construction of a citizenship that allows ensuring active participation in policy creation."

Oscar Marín speaks of the right to culture, a recent term that refers to the freedom with which each person should express their culture. Peru is one of the countries with the greatest cultural diversity and it is for this reason that it is one of the most visited tourist destinations daily, but since it is possible that a country that is proud of the diversity with which it tells does not guarantee existenceof this same by disseminating an integral education in the language of origin of each inhabitant. Over time, people from other cultures in our country have stopped speaking in their own language because society imposes only success if expressed in Spanish and devaluing the wealth of their culture.

People who speak another language feel like excluded from the reality of our country because they do not have the same mechanisms to express their opinions.

Elena Burga, Liliam Hidalgo and Lucy Trapnell in the publication The Bilingual Intercultural School claim:

“The historical marginalization of which indigenous populations have been subject to be reversed with equity policies. The educational processes in which uniformity was the norm must give way to processes of valuation and effective treatment of diversity. A policy of recognition through the educational becomes. Learning in the first language strengthens the self – esteem and identity of children and favors their active participation in their formation, in a process that reaffirms in the medium and long term a full citizenship."

Establishing an EIB in our country is an arduous but not impossible task and that over time will generate great benefits for our country, but to achieve this it is necessary to revalue diversity, stop believing that there are higher or lower cultures and rather promote participationactive more and more people in national politics, since a different opinion will always be of great help.

The establishment of an EIB in the country requires a new structuring consisting of four aspects:

  • The curriculum, an urgent change of curriculum is needed in which the particularities of our society are taken into account, valuing differences and considering them as benefits for cultural development.
  • The teacher needs an urgent training in EIB, pointing to the importance of an EIB for our culture.
  • Material, that the material is distributed in the respective language to each student.
  • Management, and this is the most important thing because for this fruit model must have constant monitoring.

As Eliseo Cañulef, Emilio Fernandez, Vivviana Galdames, Arturo Hernández, Jose Quidel and Elias Ticona affirm in “General aspects of bilingual intercultural education (EIB) and its foundations” and Manuel Valdiviezo;Establish an EIB more than a reform consists in the claim of rights of people who live in areas where the same language is not spoken as in an urban area, for a long time these people were violated and excluded from the national level to the point that many that manyof them are not considered belonging to Peru. Urgent measures are expected to establish more drastic reforms that generate a change in everyone’s chip and finally the utopia will be achieved that everyone is entitled to education.

Oscar Marín and Elena Burga, Liliam Hidalgo and Lucy Trapnell also consider that a bilingual cultural education also consists in the recognition of the diversity that our country has and that an urgent elimination of the marginalization that these cultures have suffered these cultures is requiredFrom the history of our country and that EIB ends all this.

Bruno Latour and Ana María BrígidOur reality and the needs of this time reveal the deficiencies that education has in this part of the world.

We are not in times that our customs were repressed with force, today we all have the freedom to express our concerns or preferences, in the way that we are most convenient to be clear, it is without affecting any other citizen.

It is therefore expected that within the proposed period the benefits of the implementation of an EIB model are appreciated and that there is never again the belief that one language is superior to the other and that only those who speak Spanish will succeed in thelife. Let’s give all and in the same way opportunities.


  1.  Cañulef et al. (2018). General aspects of bilingual intercultural education (EIB) and its fundamentals. Santiago, Chile.
  2.  Valdiviezo, m. (2016). Bilingual intercultural education was understood as an assimilation instrument. Lima, Peru: PUCP. Retrieved from https: // pointoedu.PUCP.Edu.PE/Interviews/The-EDUCATION-INTERCULTURAL-BILINGUE-SY-COUNTS-UN-INSTRUMENT-DE-ASIMILATION/
  3.  Learning quality measurement office (2018). Bilingual Intercultural Education. Lima, Peru: Learning quality measurement office. Recovered from http: // umc.MINEDU.Gob.PE/EDUCATION-INTERCULTURAL-BILINGUE/
  4.  LATOUR, b. (2006). O Power gives criticism. Speeches: Educational and Curricular Policies Notebooks. Viseu: Lighter pretext editor. Extracted quote Paraskewa, J. (2015). Deterritorialize: Towards an itinerant curricular theory. In Interuniversity Teacher Training Magazine. p.125
  5.  Brígido, a. (2017). A sociological theory to analyze educational systems: the morphogenetic approach of Margaret S. Archer. In Scielo.
  6.  Burga, e., Hidalgo, l., & Trapnell, L. (2011). The bilingual intercultural school. Sum, p.7.
  7.  Marine. (2018). Bilingual intercultural education today. Lima Peru. Official Gazette El Peruano. Recovered from https: // elperuano.PE/EDUCATION-INTERCULTURAL-BILING%C3%BCE-HOY-66002.ASPX


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