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Biography Of Jorge Francisco Luis Borges

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Biography of Jorge Francisco Luis Borges

This recognized writer named Jorge Francisco Luis Borges Acevedo, was born on August 24, 1899 in the province of Buenos Aires in our beautiful Argentine country. His parents two educated people, where Jorge Guillermo Borges, his dad, was a lawyer and professor of psychology at the University, his mother, Leonor Acevedo Suárez was from Uruguay and served as a translator as a translator.

Borges grew up in a home full of cultured and literary attributes, since his father was passionate to literature and his paternal great -grandfather, Juan Chrysostom.;But also in his family a military spirit was perceived, because the inheritance subjected by his maternal great -grandfather, Colonel Isidoro Suárez and by Colonel Francisco Borges, paternal grandfather who died in the battle of “La Verde” was persisted in 1874.

Borges Luis Jorge had parents who were very demanding in the educational field;He spoke bilingual in his home, is more Borges with only four years of age knew how to read English before his language, Spanish. Thus, having distrust his dad of the public school, he decided to use a British governess to give him a safer education. In fourth grade Borges first begins his primary schooling in a Palermo school, where that experience for the writer was not very successful because he suffered constant teasing of his classmates for his appearance and style Eton.

The Borges family enlarges after the birth of Norah and decide to move to a wider house.

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They move in the neighborhood that gave rise to the literary vocation of Borges, which was promoted by their infinite visits to the library "of limited English books" and by his father Guillermo Borges.

Fifteen years later in 1914, his father due to vision problems retired and the family had to leave for Europe to undergo ophthalmological treatments. At the end of the treatments, objective of the trip, they continued to London and France where the young Borges studied three years of high school and studied French and German, languages that gave him greater opening in reading and greater literary knowledge, in addition to meeting importantpoets and philosophers.

Appealing for the present World War I could not return to Argentina, so they had to take refuge in Switzerland, Geneva. That was not all, as a consequence of the war, the Borges family spent three years traveling in Spain starting in Barcelona and ending in Madrid. At that time the young Borge officially begins in the literature, giving rise to the participation of the ultraist literary movement (literary movement initiated in Spain in 1918, following the creationist model of Vicente Huidobro, opposed to the modernism that had subjected poetry in languageSpanish since the end of the 19th century), in turn had its participation in the magazines Ultra, Greece, Cervantes, Helices and Cosmópolis.

Seven years later, on March 4, 1921, the family leaves Barcelona returning to its place of origin, Argentina Buenos Aires, where the Buenos Aires suburbs discovers being the favorite of their first poetic books. Subsequently public collaborations in magazines and newspapers, participate with Macedonio Fernández in the foundation of raw and prose magazines signing their first notorious literary artistic movement with only twenty -two years.

In 1937, in Buenos Aires he served as a librarian with the help of Francisco Bernáldez, where he ordered the books and in his free moments he wrote his first stories;He continued to educate his work in lecturer and professor of English literature at the university. Not everything was so wonderful because in 1938 his father died after crossing an attack of hemiplegia. Borges longer months has an accident that left it severely hospitalized, its recovery was slow but successful.

Next two years, 1940, together with his colleagues he publishes an anthology of fantastic stories and in 1941 he manifests the anthology of Argentine poetry. The following year publishes a book with the collection of various stories where he is awarded and honorable recognized by the Argentine Society of Writers. In 1946 he resigned from his librarian employment due to the election of Juan Domingo Perón as president of Argentina. Subsequent years, being accurate, from 1955 to 1974 he plays important positions, as president of the Argentine Society of Writers, a member of the Argentine Academy of Letters and director of the National Library of Argentina (he had those positions in the same year that he was overthrownthe Peronist government).

He had recognition, Honor Awards, used a peculiar literary style, thought of an interpretation in time, space, reality or destination. His works were distinguished, it was so successful that he was internationally recognized, I travel tirelessly, but with his mother I travel for the third time to Europe offering conferences in several countries. Years of late your mother dies ninety -nine years old.

Among so many successes, love, in September 1967 he married Elsa Millán, who was his life partner for three years. In the same year he is traveling to the United States to issue a course at Harvard University in different academic places. Long years later he plays the love of his heart again and marries for the second time with María Kodama who accompanies him on work trips numbers.

Then publishes numerous volumes of poetry including the gold of the tigers, the deep rose, the iron coin, history of the night, and finally publishes two books of stories which I call the Brodie report and the sand book.

Jorge Luis Borge was a recognized and honorable Argentine writer who Avasallo with his literary editions, recognized in numerous countries, where his stories, and poems transferred the borders and unfortunately to his eighty -seven years, on June 14, 1986 in Geneva SwitzerlandAfter suffering a pulmonary emphysema. His remains are deposited in the Plainpalais cemetery 

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