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Brick Optimization Lilling Construction

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Brick Optimization Lilling Construction


To great evils, great remedies. That must have thought of the ideologist of this type of ecological brick, an alternative already implemented in the world of construction and that gains more and more followers in the sector. One more way to take advantage of the products we buy and use, and that in turn contain large amounts of plastic.

This type of material requires a lot of time to definitively degrade, so it is a great impact for the environment in case it is not discarded in the right place, and is not processed for reuse.

This is a variant of recycling. It is rather to reuse products, although they are also given a second life. This process is currently carried out purely handmade, so labor is required.

This invention proposes simple solutions to complex problems, as indicated at the beginning. The 1000 years of life that can have a decomposition plastic, in addition to reducing the accumulation of this type of waste in landfills and recycling plants and recycling plants is administered.

An waste that is generated massively in all homes can become a basic element for future constructions committed to climate change and emissions that affect the planet. It is another step to implement in a society that must grow towards a responsible attitude with the environment in which it coexists: using ecological bricks serves to reuse plastic.

Recall that "the best residue is the one that does not generate" and, the truth is that it is increasingly complicated to buy products that are 100% sustainable, and that they lack any wrapping.

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In fact, most of the products we buy have a plastic percentage.

Ecological brick emerges as a real alternative to recycling, for the reuse of plastic waste or residues that contain plastic. We believe that many of the waste that goes to the yellow container (PET bottles and plastic wrappers) can be reused in this way. There are simple guides on how to manufacture ecological bricks and its different uses, so you can start building more sustainably. 

Brick brick, and with very simple and basic work formulas, we shape a more environmentally respectful future and with the rest of the species with which we cohabit. 


According to (Risco 2018), they mention that the physical-mechanical properties of concrete brick with recycled PET plastic defined according to the technical standard and.070. They determined that the mechanical properties of the concrete bricks vibrated by adding recycled pet plastic flakes do not improve, having a maximum decrease in brick compression resistance with respect to the pattern mixture.

According to Gonzales et., Al (2014), they made bricks using PET plastic (polyetien-tereftalate) with a 70 % composition and HDPE (high density polyethylene) with a 30 % composition, coming from beverage containers and variety of plastics. This material was subjected to different stages such as plastic washing, centrifuged and crushed PET plastic.

The first step is the washing, the plastic is introduced into the washing machine with water and detergent. The best system for collection of plastics and subsequent recycling is based on grouping those that are easy to identify, having them in their pure state. Then, the material is subjected to several stages of rinse, to remove traces of fats, particles and all the products that were added in the cleaning process.

The second step is the centrifugate, it consists of rotating the material to extract the bulk of the water that remains between the different ground parts, with this it is extracted to 95% of the water, but as the 5% residual is an excessive amount of Water to reach extrusion or injection, the material is given an additional drying time at room temperature, then the injection process where the plastics are melted and injected.

The third step in this technology is the crushed of plastic waste, finally the material with a particle size approximately 1 cm. (Di Marco 2017)

El Diario, El Peruano, according to the Technical Standard and.070 masonry. It is called brick to that unit whose dimension and weight allows it to be manipulated with one hand. It is called that unit that by dimension and weight requires both hands for manipulate. The masonry units referred to. These units can be solid, hollow, alveolar or tubular and can be manufactured in an artisanal or industrial manner. The units. Concrete masonry units will be used after achieving their specified resistance and volumetric stability. In the case of units cured with water, the minimum term to be used will be 28 days (Peruvian 2016)

The main use or function of any type of masonry unit determines the class A that corresponds and the physical requirements that must be met. For the purposes of this standard, structural (holders) units and non -structural units (dividing or closing) are considered; and masonry units for external use, or facades, and interior use units

Geometry, its shape is that of a rectangular prism, in which its different dimensions are called rope, blight and thick, the rope being its major dimension. In general, the rope is twice as long as the blight, or more exactly, two blizas plus a joint, which allows them to combine them freely. The bulk, on the contrary, may not be modulated.

There are different brick formats, usually of a size that allows you to handle it with one hand. In particular, the metric format stands out, in which the dimensions are 24 x 11.5 x 5.25 cm. (Paz 2014).

In its plastic reuse research, PET, paper and sugar cane bagasse PET plastic, where I use as raw material for mixture design the Portland Extra Forte cement, which can be determined that the concrete containing 5% PET plastic presented the best compression resistance.

A laboratory cost study was carried out at the Experimental Economic Housing Center, with a small production for experimental purposes (very different from the study that a company with mass production with commercial purpose can do). The unitary theoretical cost of a PET brick manufactured with the production conditions of the Experimental Economic Housing Center is around double the common brick, since although much of the raw material is free because it is a residue (the plastic), the cost of crushed (electricity and labor) (Gaggino 2015) must be computed


  • Plastic is a material that the planet cannot digest and that takes, up to a thousand years according to the type of plastic
  • According to the Ministry of Environment (Peru), up to 8 million tons of plastic in the oceans are poured every year
  • The burning of recycled plastic materials would be avoided. Transforming the material, since "residue" becomes "raw material" in this process.
  • It is a new alternative for the construction of economic housing. 
  • For its ease of application, it gives productive opportunity in areas of limited resources, and generate employment. 


  • Di Marco, Raúl, Hugo León. September 16, 2017. http: // www.Unilibre.Edu.CO/BOGOTA/PDFS/2017/5SIM/39D.PDF.
  • Gaggino, Rosana, Jerónimo Kreiker. Experimental Center for Economic Housing. Brick manufacturing entrepreneurship with recycled plastic involving public and private actors. October 2015. https: // ri.CONICET.GOV.AR/BITSTREAM/HANDLE/11336/56370/CONICET_DIGITAL_NRO.A447C64A-9704-4C31-972C-D20A3B201C13_A.PDF?sequence = 2 & isalowed = y.
  • Paz, Erwin. «Analysis of the determination of the physical and mechanical properties of bricks made with plastic plastic.»National University of San Agustín. To obtain the professional title of material intake. Arequipa, 2014.
  • Peruvian, the. Legal standards, March 30, 2016.
  • Reyna, Cesar. «PET plastic reuse, paper and sugarcane bagaz.»National University of Trujilo. ‘To opt for the academic degree of Master in Environmental Engineering. Trujillo, 2016.
  • Risco, Pierina. «Mechanical physical properties manufactured with plastic waste and added material.»Universar César Vallejo. ‘Thesis to obtain the professional title of Environmental Ingeneiría’. Chiclayo, 2018.

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