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Bulimia Nervosa And Its Harmful Effects

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Bulimia nervosa and its harmful effects


Eating disorders (TCA) are a set of chronic and psychiatric diseases that are characterized by inappropriate patterns of food intake, as well as behavior in terms of weight control. This causes in the person a series of both physical and psychological damage (Madruga, Leis and Lambruschini, 2010).

Rodríguez et al. (2018), affirms that the TCAs have experienced a huge boom in recent years, being women and, especially, adolescents the most vulnerable collective. The factors that condition the appearance of this set of disorders are diverse. However, it is the sociocultural variables that exert a greater incidence, such as with the current beauty model (thinness, high volume of chest), which generates enormous social pressure on individuals. In adhesion, the entry of social networks in our daily lives has negatively influenced, due to the ease of access to certain contents or by harmful comments towards the person. Although, as mentioned, it is the female gender the most affected by this type of disorders, the possibility of a sub-diagnosis in men is raised, since it is estimated that there is a case in men for eachSix to ten women (Guarín and Gempeler, 2014).

It should be noted that the TCAs are made up of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and unpalified or atypical disorders. The latter is used when some of the diagnostic criteria that characterize anorexia and bulimia, are not fulfilled (Madruga et al., 2010).

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In relation to the above, it is important to differentiate the particularities of each. On the one hand, anorexia nervosa refers to a "voluntary and progressive restriction of food intake that leads to a continuous weight loss of more than 15% of what is expected for size and age" (Guarín and Gempeler, 2014, p.330). On the other hand, Bulimia Nervosa has two subtypes: the most frequent, called purgative, in which the individual carries out on intakes, food bingewhat have you done;Then there would be the non-purgative, which would be characterized by compensatory behavior such as an excess of physical exercise or fasting for long periods of time (houses, Ortega and Iglesias-Diz, 2003).

Throughout this work, we will focus on the nervous bulimia, in order to limit and offer a more concrete intervention. In this way, we can provide specific information about this disorder, causes and consequences, how it can be prevented and what are the risk factors that can increase the chances of suffering from it.

Thus, from a historical perspective we observe that in the book of Fairburn (1995) he affirms that bulimia in the 70s was unusual until in the middle of that same year it was defined as an emergency. Thus, the first evidence appeared after the publication of the reports called “Binge Syndrome – Purga’ ’in American university students.

However, the origin and causes of Bulimia nervosa continue to be unknown, so a multifactorial model has been proposed to explain the reasons why it occurs. Neurobiological, psychosocial variables (low self – esteem, emotional alterations) or, even family factors (Sierra, 2005) have been identified.

Consequently, bulimia nervosa has a series of harmful effects, not only at the physical level but also at the psychological level. Among them we highlight impulsivity, low self – esteem, the appearance of depressive symptoms, anxiety and even possible alcohol consumption and other drugs (Rodríguez et al., 2018).

It is also worth mentioning that Bulimia nervosa continues to be one of the most invisible disorders, since, on the one hand, the changes that the person can suffer at the physical level are not so obvious, and, on the other hand, there is a greater oneignorance of this, thus going unnoticed (Gómez et al., 2012).

Therefore, intervention with this person is fundamental. We find multiple and varied types of intervention, being the most common individual psychotherapy and the self-help group (Sierra, 2005). However, in cases of greater gravity the hospitalization is used. In addition, on numerous occasions the use of psychopharmaceuticals is required to deal with the disorder. Likewise, if we want to develop an appropriate intervention, it is necessary to plan it in a personalized way for the subject. In addition, since it is a complex problem, the existence of an interdisciplinary team is necessary, composed of different professionals from different disciplines such as nutritionists, psychologists, doctors … in this way, a global vision can be obtainedand holistic for the treatment of bulimia (Madruga, et al., 2010).

It is transcendental that we not only treat those people who already have some type of TCA, but also carry out a prevention work towards the most vulnerable population. Prevention in schools and not only with young women, but with families and professionals is of vital importance to be able to stop future cases. Thus, we highlight the Program for the Prevention and Promotion of the Health of Foundation Image and self – esteem, developed in the Autonomous Community of Catalonia. This program consists of several sections: a) Educational workshops for children and adolescents;b) Training for teachers and psychopedagogical teams;c) Training for families;d) advice to psychopedagogical and tutors;and e) Accompaniment (Association against L’Anorèxia I La Bulímia, SF).

In Spain, they are around 400.000 people who suffer from some kind of eating disorder. We must take into account that they have a greater impact on adolescence, being the third cause of chronic disease. It is worth mentioning certain data on the Spanish population, such as, for example, that 70% of the girls would feel more comfortable with their body if they were thinner or, that 60% have a relapse (La Vanguardia, 2019). 

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