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Career Goal as a Physical Therapy Specialist

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Career Goal as a Physical Therapy Specialist.
Position Applying For Master in Physical Therapy Physical Medicine.
Career Objective: To become a distinguished and notable master clinician and an astute academician in my domain of practice. I want to make a significant improvement in the quality of care to my patients, and joining the world leaders in my domain, for rehabilitating the patients successfully. I would also like to disseminate knowledge to my team and subordinates in order to ensure patient-centric care. The change that I will bring in the quality of life of my patients will proudly help me one day to say within myself Vedi, Vini and Vici which means I came, I saw and I conquered.
Present Responsibilities: I am employed as a volunteer in the Geriatric care centre in New York City. My job responsibility includes teaching, volunteering and research on aspects of Physical therapy and medicine. I have taken such responsibilities to pursue my dream, and also from an economical aspect. Since, New York is costly, and I belong to an African background, where I have very little family support for my studies. Hence, I need to slog and make a balance between job and studies.
Academic Qualifications: Bachelor in Physical Therapy with 2:1 standard.
Key Skills: Dedicated, Committed, Innovative & Team Working with situational leadership skills.
Career Goals
Mission Statement
The scholarship will help me to achieve my objective of orienting myself with the most current and most competent knowledge in my speciality through my admission in the Masters Program.

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If I am extended a financial support, I would sharpen my skills in two speciality areas of Pain Management and Geriatric care, during my study program. The program would make me professionally competent to achieve my career objective of successful rehabilitation to the desired individuals.
Philosophy of Studying Masters
While studying in the baccalaureate program and touching patients with pain, I realized that how the quality of life of a person is compromised by either acute or chronic pain. He or she is not only debilitated but often loses hope in surroundings and leads into a state of depression. I want to be competent enough to address this issue and reduce their agony and sufferings.
The other area that significantly touched me is the issues with geriatric care related to physical therapy. Due to their age and weakness they are unable to express their discomfort and desire special attention from the care givers. I would ensure a patient-centric approach to understanding their care needs and intervene with the most appropriate physical care.
The Grad Program will be really beneficial for me to acquire the necessary intervention skills and I would be exposed to the most modern and sophisticated technical equipment, which will help me to ensure rational care giving. Physical therapy is a challenge because it is the only option left, when medications and other supportive therapies are inadequate. Hence, the expectation of a patient from a competent Physical Therapist is very high. Until and unless I make myself competent by pursuing a Masters program, I cannot achieve my objective. I would be highly obliged if a rational financial support is extended to me, not only to fulfil my dream but I would act like a resource person in the field of Physical Therapy.
Speciality Areas That I Will Seek to Gather Knowledge
Efficient knowledge and techniques of pain management, especially in the segment of chronic pain through medical and physical interventions. As I understand the management of pain is very challenging, since the aetiology of pain is not clear in many instances. Thus, I should be able to learn and diagnose the components of nociceptive or neuropathic pain. Such skills will help me to select the appropriate techniques for pain management.
I would like to learn the techniques for making an individual ambulatory as fast as possible.
I would also like to specialize in trauma care with cross-functional teams, especially orthopaedics.
The area related to geriatric care is most sensitive and challenging. Hence, I would like to inculcate a holistic knowledge of geriatric problems. During my tenure in my present job profile I have noticed various mental ailments are masked under the symptoms of physical pain. So I would be really interested in learning the skills of diagnosing Psychopathic pain and Physical pain.
Declaration & Compliance Statement
Being a student at your University, I would always refrain myself from bullying my peers on grounds of ethnicity, caste, creed or religion. I would comply with the rules and regulations of the University and would not pose any harm to movable and immovable property of the Institute. I would take extreme care in maintaining my respect for superiors and always help my peers.

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