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Changes In Knowledge In Human Sciences And Indigenous Knowledge

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Changes in knowledge in human sciences and indigenous knowledge


This essay is intended to be known through two areas of knowledge: human sciences and indigenous knowledge, the reason why our cognition changes as time goes by reaching the point of putting aside all our beliefs acquiring new knowledge That people around us share us, in addition we can make known our views or opinions on any subject where more hypotheses begin to emerge since many people are based on contributions from ancestors and others simply are based on current information generating A shared knowledge that at the same time will bring many confusion because some people are certain that each of their opinions are the correct ones not the one that other individuals make known, but it must be taken into account that through this there is the possibility of being able to verify whether the contributions we indicate are true or wrong, even having a greater compe Reison with respect to what is being dialogue and if what is indicated is wrong, the person looks in the ability to investigate more on the subject to have greater validity in their contributions and through this verifying if it is advisable to acquire the contributions current.


People who are based on the beliefs of the ancestors are complicated to accept the information provided to them today due to the facts marked in ancient times by their predecessors, but in many cases they end up accepting them since they consider that they have a greater Sustainability, it is for this reason that our knowledge changes and from this we manage to make modifications in the thought of other people who also prefer to govern or consider the old information and they will also do it with the rest of the people, but many individuals will not allow them to accept them.

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Why does knowledge inexorably change over time, leaving our ancestral beliefs behind?

To explain the reason why knowledge is never maintained static, it is necessary To demonstrate the transformation that knowledge always suffers as time passes.

To the first area of ​​knowledge that we are going to refer is to the human sciences; Dombrowski, Rotenberg and Bick say that the guides of the subjects of the BI diploma describe the human sciences as follows, "social and cultural anthropology is the comparative study of culture and human societies" (theory of knowledge , p. 307). It can be noted that this is an area that is continually found in countless changes, that is, it is an area of ​​dynamic knowledge that is in a constant and permanent transformation, which is based on human relations and the way in which the people conceive the world at a specific time or situation.

Thus, it is understood that the human relations of a century ago will not be the same with which they are currently developed, and everything is attributable to the time that has elapsed in between.

It is necessary to note that those changes always develop for greater technification of those relationships that are carried out among people, therefore we can show that today certain things are better became: the economy, which before only developed through the so -called barter and now in these times it is carried through a paper currency; The medicine, in which only ancestral knowledge about the different medicinal herbs were used since they considered them important for any type of disease, now this branch has developed significantly, so that medications and surgeries are used, this is known Through this statement “over the years the prolongation of knowledge was expanding and developing giving way to the evolution of health sciences. The knowledge set was established as the years configuring new challenges, opportunities and solutions ”(Joseliko, 2014); The laws, where he always dominated his strongest and imposed his will on other people and currently everything is managed by democracy; The communication, which was previously carried out through personal messengers and today we are connected through the Internet or other media that have evolved over time; In short, countless aspects that have been modified and at the same time have altered our personal knowledge, allowing to have a different perception of the aspects that have changed, which has also generated well -being for all people, but without a doubt everyone has everyone a common factor that consists in the technification of those human relationships that have improved thanks to the knowledge and change of it.

"Indigenous or local knowledge refers to knowing, to the skills and philosophies that have been developed by long -history societies of interaction with their environment" (UNESCO, 2017), given this contribution the other area of ​​knowledge to which we will make reference is about indigenous knowledge, which has served our ancestral peoples for continuity over time.

It is a type of knowledge that covers several areas or areas very basic and necessary for survival such as agriculture, medicine, hunting, fishing, clothing, among other activities that were used to obtain a lifestyle appropriate to the epoch. "Indigenous knowledge develops through transmission, and probable adaptation about existing knowledge, which in turn are created, developed and collectively" (Cayuqueo, s.F.), Through this contribution it can be indicated that they are knowledge that still persist at our stage but that nevertheless has changed and at the same time have improved; And once again we must attribute the change of this knowledge to the passage of time that does not stop either.

I consider that despite the fact that time is the main factor of the reason for the change of this indigenous knowledge, there are also other factors that contribute to this change in the knowledge of each of the people, of which we can highlight the investigation and the experience.

Through research, new methods of preparing certain products have been obtained, which as time goes by or develop elaboration methods are changing and at the same time improve with the aim of providing a positive aspect towards society, therefore, the same that was developed before is no longer the same as the indigenous people now develop, except for certain things that are not changed or modified because of their efficiency, but that nevertheless, if they have certain variants which for them is very complicated to ignore them.

Experience is another important factors when changing knowledge over time, it is a more empirical way to obtain learning that is based on things that have been experienced, and depending on the fact that, if the experience is good or bad , these methods extracted from personal experiences will continue to be used, even though it lacks a scientific rigor, it can be used to obtain knowledge and therefore the specialization and change of it over time.

Although there are other areas of knowledge to demonstrate that knowledge always changes over time, I have chosen human sciences and indigenous knowledge, which can appear in a better way.


To conclude it is necessary to determine that knowledge is a concept that is always changing dynamically, transforming as time passes and adapting to the demands that the time presents, because it cannot be advanced without overcoming the problems that arise.

Knowledge can never be maintained in a static way, because new forms and methods of knowledge that are used in daily life are constantly developed, that is, the circumstances change and therefore also changes the knowledge that until that time was used.

If you reach the point of trying to maintain or use the same knowledge that has always been had, we would be condemned to fall into the same errors that are constantly presented and we would not have been able from the beginning to develop as a changing society, so which we can say that if we do not constantly use new knowledge we would be condemned to failure and development would be impossible.

Knowledge will never have a stop or an end, because there will always be new variables that change the conditions in which they were, thus producing the change that has been treated so much.

In itself, by everything that became known in this essay, the knowledge that is had about certain things very hard to change it since the point of generating confusion is reached and therefore many people prefer to maintain each of their beliefs or learning with the objective of not generating controversies between the contributions or knowledge that already have those that are currently being used. What is expressed in this essay can be made known as follows:

“Society and knowledge are dynamic, changing through inexorable time."

Bibliographic references

  • UNESCO. (2017). What are indigenous and local knowledge? Obtained from local and indigenous knowledge systems: http: //
  • Theory of knowledge . (s.F.). Oxford.
  • Joseliko. (July 30, 2014). The evolution of medicine. Obtained from Seaic.It is your blog about medicine, nutrition and health in general: http: //
  • Cayuqueo, s. (s.F.). Indigenous knowledge in globalization . Obtained from artificial monopolies on intangible goods: https: //

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