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Characteristics Of Vegan Diets: Advantages And Disadvantages

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Characteristics of vegan diets: advantages and disadvantages


For many people, meat is a product of animal origin that humans intentionally prepare alterations in it, hinting a destructive process of the animal, in which he is stripped of his identity. Causing in some people a feeling of discomfort or anguish by vividly imagining meat as a living being, breathing, sensitive.

Vegetarianism goes back to ancient Greece, but it presents a stricter branch better known as "veganism". Which emerged by a vegetarian who considered that animals suffered by producing milk and eggs, therefore, he absent them.

Next, let’s talk about:

  • Composition and nutrients of the vegan diet
  • Healthy effects
  • Reasons to start being vegan
  • Stereotypes
  • Common food and diets
  • conclusion


Composition and nutrients of the vegan diet

The vegan diet is defined by scientific literature as a diet that includes only plant foods, such as "grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds and vegetable fats". As a result, it is described as a restrictive diet due to its exclusion from meat and fish, abundant sources of protein and dairy products, both rich in essential and mineral vitamins. However, the vegan diet cannot provide all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals, those such as calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, riboflavin, zinc, iron, fiber, fat and essential fatty acids.

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Vegans must therefore increase their protein intake, since they do not consume any of animal origin and therefore there may be some lack.

Complete foods with proteins such as meat, chicken, eggs and dairy products have all essential amino acids (amino acids that the body cannot produce).

Incomplete protein sources, such as plant foods, only have certain amino acids.

To receive a balanced distribution of essential amino acids, the supplementation in which a meal was required (high lysine content) was thought. To allow the composition of amino acids and digestibility of a vegan diet, protein intake must be increased by 30% to 35% for children under 2 years, 20% to 30% for ages of 2 to 6 years and 15% 20% for children over 6 years old.

Recently, a study has been carried out where vegans need a greater calcium contribution, it was concluded that vegans when obtaining proteins of plant origin do not secrete so much gastric acid and that makes them need a minor contribution of calcium , although it should also be said that the amount of calcium that comes in the vegetable breaths is much lower than that of dairy products, more research must still be done.

The consumption of five portions of varied fruits and vegetables at least to guarantee intake of all essential vitamins and minerals. Society suggests the use of whole grains. Instead of refined grains, since they are more nutritious. With respect to fats, hydrogenated fats should be avoided while omega 3 fatty acids should be consumed more frequently. Finally, it is suggested to limit the use of salt.

Healthy effects

The results suggest that a well -balanced vegan diet is healthy and that is evidenced by the variety of comprehensive foods and greater intake of vegetables and fruits. Health benefits include a decrease in cholesterol, lipid levels, blood pressure, weight and a reduced risk for a variety of diseases, including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Reasons to start being vegan

The reasons for vegan can be widely divided into three main categories: animals of animals / human treatment, environment / sustainability and health problems.

There are organizations such as the Vegetarian Resource Group that is dedicated to educating the public about vegetarianism and health interrelated problems.

Like VRG, Vegan Action is another non -profit organization that works to reduce animal suffering, minimize environmental impact and improve human health through the creation of a vision of a happier, healthier and clean world for all ’. Vegan Action works to raise awareness of animal suffering and the negative environmental impact, through its humanity dissemination campaign and shared vegan campaign. As evidence of his mission, Vegan Action argues that people choose veganism for ethical, environmental and health reasons, in agreement with VGR. Living Vegan provides numerous benefits for the life of animals, for the environment and for our own health through health and lifestyle health.

With respect to the environment, Vegan Action explains how animal agriculture has a devastating cost on Earth because it is an inefficient way to produce food, since farm animals requires land, water, fertilizers and other resources that otherwise otherwise have been used directly to produce food for man. The earth suffers a lot, erosion occurs at a faster rate, which makes agricultural lands less productive and increases the need to expand grazing and cultivation lands in what was once the desert. In addition, animal agriculture not only affects the land itself, the results of animal agriculture, including animal waste, have been related to other environmental problems according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, such as pollution of aquatic ecosystems, soil and drinking water due to manure, pesticides and fertilizers; acid rain by ammonia emissions; Production of greenhouse gases and aquifer exhaustion for irrigation.


Having discussed vegan nutrition, the effects on health and diet composition, it is important to mention the popular stereotypes and beliefs of veganism found in popular literature. While some stereotypes can be true, others can be based on exaggerated ideas and perceptions of veganism. One of those myths is that vegans only eat salads and fruits. This is obviously not true, after having demonstrated the large number of different foods that vegans consume. While their diet is based on plant foods, vegans enjoy breads, pasta, beans and legumes. This characterization of the vegan diet is similar to the myth that vegans exclude sweets, sugars and other delights from their diets. However, it is true that vegans often eliminate white sugar and certain types of sweets of their diets such as white sugar.

Another stereotype related to veganism is the idea that diet requires a lot of work. While the preparation of vegan meals may require greater planning, but the elaboration time is very similar to that of normal diets. In addition, more attention should be paid in ensuring that one meets the required nutrient levels, which could be considered more work at the beginning, just like anything new requires work from the beginning.


Vegan diets are mainly constituted by fruits and vegetables completely absenting foods of animal origin, including milk and egg. Bringing a diet like these will favor our health by reducing the possibilities of contracting certain diseases such as diabetes, obesity among others. However, there may also be certain deficiencies regarding certain vitamins or minerals such as vitamin B-12, which can be solved by supplementation. Being vegan also leads to help animals and the environment, therefore, it is concluded that veganism is a lifestyle.

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