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Citizenship In The Self Society

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Citizenship in the Self Society

The purpose of the present work is to propose a context of the concept of citizenship, landing it at the social level and seeing everything that covers in the individual, thus understanding its ethical part, in the same way as through an optimal and community exercise it is possible to strengthen The exercise and appropriation of human rights. In the same way, the educational context will be contemplated along with a capitalist economic system, impregnated in citizen education.

The Word Cit French Revolution, 1979 – But goes much further, covering the position that each individual must take actively, with an awareness, in political life in order to make decisions in and for the community. Among the basic idea of ​​what it means to be a citizen, the possibility of the vote is clearly denoted, however, in Colombian society, to take it for example, in the 2018 presidential elections, political absenteeism was approximately 46.6%, what that leaves us in a stand by on individual who is not exercising the basic but forceful mechanism of democracy.

Adela Cortina in her conference "Ethics, citizenship and modernity" proposes a solution for the reconstruction of world societies in terms of citizenship concept with ethics and especially democracy; She states that the key is to forge a new character, contemplating: “On the one hand, the need for civility, and, on the other hand, the need for civil society to assume its prominence.

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”(Cortina, 2003, P. 1) For this, education plays a fundamental role, as Ospina developed, since children we are immersed in a teaching system – this I do not mean only that of school – starting with the home, which is our first ideal of “school "Where the example is the teaching method and coherence between doing and saying the tutors allows optimal learning to El Ciudadano in training (2009), thus parents, governors, relatives in general, among others, contribute to the child’s education directly or indirectly, even without knowing it.

Now, how are we educating ourselves in our early years?; Daniel Bell generates a diagnosis where the character of the person currently revolves around individualistic hedonism, together with Mac Pherson’s approaches, which defines the human being as a possessive individual; In this way, the education we are receiving is based on learning from a capitalist perspective where the individualist is the primary thing. They educate us to make a living and live in a world where everything is competence -academic or work -, all to earn and accumulate money or properties, resulting, a citizen does not think of community if not for their own benefit, no performing a social one who manages to work in congruence with him another for community development.

By rethinking the education system, Maturana arrives exposing responsibility to the other:

The responsibility is to realize the consequences that the actions themselves have on other human and non -human beings, since directly or indirectly, as well as realizing whether or does not want those consequences and acting according to that love or not want. Reflecting on their own acts and such reflection is to look at their own acts without attachment. (2002, P. 219)

Maturanda generates an analysis of a consequence of the hedonistic-possessive system to give the individual the "right" to "tramp" the other and the other-for example nature-for their own well-being, common attitude in the current era where it is evidenced This behavior with the expropriation of nature, then, to reduce the attitude of believing more important than the other, being constantly in reflection on what will bring my actions on the other and others is a characteristic of citizen formation , being a civic virtue as Cortina raises: “A democracy, in the political order, claims a citizenship that is very impregnated with civic virtues, very willing to get involved in public life, to work in public life.”(2003, P. two).

The appropriation of the social sphere must be accompanied by an ideal of justice and especially the sense of belonging, the above is meritorious for the human feeling of the need to take care of what belongs to us and dismiss the importance of the alien, which is why When making a community a true home, taking it each as his, leads to “… complement the idea of ​​justice with the idea of ​​belonging to the community, with the idea of ​​loyalty to the community.”(Cortina, 2003, P. 3 ).

Now, as a last section of this essay, it must be emphasized in the political participation of the individual in which it is the object of rights and duties, given in community, through a kind of “social pact” as the contractualists would call it, making each Headquarters of his freedoms looking for their own common objective that translates into a guarantee of private property and security. These concepts have evolved and with the aim of not allowing the dignities of the human being to be exceeded: human rights are given, basic pillar of what corresponds to each person due to the fact of being a person, which can claim at any time and place, being the same state responsible for guaranteeing its effective compliance, but, the citizen must fulfill the role of requesting it and respecting that of the other, building a social fabric in harmony with the rights that each person correspond to.

As a conclusion, each society must generate an educational model where from the house civic values ​​for the child are generated, such as the appreciation towards the other, the appropriation of their rights and duties or community work, which must be developed In his training and professional training journey. In the same way, the tutors must be more aware of their role in the process of citizen formation in general, giving importance and attributing to the common objective with the position granted.

Personally, in education is the key to a citizenship that manages to cover the ethical part and as well as human rights, which is why a separate teaching of the economic system must be guaranteed, difficult but possible.


  1. Curtain, a. (2003). Conference: Ethics, Citizenship and Modernity. Cyber ​​Humanitas Magazine, 27 (1), 1-13.
  2. Ospina, r. A. C., Torres, d. A. R., & Sánchez, G. B. (2011). Of the concept of citizenship: a theoretical approach. Topics Magazine, (5), 93-110.
  3. Maturana, Humberto. (2002) The sense of the human. Spain: Dolmen Editions.
  4. Ospina, William. El Espectador Column, Sunday, September 6, 2009, recovered from http: // www. the on September 7, 2009.

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