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Commercial And Institutional Brand

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Commercial and institutional brand


The institutional brand is the form of the organization and identification in front of the other entities, “it is a type strategy of the institutional brand, the Matrix brand that provides greater credibility and visibility to other brands of the company, which providesThe efficiency in communication between consumers as internally for employees ”also the institutional brand means it is to possess the company’s name, therefore its own identity is displayed, to identify and distinguish the services that can be extended to manymarket areas, minimizing the risk of one brand to another.



The brand is the marketing strategy used by companies to diversify their products. “A brand is a term, sign, the purpose of identifying the goods and businesses of a seller;It is, in essence, the promise to provide a specific set of characteristics, benefits and services consistently ”. Therefore, a brand is the symbol that serve to identify, differentiate products and services, to the consumer;It is not built from one day to another, it is only achieved over the years, with a lot of work and effort to obtain success.

The construction of the brand of educational and training centers

In the era of digitalization and communication, where information fluctuates at vertigo speed, having an educational institution. Traditionally, the target or target audience usually approaches a company or organization when there is a brand that makes it recognizable, and that in turn shortens the distance between organization and user.

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Current education is breaking the barriers that limited access by students to certain institutions and studies. These changes, which have come to stay.

Universities have been the first to realize that creating a brand is key, since it is not enough to do a good educational job to capture the attention of students and academic talent, but we must know how to correctly convea term. It is not a new phenomenon, for decades, even centuries, the main universities have used branding to make themselves known and differentiate from the others showing ‘the soul’ of the

Branding, that is, the effective communication of ‘soul’ or ‘identity of an organization, usually is the most determining factor when it comes to making a consumer buy our product instead of another. The statement that the best ambassadors of an educational brand are students and relatives. 

In addition, if the organization is newly created (without students) and/or operates only through virtual channels, the omnichannel management acquires more relevance and will require a different strategy hardly summarizing in these few lines in these few lines. While it is difficult to provide basic premises applicable to any type of educational organization, we must take into account that the gestation of a brand through marketing or communication techniques is no longer just a matter of private institutions.

Brand promotion and image

The brand image is the feelings and emotions caused by the company in consumers, the reflected perceptions of a vital element of the brand value, as marketing processes have become more complex, consumers base their purchase decisions on their impressionsGlobal about the company and the establishment also the promotion is an element that has as specific objectives: inform, persuade and remember the public about the products that the company offers them, thus pretending, to influence their attitudes and behaviors,which includes a set of tools such as advertising and sales promotion,

The value of the brand

It refers to quality, satisfying needs or desires, having a price that customers are willing to pay the value of the brand increases the products and services of an attractive organization towards the consumer and achieve over time, communicate a promise ofQuality that comes to forge lasting loyalties between the brand and the buyer, therefore the organization must build activation strategies based on marketing actions, associating in search of carrying out and strengthening its brand, developing a vision that attracts consumers, with the objectiveto involve the value of the brand it offers.

Internal marketing: the challenge of being better

Every educational institution must manage human resources, with the reason to achieve a high level of competitiveness demonstrating commitment in relation to the task they perform. Educational productivity is the result of the teaching work, that is, the achievement of the objectives of a project proposed for the school year, this must be contemplated by the objective of internal marketing, which develops processes of continuous improvement for a quality that finally finallyThey benefit all members of the educational institution.

At the time of making use of the marketing tool for institutional image management, it is necessary to take into account the educational work. "Contributions for the management of the institutional image of educational centers". "Teaching will be of quality as effective and effective". Taking into account that the most convenient environment to achieve educational quality has to do with those centers that manage to generate knowledge, and to a lesser extent, those who are in a situation of learning to do or manage the improvement processes.


To achieve quality in the institution, it must contemplate internal elements of the organization, in search of an idea-guide for organizational development. "Contributions for the management of the institutional image of educational centers". "An educational institution can be found in one of the following stages of development: text organization, context organization, organization that learns or organization that generates knowledge". 

Determine the stadium in which the institution is the initial kick to promote lines of improvement and effective advances of the institution to meet the expectations of parents.

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