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Creativity In Stages Of Knowledge Processes

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Creativity in stages of knowledge processes


Knowledge has been a question that humans have seen the opportunity to give an explanation to what surrounds us and especially human existence;Through questions or by simple curiosity, it is hence the need for several ways to build new ideas with the sole purpose of reaching the answers. Therefore, it is essential, to understand that knowledge over time has been in constant evolution;This is because new methods always appear that allow depth and improvement to improve. These mechanisms are born from ingenuity and imagination instantly that you want to experience.

The following essay will contrast how to generate knowledge from two areas of study;because we will rely on exemplification, which, based on creativity as a fundamental part of its production. The two areas of knowledge on which this research on knowledge production will be based are mathematics and natural sciences since both are used the scientific method.

Mathematics is a tool that is used for the daily life of people who allow usBetter to acquired knowledge already acquired.

Natural sciences is the area of knowledge which allows us to use ingenuity and creativity, it was possible to know everything about nature, and it is based on the use of creativity, great discoveries have been achieved that have allowed improving the quality of life of thepeople. It is because it can be affirmed that creativity is indispensable in the production of knowledge.

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The main purpose of the subject is to argue how creativity should be a fundamental tool in knowledge production. So it is necessary to start with the following question;How knowledge occurs, through the use of creativity?, According to Max Planck’s article that “experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination ”, it is evident that currently human beings seek to acquire new knowledge being of vital importance in the survival of a society. (Tulio Cordero, August 16, 2019)

In addition, knowledge occurs through the experiences of each person, this could be very useful for those who say "prepare for a future", it is said that society transmits their knowledge from generation to generation. As the philosopher Plato affirms, knowledge is necessarily true.

Meanwhile, knowledge needs creative inspirations for its construction, as noted in its article Bono (1994), “creativity is not a quasiistic quality or skill;Nor is it a natural talent, temperament or luck, but one more skill that we can cultivate and develop ".

Corroborating the bonus statement, it could be contextualized that creativity is something that we develop throughout our lives, and that the more we cultivate this type of skill we will be more capable in the ways of seeking and assimilating knowledge in an experimental way, in thewhich has already been proven that people learn better when there is a direct interaction with the object of study.

From the point of view of teachers we hope that students will be able to generate their own innovative and creative ideas;And as Dr. Treffinger (1993) mentions in his article, he says that “we need all our students to be creative, why think that only some of them can enrich their level of creativity when current times require people capable of transforming thecurrent existing conditions ”.

Taking into consideration what Treffinger mentions it is necessary.

Knowledge must go through stages so we ask ourselves the following question;What stages of knowledge are related to creativity?, As teachers in our educational field we must apply the learning cycle with participatory approach, so it is necessary to apply strategies that allow students to develop their innate creativity. Therefore, it is logical to think that by apply.

It is clear that creativity will always be immersed in the educational field, but really in the classrooms new innovative strategies are being implemented to improve the quality of knowledge acquired by the student. At present, despite the fact that the existence of technological tools to innovate teaching and take it to the next level of academic excellence, we continue to use recreational materials from past times and with this I do not mean that the education of the past was bad, quite the opposite wasFunctional for the time, but unfortunately society and education is not said to grow by leaps and bounds thanks to education technologies.

To agree with this type of education would be to return to expired learning, so it is imminent that both teachers and students begin to develop the natural creativity that each person has, but how this necessary ability develops in the educational field.

According to Thomas Gordon’s article (2019), I highlight four phases through which all people pass when we are acquiring a new learning. In these phases we go from "not know" to "know". Namely;We go from being "incompetent" to being "competent" in something.

I totally agree with Thomas Gordon, because people also build their own knowledge; Like all in the first stage we are unconsciously incompetent, by the human being he does not know, that he does not know, that is to say that any activity can be done but we are not aware that we do not know, we are doing things unconsciously badly; After accepting that we do not know, we move forward to the next consciously incompetent stage, that is, we now know, we do not know where the activities are carried out that you are doing bad said activity until it is achieved without errors; It is here that we advance the consciously competent here the human being already knows that he knows that is to say he has a total domino of that new knowledge acquired; For later advance to the last stage that is the unconsciously competent where the human being no longer realizes that he dominates the new knowledge.

Continuing with the progress of this essay we must answer the following question;How do we know what the relationship between creativity and knowledge is?, According to the Maite Darceles (2007) article, which in his article mentions “Creating knowledge consists in reaching a new relationship between previous knowledge that opens new paths of solution or exploration. This ‘new relationship’ is the product of creativity, of imagination ”.

As you can contextualize what is expressed by Darceles that a fundamental part for the generation of knowledge must be innovated but based on creativity, because as knowledge becomes complex, it becomes very complicated to be treated for this, theimagination. And for the creation of new knowledge, it is necessary to use creativity and also include in this process the essential part of this creative attitude.

According to the article by Patricio Morcillo (2005), he mentions “if creativity is the ability to think beyond admitted ideas, combining in an original way knowledge already acquired, it is evident that it is related to divergent thinking and the right hemisphereBut this creativity is useful as long as intelligence comes into action and directs the behavior using the information captured, learned and elaborated ”.

It is evident that creativity is strongly related to innovation, which allows the generation of new ideas that meet the needs of society, and for this as mentioned by the Morcillo, our brain and particularly the left hemisphere, known as convergent thinkingwhich is in charge of all logical functions, language and abstract thinking.

In the construction of knowledge another question is born;Does the production of mathematical knowledge require creativity, to get to knowledge?, According to his article Manuel Reyes (2003), “The creativity and practice of pedagogy are two processes that should be intimately related, where the teacher’s action, as a pedagogy specialist, could be necessary and fundamental. However, creativity while offering the possibility of development to the educational field and the teacher, demands from this preparation. You must understand that teaching is not synonymous with transmit. If the teacher wants to educate for change and train for innovation, he must do it creatively."

Taking into account that mathematics their teaching is through the scientific method but this must be carried out where the creativity of the students can be palmar, allowing them to be able to develop interest in the subject, in addition that they can discover the mathematical principles and theorems byits own means;This would lead the student to feel curiosity and begin to have a critical thought of why things.

From the educator’s point of view, it is not enoughThe students.

Knowing the complex of mathematics and what it represents led to education that is why the teacher must be in a constant preparation of the new tools that allow to impart knowledge in a creative and innovative way. And undo that preconceived and rooted idea created by society that mathematics is boring and very difficult.

That is why the educator has the responsibility of creating in the educating the ability to stimulate creativity in them, or not simply focus on the solution of problems repetitively that interest is lost, if on the contrary we encourage themCuriosity understanding, application of knowledge and solving problems with critical thinking.

As Eric Mann (2006), a mathematician and doctor of educational psychology, already stated that the essence of mathematics is creativity. And as Ginsburg (1996) also states that the essence of mathematics is to think creatively, not simply reach the correct answer.

And to culminate with this essay we have the following question;Does the production of natural science knowledge require creativity, to get to knowledge?, Start with creativity as an essential process for improving innate skills of students. As we already know the area of natural sciences is based on a scientific training approach where content is related to learning both personal, cultural and social life.

The skills we can generate are critical thinking, experimentation, where knowledge is related to the abstract and concrete, creativity should always leave from imagination, through this the student can generate a creative thought that the result of the mental processof the imagination.

In DR article. Jorge Hernández (1997), expresses that, "there is a trend by several authors, to differentiate the teaching methods of learning methods, which allows to show, in a reliable way, what via students will follow during learning".

This author mentions that he must define the type of teaching or learning method that must be applied within classroom, in order to achieve better results in students. In addition, an innovative method to develop creativity in students are the problomic methods to which it is called the problem, in which the student through an experimentation process reaches the assimilation of knowledge.


  • Creativity is a tool that improves the learning of which subject in a direct way, because with the application of experimentation you get to look for new solution alternatives achieving the effective assimilation of what is studied.
  • As teachers we must apply a pedagogy, in which the development of creativity is encouraged to achieve creative thinking in students, but to achieve this purpose it is to link teaching with examples of everyday life.
  • Questions should be raised in students in order to develop their innate skills for creativity, in order.


  • Darceles Tife, M. (2007). Knowledge Management and Creativity. Business Administration School, (61), pp.97-102.
  • Treffinger, d., New Directions for Gifted Education, Center for Creative Learning, USA, 1993.
  • Morcillo, p. (2005). Knowledge and creativity. Madrid, (28).
  • Mann, e. (2006): «Creativity: The Essence of Mathematics». Journal for the education of the gifted, vol. 30 (3), pp. 336-360.
  • Ginsburg, h.P. (1996): «Toby’s Math», in Sternberg, R.J.;Ben-Zeev, t. (EDS.): The Nature of Mathematical Thinking. Mahwah, nj. Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 175-383.
  • Hernández Mujica, Jorge L.Problemic teaching and creativity: produce vs reproduce. Varona (Havana), no.24: 2-8, Jan.-jun.,1997

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