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Different Types Of Business Demonstrations To Develop The Country’S Economy

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Different types of business demonstrations to develop the country’s economy

The economic system in which it is based on the creation of wealth, for this it is vitally important to promote in society an entrepreneur . We usually identify that companies that can contribute more to the economic growth of the PAIS and innovation are large multinationals or public companies, but it is not so. There are other types of demonstrations where business initiatives can be reflected that contribute in a decisive way to the development of the country’s economy, how is the case of the family business.

According to the data provided by the studies of the Family Business Institute, 88, 8 % of Spanish business fabric constitute, as well as 57 % of GDP . In addition, they represent 66.7% of the country’s jobs. Considering these figures, we can affirm that companies of family origin involve the engine of the Spanish economy .

An example of a Spanish family business of entrepreneurial capacity and innovation is the company to which Yosoy vegetable drinks, vegetable liquats belong . This company Copa 19% in a sector that has lived great growth in recent years due to the growing awareness of the importance of health that has caused changes in consumer decisions .

Josep Maria Erra founded the company 1991, to try the business opportunity that was presented in the sector when seeing how the cases of lactose intolerant were increasing, becoming a pioneer in the production and distribution of the vegetable milk sector,nothing common at the time .

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Currently the company is directed by Laura Erra, daughter of the founder . From a news where statements of it appear we can appreciate the different characteristics that mark business initiatives in a family business like this .

Since its foundation, the Directive-Executive Organization chart has been composed of family members, a circumstance that facilitates decision-making, since the interests of the family are reflected in the company’s objectives . One of the first decisions they had to make was the location . In that sense, as explained by the founder’s daughter, “my father created the company, it was clear that to make a product like ours we had to go to a natural space where a fundamental part of it, the water, out of first quality”, And they ended up choosing Viladrau and the Montseny Natural Park how the best place to establish the factory.

Despite its initial difficulties, the company was clear about its objective and confidence in which they were doing. . Other factors that have led the Catalan company not to perish in its beginnings and become leader of the sector, underly.

The knowledge granted by family tradition and roots to its place of origin is one of the characteristics of this type of company . This experience facilitates the implementation of an efficient production system that allows them to reduce costs and be competitive in the sector . . “We transform the machinery that comes or develops our own to do the processes in a better and more efficient way."

This family context also favors the integration of external workers, creating bonds of fidelity and a sense of belonging that increases the motivation to meet the objectives .

All this allows them to work through principles and values that facilitate the identification of consumers and distributors with the product. The owners trusted their quality and that the "ear mouth" would give results .

In this way, they have managed to establish how leaders of the sector and that their products are sold in most supermarkets .

Another manifestations of business initiatives are franchises . One of the examples many examples that we can find is current . It belongs to the Eat Out group, which has other brands such as Ribs or Fres & Co.

Pans & Company (through EAT OUT) offers the possibility of opening and managing a franchise of their brand to those people who meet the requirements they establish. One of the last franchises that have opened is Lloret de Mar.

The person or people who acquire this franchise must pay an amount to the franchisor (the original company) to acquire the right to use their name and methodology. All group franchises work with the same philosophy and maintain a common corporate identity . In addition, the franchisor, is responsible for training in the matters that it considers appropriate and giving the necessary support to the franchisee, so that it manages in the best way the original idea

One of the incentives to be franchised is the security that the certainty that the success of the business is previously proved . For its part for the franchisor is a lower expansion cost that allows you to grow faster .

Having analyzed different examples of family business and franchise, we lack a more business demonstration: social enterprises, which are those in which entrepreneurs have how priority respond to a social problem, rather than maximize their benefits. Following one of an article at the forefront I have been able to behave a clear example of the social company . Its name is a mineral water company, whose social commitment is absolute since they allocate 100% of the benefits to bring drinking water to the most needy communities where the socio-economic and political system has not been able to solve the problem . 

For now, 50 social projects have developed in 15 different source countries . Its social involvement is also seen in its production process, in which all the materials they use are recycled, making the sale of mineral water a sustainable project with the environment and committed to society.   

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