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Discuss how both technology and lean principles of operating systems are currently benefiting the healthcare industry.

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Technological advancement in the health care sector
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The health care industry is experiencing a massive change regarding the technology applied when dealing with delivery of the services, how the physicians interact with the patients and the process of payment. With the advantage brought about by the digital technology in the health industry more and more health industries are taking the advantage of the technology to ensure that they provide effective modes of treatment. Additionally with the technology improvement there is the manufacturer of technology used that involve both diagnostic machinery and machinery used in treatment, for example, the magnetic resonance imaging machine (Buntin, 2011). Leans operating system that goes hand in hand with the new technological advance in the health care system is crucial to ensuring that there is the maximization of the customer’s service delivery and the minimization of the wastes. With the lean system being incorporate din the hospitals, it is ensured that the client gets efficient service for example with the lean operating system in place the patient’s records and history registered in the operating system where retrieval occurs very quickly. Secondly, such things as the physician report are electronically produced by the operating systems. As such these essay will look into the benefits of incorporating the new technological advances and lean operating systems in the health care industry.

Wait! Discuss how both technology and lean principles of operating systems are currently benefiting the healthcare industry. paper is just an example!

The improvement of the health care industry regarding the technological progress has facilitated a reduction in the total costs of operation. Technology has brought with it the manufacture of several vital equipment is to be used in the hospital setting some of this equipment are crucial in the diagnosis, treatment and the prediction of the outcome of certain medical procedures. With the equipment is in place the medical facilities can reduce the number of laborers that were initially carrying out the duties currently conducted with the new technology. With the reduction in the number of the workers, the hospital can reduce the cost of operation hence being able to save on the expenses. Additionally, the healthcare industry can deliver services to a large number of customers as compared to when the industry depended on the human labor.
Technology has helped to improve the efficiency of the services to the patients. The technological advance in the field of health has made it possible for the physicians to diagnose accurately the patients (Buntin, 2011). Machines are very accurate regarding providing useful results. Additionally, with the machines sources of errors are minimized as compared to when individual physicians conduct the same process when operated with qualified personnel hence giving a better results regarding the patient’s complications. With the use of the technology, there has been a considerable reduction in the number of deaths that were being recorded previously before the adoption of the technological advances. For example, the numerous methods are being employed in the areas of nuclear medicine where the methods allow the technicians and the physicians to examine the condition of the anatomy of the patient without the incorporation of invasive methods,
Technology has facilitated the improvement in the process of monitoring the patients both in the hospital settings and in the outside environment. Technology has provided a platform where patients can directly link with their doctors or physicians at the comfort of their homes. Additionally technology has also allowed doctors to monitor their patients by the equipment’s that have developed (Buntin, 2011). It is possible for physicians to follow the conditions of the patients with the help of the new technology where the doctors can predict the expected results of the time of recovery through the assistance of this equipment in the health sectors. The outcomes of the patient can be predicted following which there is a standardized system that is used by being automated. As such this equipment tracks down the patient’s response to the medical procedure and automatically detects when the patient deviates from the recommended care plans devised previously, hence the physicians can intervene as quickly as possible saving the life of the patients.
Technology in the healthcare system relatively affects the revenue enhancement in the economy. With the demand for the equipment’s in the industry of the health sectors, there has been a need for companies to manufacture the machinery, to transport, and additionally, to repair and maintenance of the equipment’s (Buntin, 2011). As such these innovations have brought with them, investments opportunities that bring with it sources of acquiring taxation to the country and relatively the increase in the levels of the revenue obtained annually and, in the long run, improving the company’s economy.
The innovation of the lean principles operating programs has been of greater benefit in the health sector. The programs are designed that they have the biological aspect in them, such that the physician and the nurses can utilize to provide efficient services to the patients. Additionally these leans operating systems come with manuals where those people who are new to it are bale to acquire the necessary skills to work efficiently with it for health related issues. There is a variety of benefits derived from the lean operating systems such as the reduction and the elimination of waste, improved quality of service delivery, reduction in the total costs of operation and increase in the speed and the response.
One of the major benefits of the lean operating systems is the reduction and elimination of wastes. Waste in this sector includes time, resources, not utilizing the information that we have as experts. As such with the lean operating system all this forms of wastes become less with time and to a greater extent they become eliminated. For example, there is the reduction of the wastes that are involved in using the papers and speed sheets that are necessary for full workload instead the operating system carries out the whole process making it easier and reducing the waste involved (Kim, 2006). With the lean running programs in place, the physicians who tend not to utilize their full potential in their area of expertise are unable to deliver poor services as the program guides them on what to do and that no step can be skipped before the completion of the previous step. With such programs, the incompetent physicians and technician are forced to work from one stage to another hence obtaining relevant information. The lean operating system has a way by which they regulate the amount of material there need and therefore there is no wastage of resources while using the program hence, minimizing and at certain times eliminate the waste altogether.
Secondly, with the technological advance the lean operating system have allowed the physicians increase the speed and the responses to the conditions of the patients. The lean system provides a vast amount of data that is easily manipulated so as to help diagnoses a particular disease (Kim et al., 2006). As such the physicians can intervene the patient to the patient condition hence preventing them from suffering from repercussion of delayed medical response. Moreover, with the lean program in the process the nurses can increase the output of their service delivery. For example, one nurse can be able to attend to some patients at one time. Instead of the nurse taking up the headcounts manually as the volume of the patients is subject to change an automated platform will allow the nurse to keep the flexible alter with the records to address all for of sizes of the patients.
The lean system does not experience complication as the humans such as fatigues and other human errors hence they improve the quality of the services and the diagnosis of the patient’s conditions. These programs guide the physicians to provide to the patients a consistent basis of the care activities (Kim 2006). The caring quality improves patients relatively improves as the machines, or the requirements have limited chances of experiencing any form of errors especially when operated with qualified personnel. For instance, the process of diagnosis using the guidance of the lean operating system is very accurate as these programs usually follow the particular method that does not have shortcuts. Additionally these automated systems have a with them an application that informs the personnel operating them in cases where errors exist in the process of the services delivery and at times offer the recommendations necessary.
Lastly, lean operating systems have brought about the reduction in the cost of operating the health care systems processes (Kim 2006). The personnel required to work with this system are fewer in number than the number of the labor that were to be used to replace the program hence reducing the labor costs. Additionally there are so many resources saved by these process of operating the health care industry with the automated lean operating system as compared to without their presence. These funds are used in other areas hence protecting the sectors from the expenses initially experienced.
In conclusion, the health care system has many benefits that are not only beneficial to the health care industry but the patients and the country as a whole. With technology very large numbers of patients are saved from their death beds. Health needs protection, and all the relative measures should be imposed to ensure that there is the maintenance of health status. Operating of this automated new technological equipment’s and programs requires specialized personnel’s as such the health sector should ensure that it employs people who are qualified to operate the machinery and in addition to that train those people who are likely to use this equipment in the process of providing services to their patients. Even though the number of benefits resulting from the embracement of the new technology is high, there are negative issues associated with the new technology. For instance, the labors tend to lose their source of employment as most of the work there were initially carrying out is replaced by the machinery. As such they are fear to the extent to which the adoption of this equipment is necessary. Since the health care deals with human life, it is, therefore, important for the government to provide strict measure governing the advance in technology ensuring it is of no harm to the patients and the citizens.
Buntin, M. B., Burke, M. F., Hoaglin, M. C., & Blumenthal, D. (2011). The benefits of health
information technology: a review of the recent literature shows predominantly positive Results. Health affairs, 30(3), 464-471.
Kim, C. S., Spahlinger, D. A., Kin, J. M., & Billi, J. E. (2006). Lean health care: What can hospitals learn? From a world‐class automaker?. Journal of Hospital Medicine, 1(3), 191-199.

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