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Trump’s America Critical Analysis
The business mogul has had several controversial statements in his campaigns across the country. The policies put forward in his manifesto has been argued by several scholars to be challenging to the country. The issues raised by Mr. Donald Trump has often been criticized across the globe. The pertinent problems that have raised concerns are the immigration policies and deportation of illegal immigrants. These issues have set debates and discussion in the media platforms in the recent times (Harris 432). The scholars across the country have often stated that these policies and the ideas put forward by Donald Trump if executed, they might bring disunity in a country that has been facing challenges of racism. The scholars argue that these are very critical issues that should not always be taken for granted. The international relations should always be put forward irrespective of the political reasons (Harris 67). The following are the in-depth critical analysis of his policies.
President- elect Donald Trump has had numerous issues with the immigration policies of the United States. He tends to prioritize in the wages, jobs and security for the Americans. According to his previous set manifesto, it is evident that he will establish new immigration guidelines and controls to secure employment opportunities for the Americans first. The American workers will tend to receive job offers in the society.

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It is clear that the strict immigration rules will benefits to the Americans according to his assertion. During his campaigns, Donald Trump actively argued that he intends to protect the legal immigrants. He further states that he will boost the economic prosperity of the people irrespective of their classes. His immigration policies further entail that the strict process of immigrant admissions will be based on their likelihood to be financially stable. The individuals who will fail to appear as capable of being self-sufficient will be denied the opportunity to join the United States. The likelihood of efficiency and success will be a great factor in determining individual’s admission. The policy objectives are exceedingly controversial in the country. Several scholars have greatly debated the issues on numerous occasions arguing that some are clearly unrealistic and quite expensive.
The push for the building of Great Wall along USA and Mexico border is a significant issue in the immigration debate. He categorically states that the border will aid in preventing numerous malpractices between the two countries. However, the recommendation he puts forward is entirely inappropriate according to a large number of persons in the society. Trump in several occasions during his campaigns stated clearly that the much-touted wall would be paid for by the Mexicans. He controversially stated that the Mexicans were criminals and rapists who are of less benefit to the United States. The statements were very irrelevant from the critical presidential candidate. The Mexicans are often dissatisfied with the remarks. It is quite unethical to regard people as a rapist in the society. It is further quite disturbing to be identified as rapist or criminal without evidence. The remarks have since broken the right relations between the US and Mexican nationals. The BBC analysts estimate that the total cost of the border wall could be approximately between $2.2bn and $13bn. The figure is significantly high considering the Mexico is not economically stable. It should be noted that Mexico exports and imports several commodities to the US. The argument by the president-elect if implemented will tend to cut trade links between the two countries. It is a great hindrance to the mutual- coexistence in the region. The reduction in the exchanges between the two nations will disadvantage both since it leads to falling in the dollar in the US. The economic might of the country will over time reduce adversely.
The San Bernadino, California terrorist attacks rattled Donald Trump to make sentiments that were quite horrifying and unbelievable. He argued that the Muslims should be banned from entering the United States. The statements were disturbing to the Muslims in the country and overseas (Giroux 376). The statements identified Donald Trump as most racial individual. The religious background should not always be used to alienate groups in the society. It should be understood that the practice of Islam doctrines is not the source of terrorism. The radicalization and resentment in the community are core sources of the terrorism. He was criticized because he directly linked the terrorist group to the entire Muslim community. The utterances were not met well with a large number of persons in the society. It should be understood that on numerous occasions the Muslims has been playing a crucial role in helping arrest terrorist suspects. The Muslims have been on the forefront of challenging the activities of the militant groups. The Muslims in US and other parts of the world have always distanced themselves from the doctrines propagated by the radicalized groups. Many Muslim nations have suffered greatly from the effects of the militant activities in their countries.
The president- elect has since gone back to the initial statements and stated that he meant the temporary suspension of the immigrants from the countries he portrays as harboring terrorist gangs. He further says the volatile regions in the world that are known for terrorism should not always be allowed to send individuals to the United States. He raised the issue as security concern to the people living in the country. However, the recent surveys indicate that the gun violence related deaths exceed the terrorist-related deaths. It is, therefore, evident Muslims should not be subjected to thorough scrutiny when the real dangerous gun violent gangs are just committing inhuman acts in the country. The individuals in the society should be served with equal treatment to boost the peaceful coexistence. It is therefore not for the president-elect to facilitate inhuman acts on the people in the society basing on their religious affiliations and race identities.
The decision to ban all Muslims from entering is critical since it has huge impacts on the country’s security and long-term issues. The ban if effected will have equally discouraging and positive results to the US. The policy will reduce cooperation between the United States and many Muslim nations. It will lead to breaking up of ties with the key Middle East countries. The reduction of relationships and challenges associated with the policies will significantly affect the trade relations. The Saudi Arabia and other Gulf nations have been crucial in enhancing peace in the region with cooperation with the US. The hampering of the relations will significantly affect the political and economic cooperation that has existed for several years in the society. The results will entail continued political instabilities in several Middle East countries such as Syria, Yemen, Iraq among others. It is, therefore, prudent therefore for Mr. Trump to consider several issues before instilling policies that have far-reaching consequences on the society.
The illegal immigrants in the United States in the US jails and other prisons across the country are estimated to be 25,000 homicide arrests. The arrests were made on numerous occasions on counts of violence and illegal practices. The total number of the criminal gangs and convicts in the United States is 2Million. The US Government Accountability Office statistical figures released in March provided detailed information on the illegal activities in the United States associated with illegal immigrants. The policies put forward by Donald Trump are aimed at curbing the immigration to the country at all costs. The policy objectives are as result of the reports statistics and the continued terrorist attacks in the country. These issues seem to have prompted Donald Trump to propose very strict measures on the immigrants. Many critical analysts have disregarded the proposed policies as irrelevant and quite expensive to be implemented. It should be understood that the immigration policies costs the taxpayers approximately $300 billion in one year. The increase in expenses in the implementation of these proposed policies will tend to affect the economy adversely. It is, therefore, uncertain to determine the appropriate time in which the initiative will be implemented.
President-elect Donald Trump has categorically advocated for the biometric entry- exit technique in which constant checking and screening will be conducted. The action will tend to reduce the cases of illegal immigrants to the United States. The people who will fail to secure the chances to meet requirements will be deported to their rightful countries. The initiative aims to reduce the steady migration to the United States. The policies have been viewed to target the Muslims and the blacks in the country and the outside US. For instance, during presidential campaigns, Mr. Trump mocked the Democratic politician Martin O’Malley for apologizing to the activists on the police brutality. Mr. Trump severally tweeted against the movements arguing that the activists were calling for trouble. He further highlighted that on numerous occasions the African Americans were killing the others in the country. He argued that Whites and black people were greatest casualties of the African American brutality. The sentiments are inconsequential to the real happenings in the society. The police have been frustrating the blacks in the society (Strauss 321). The majority of leaders have been on the forefront to call for unity and understanding in the society. However, the controversial tweets and his way of thinking concerning the situation are clearly very different and unexpected from the high ranking contestant. He has since failed to apologize on his uncouth sentiments concerning the operations of the movement.
Mr. Trump once stated that he would actively deport all illegal immigrants. The survey indicates that the USA has approximately 11.3 million undocumented immigrants that Donald Trump ought to deport. The idea has been criticized widely because it is quite impossible and expensive idea (Giroux 134). The BBC analysts have estimated the cost of deportation to $114bn. The amount is significantly too high in the country. The expense is great and quite challenging to undertake the initiative. He has since backtracked on the statements stating that he will only deport those that have criminal records. The international bodies and other activist groups do not agree with his sentiments because it is the gross violation of the important fundamental human rights. The deportation of individuals against their will is significantly unacceptable. The measures, therefore, ought to be minimized to allow the regular travels across the countries to be periodic and free. The free movements with rigorous security checks are relevant to cut down suspicions on a group of people.
Moreover, Donald Trump argues that any undocumented immigrants risk being deported in the wake of strict measures to improve the country’s security. However, the idea to deport individuals is very insignificant because of several issues. The illegal immigrants have sought refuge over the years because of calamities and dangers in their countries. It will be very inhuman for Trump to deport Haitians who face constant flooding in their countries (Giroux 14). The deportation of Syrians, Iraqis, and other Muslim nationals is a great threat to their livelihoods. Their countries have over times been ravaged by wars, militants, and political instabilities. The intention to seek asylum in the US is recognized internationally. The immigrants provide immense labor to the industries in the United States. The job tends to improve the economy of the country (Ortega 18). The US economy has been significantly improving over the years because of the increase in labor from the developing countries. The strict measures will reduce competitiveness in the world market. China has been producing and exporting significant amounts of products to the US and the rest of the world because of its capability to utilize the considerable presence of workforce and efficient adoption of technology. The motive to deport immigrants will worsen the already less workforce in the US.
Works Cited
Franke-Ruta, Garance. “Class Now Trumps Race as the Great Divide in America.” The Atlantic (2012).
Giroux, Henry. “political frauds, Donald Trump, and the ghost of totalitarianism.” Knowledge Cultures 4.5 (2016): 95-108.
Harris, Peter. “George W. Bush’s national security legacy is the ultimate sacred cow—that’s why Donald Trump is going after it.” USApp–American Politics and Policy Blog (2016).
Ortega, Alexander N. “When Politics Trumps Health: Undocumented Latino Immigrants and US Health Care.” MEDICC review 17.4 (2015): 59-59.
Strauss, J. “Latin America and Asia: Globalization trumps Power Politics.” Hemisphere, 21 (Spring) (2012): 6-8.

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