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Doona Vida, Dona Blood

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Doona Vida, Dona Blood

Be a superhero, donate life

"So much health prevails over all external goods that probably a healthy beggar is happier than a sick king" (Schopenhauer). How true is to consider health as the most precious good of the human being? The concept of health has been changing over time, currently according to the World Health Organization is a “state of complete physical, psychic and social well -being, not only the absence of conditions or diseases”. According to this definition, enjoying health allows you to lead a full life since it provides possibilities for people’s productive development, however to live fully goes beyond superficial enjoyment, it is to guide life towards transcendence.

It is unable to say that without health there is no life and that there is no sense in life if everything ends in death. There are many ways to leave our mark, but there is only one way to transcend in every way and it is donating an organ, donating life. Unfortunately there is a lot. Therefore it is important to inform the population and dissipate doubts and taboos about this practice.

Organ donation is an altruistic and supportive act, but above all volunteer that allows you to save lives. Donar creates and strengthens a loop between 2 people, provides a second chance to someone who is suffering, transforms discouragement into hope, represents a miracle for those who is in the endless wait, all thanks to a "friendly organ".

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For the aforementioned the subsequent paragraphs will present various issues that support the thesis.

If we conceptualize what organ donation is, it is a medical procedure in which organs and healthy tissues of a person who has recently died or a living donor are extracted in order to transplant them to another person who needs it to have a dignified life.

The first organ donation in the world was thanks to Ronald Herrick who decided to donate to his twin one of his kidneys, which allowed his brother to live for 8 more years. In Peru, the first organ donation was carried out on August 11, 1969, which was held at the Naval Medical Center "Senior Surgeon Santiago Távara", under the conduction of Corvette Captain Raúl Romero Torres.

The case was from the patient Francisca Beicho Mendoza who needed a kidney transplant urgently and the donor of the organ that was required was her sister María Concepción Beicho. Until then, surgical operations of such magnitude had not been carried out throughout the country, however it was successful.

Worldwide the country where more organ donations are made is in Spain, in 2018 the 2 was obtained.243 donations that allowed 5.314 transplants. All this was achieved thanks to the inhabitants of the country and the good organization of all the actors involved, which is why they have managed to stay for 27 years in the first place in the world classification of organ donor. In Peru, according to the RENIEC, the organ donation figure is stagnant, since since 2012 only 13% of Peruvians of legal age agree to donate their organs, which means that only 3.2 million Peruvians have an affirmative response to the donation. On the other hand, one of the reasons why there are not many deceased donors is because although a person agreesThe donation is carried out.

At first glance, organ donation is only a medical issue, however, from a deeper look, it is a matter of moral character that involves the whole society. Donar is not an idea that goes through our mind while everything goes well with our health or that of our loved ones. It is at this point that empathy is reflected with others, since as long as it is not necessary in our environment, the reality that the life of many other people depends on a donation seems to us an alien issue. While donation is a physically individual decision, it expresses a personal will that affects a possible receiver and its relatives. In spite of this, the final decision always falls to relatives and this makes it a social act, a collective decision that benefits society.

Currently countries with the highest donation index are high -income countries where he lives 16% of humanity where 42% of the 117.4 million units are extracted from.On the other hand in countries with lower income 52% .

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2016 around 53 was carried out.000 transplants in America, this means that the rate per million people increased 6.8% compared to the previous year. But this number does not meet the needs, since the number of people who urgently need any transplant is greater than the number of registered donors.

It is for this reason that all Peruvians must think about how beneficial our organs and tissues is to donate, in this way we can improve the quality of life of many people who need our support.

There is a lot of ignorance as to what organs can be donated and how many lives can be saved by being a donor. A living person if he can donate as long as he does not make it difficult to continue his life with total normality. We could donate the organs that have their peers such as the lung and the kidney, although also donate a part of the liver, since it is a regenerable organ. In addition to donating organs, tissues such as bone marrow, peripheral blood, the blood of the umbilical cord, the amniotic membrane, the parathyroid, the cellular crops and many other tissues can be donated.As for the person who is not alive, he can donate all the organs and tissues mentioned above and many more. Another of many people’s concerns is whether donating has any cost, according to the Ministry of Health (Minsa) this solidarity act has no cost. In the case of Minsa hospitals, transplants are covered by the Integral Health Insurance (SIS). In the Essalud premises, for every insured, they have no cost for both the donor and the receiver. These transplants can be carried out, in the case of Minsa, in the Cayetano Heredia hospital, Archbishop Loayza, National Institute of Children’s Health;as, in the case of the Armed Forces, at the Naval Medical Center;And in Essalud, in the hospitals Rebagliati, Almenara and Sabogal.

Thanks to many donations, more than 50 kidney transplants have been made at the Cayetano Heredia hospital, more than 70 bone marrow transplants and 5 kidney transplants made at the National Children’s Health Institute in San Borja, and 13 alogenic transplants not relatedBone marrow, thanks to an agreement between the SIS and the University of Miami.

To conclude it can be inferred that to increase the number of organ donations in Peru, a donation culture must be adopted, this must be motivated from schooling, since those people who are more informed and have had access to various mediawho have resolved their doubts regarding the issue, are more sensitized and have greater acceptance towards this practice. Implement talks in educational institutions of all levels by an authorized personnel, will expand the panorama about this social problem. In this way, the shortage of organ donations can be counteracted and a change in the perception and attitude of the population will be achieved. 

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