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Educational Analysis Of University And Non -University Higher Education

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Educational analysis of university and non -university higher education


The reflective analysis of education is contextualized in the management of world human talent in the new orders of needs to the technological changes of the globalized world, motivates to raise education in the contribution to the demands and socio -economic needs in the environment in the environmentsocio-productive.

University Higher Education 

University education in Peru over time has developed in a uncontrolled way where amounts of universities arose and offered different university careers according to the scope of the population’s economy, in this way the educational quality was not in accordance with theLabor market need. In other words, most universities are focused on theoretical education and not on scientific research in knowledge creation.

If we make comparison of educational quality, Brazil and Chile lead in the best universities in Latin America and only a Latin American university is considered in the best universities in the world, Autonomous University of Mexico.

At present they have a fundamental task to achieve an adequate articulation in the educational system thus raising the academic level which contributes to the development of the population and the country. Every university is governed with autonomous control, that is, there is the power to govern themselves, respecting the university law implemented by the State.

It is important to analyze and understand the need for university education in Peru, in that way society and the State will assume the responsibility that corresponds and that will allow the university to fulfill its fundamental role for what was created.

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In recent years, universities have managed to deal with the growing of the population’s demand, but the supply not substantially increased despite the demand, in 2015 58 universities were created at the national level, there are 142 universities in that year in that year, 72% represented private universities.

There was an uncontrolled growth of private universities which means a poor educational offer where educational quality was not important, it was governed by the student’s payment ability to be focused on more money can obtain the right -handed students focused more on business than business than business than business than business than business thanin educational quality for the sustainable development of the country.

On the other hand, the public offer did not suffer considerable increase only 16 public universities were created after 35 to 51 private universities, 75% were in provinces.

University education in Peru has undergone change after the approval of the University Law N.º 30220, and the creation of the SUnedU to guarantee educational quality and provide licensing to all universities, in which the Peruvian State created an institution that guarantees the quality of university education, that way the SUENEDU is the validation processOf the conditions of the educational quality of the universities of the country both public and private, to date, according to the official website of Suneu, the license has been granted to 74 universities around Peru of a total of 141 university centers thatThey requested institutional licensing.

According to the information provided by the SUENEDU 26 universities, university degree was not granted, which has a period of two years to cease its activities. Many families have entrusted their minor children’s studies in these houses of studies denied their licensing where for educational quality the cost of study was lower, there is great disappointment for the student population because they cannot solve the expenses of study in those universities licensed.

It is clear to understand that many students will seek universities of high educational and prestige quality for this, it must be determined the regulations and parameters to meet the growing demand and it is necessary that the SUENEDU guarantee the right to higher education appears the entire student population that isThe licensing of their universities and the new students who have finished high school was denied.

Non -University Higher Education

Globalization has marked an economic and social phenomenon that is characterized by the great technological change in communications, rapid scientific and technological development, and a competitive product and services market. What allows to develop the society in knowledge where human talent management can be appreciated or soughtlabor.

According to Art. 2 of Law 29394 published on July 31, 2009, non -university higher education is constituted by pedagogical education institutes and schools, technological education institutes and schools, the higher institutes and schools of artistic training, schools in schools, schools inTechnical – Professional Training of Defense and Interior sectors, schools and other non -university higher education centers that have the power to grant professional degree in the name of the Nation.

Non -University Higher Education responds to the requirement of work in the labor market in a globalized world to the need for diversification with economic – social development, it is generally important in workshops, laboratories and are smaller than universities and has less demand forYour income.

The changes in science and technology have entered the work world in the 1980s, giving new forms of control and execution of work and in production and service forming a considerable branch of employment and occupations where the professional graduates of universities fail to satisfythe need for the market and therefore do not cover the occupations of technical professionals. In this way, the manufacturing and service industry has the need for technical professionals and thus technological institutions that provide specialized training arise.

Over the years, professional technical activity has had growth due to the offer of industry and the need for the market, today there are non -university institutions with equal or better educational quality to university education. FORM PROFESSIONALS ABLE TO ORGANIZE, EXECUTE PROCESSES OR ACTIVITIES IN PRODUCTIVE OR SERVICES.


  1. University and non -university education there is a relationship of mutual growth that leads to economic and social development, the mutual need of both studies evidences the existence of the level of work activity.
  2. University education in Peru meets a fundamental challenge by having licensed universities and higher education can be obtained.
  3. Non -university education has greater job growth that allows vessel in industries and services consolidating greater economically active population (PEA).


  1. In relation to university education, not only should he focus on teaching all methodologies to perform in a work environment, he must also focus on teaching being an entrepreneur to create companies.
  2. The Peruvian State must focus on improving and implementing non -university education so as not to import technical professionals from other countries.
  3. Establish goals and objectives to achieve qualifications in order to promote learning that improves employability in this way will have greater access to the market labor stock market.


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