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Educational Psychology

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Educational Psychology
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Educational Psychology
Feedback by students and response by teachers are vital psychological aspects in the education of a child. It is crucial for teachers to ensure they fully understand their learners’ feedback and identify the most effective response. It is, to this end, that this paper analyzes two articles about feedback from students and possible responses by teachers.
Fyfe and Rittle-Johnson’s research’s primary objective was identifying how feedback helps and hinders learning. Feedback in education is an integral component to help ensure that a teacher understands his or he roles entirely (Fyfe & Rittle-Johnson, 2015). Fyfe and Rittle-Johnson further contend that feedback can also have adverse effects on children depending on the children depending on the strategy used to train them. Two sets of participants were subjected to induced knowledge strategy and “immediate, feedback verification.” The second experiment involved. The investigation drew its conclusion from two tests with participants from elementary school going children. The study concludes that feedback is an essential element that may enhance or hinder learning.
Lee and Reeve (2012) on the other hand concluded that one essential skill to teachers is conversance of how to respond and monitor students constructively for motivational signals. The study involving students from high-school hypothesized that “teachers would better estimate their students’ engagement than they would estimate their students’ motivation” (Lee & Reeve, 2012).

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The study relied on questionnaires issued to randomly selected students. After conducting multi-level analysis including controlling some aspects that could have the potential to confound statistics on the achievement of students, the engagement of teachers’ estimations resembled that of the self-reports of their students’. The motivational estimates or projections did not correspond to that of the students.
It would have been great to participate in both studies since they involve improving teacher’s capacity to handle students. Moreover, the studies students would make the teachers more aware of how to handle them which could lead to an increase in grades.
If I were to research the topics, I would involve a child health psychologist as the respondents. I would rely on interviewing professional information and previous studies as the main sources of information. I would, also, conduct interviews with different psychologists to ascertain my findings since having minors as respondents can be hectic. Secondary data would be sufficient to unveil the objectives.
Fyfe, E. R., & Rittle-Johnson, B. (2015). Feedback Both Helps and Hinders Learning: The Causal Role of Prior Knowledge. Journal of Educational Psychology, 1-16. doi:10.1037/edu0000053
Lee, W., & Reeve, J. (2012). Teachers’ estimates of their students’ motivation and engagement: being in synch with students. Educational Psychology, 32(6), 727–747.

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