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My graduation from Case Western University with MBA in Organization change has what I considered my greatest accomplishment ever. Apart from the academic excellence I had gained, this is also where I met my husband of 11 years.We could later go on and start a family that at present, consists of 3 children.They have been an amazing company that pushes me to pursue my dreams and passions in life.
For as long as my memory can take me back, I have always dreamed of a senior career in business management. I have, over the years had an outstanding desire to oversee Organizational development and particularly Organizational change. Whereas others just view it as an instant thing and the hardest task to handle, I have personally taken it in as an adventure, a joy and a critical process with long-term consequences on any business organization. When and how it’s done requires an elaborate master plan and a series of evaluations to ensure that when it’s finally implemented, everybody attached to the organization is on par with the changes. We are all part of an organization in various ways and any change, therefore, has an effect on us.
After graduation, I would go on to work with Six Sigma Black Belt and Change Agent. This is where I came to realize the need to take my studies a notch higher. With the knowledge I had gained so far from University, I was able to oversee a merger of one of the largest banks in the U.

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S. This would prove a catalyst in my desire to pursue a Ph.D. in Organizational change management. From this senior position level, I feel in a better position to impact on the company and our associates. Organizational change is inevitable for any firm.
As part of my responsibilities, I handle Strategic and Operational planning. Planning forms the basis of any business as it dictates how you intend to run your work from the onset.Proper planning must take into account all the available resources (including the employees) and roll out a work plan for them. Strategic planning makes sure that the organization is heading to the right direction in terms of the projected profit margins. This is where Organizational change comes in. As a key decision-maker in planning, I need to be ready to implement changes that align to the vision and mission of the company. For instance, if the profits are not coming as expected, there’s an obvious need to re-evaluate the plans and effect change to rectify the situation. This change can either be minimal or huge but regardless, proper skills in change management are a must-have for me at this level.
Business process change is another core part of my duties. I have always maintained throughout my stint at AEPM and the various projects I have overseen that organizational change is just a mere statement unless; a proper extensive process is put in place. This process must take into consideration all the core departments and individuals inside and outside the firm to be affected by the coming change. Business cannot be changed overnight it takes time, clear guidelines and above all proper syncretization of all parties involved.Through the theses available in Ph.D. studies in Organizational change management, am certain that such challenges will pose no threat to my career. This indeed is a vital component of any person in my position.
Employees(including the senior management) are the most affected group in any Organizational change process.They are the ones to see and feel the effect first before it rolls out to other key stakeholders of the firm including the customers.They need to be kept aware well in time of the impending changes. In most cases, depending on the intensity of the change, it’s important that enough time is given to everyone around to understand and acquaint themselves with the changes. As the manager of such program, it is vital to study and understand how best to implement the exercise. Organizational change management experts argue that not all employees will embrace the change immediately-some will need more time to evaluate it and decide whether it befits their personal ambitions and career objectives. These are some of the core units in an Organizational change management course at the Ph.D. level.
As a relationship manager, I have always stressed on the need to have the required skills to harmonize the various stakeholders of the company so as to create a mutual understanding from which we can build a strong market base. When the change occurs, let it be for the benefit of all. You should, therefore, be ahead of the park and be able to show them why it’s crucial to undertake change and at the same time maintaining the relationship under which business will thrive. Such is the importance of knowledge in organizational management that one can be able to solve complex problems through a balanced approach of people, the changes and the technology at disposal.
Organizational change management treats enterprise information (data) as a process that starts with informing the customers the new ways on data usage while maximizing the projected returns to the investment. Change should not, at any time of implementation hinder the flow of returns into the firm. As an undergraduate, I had a rare privilege of working with the best Professors of the faculty at Case Western University on the various ways of maintaining and/or increasing profit margins while implementing organizational change. Looking at the new niches created, you can easily capitalize on that period to boost your financial performance in the market. Change should not be a slow-down to your long-term financial expectations. This is better elaborated at a Ph.D. level where a further study reveals that companies which implement and manage organizational change properly, usually perform better in the subsequent financial years.
Extensive research conducted at a higher level than where I finished, tries to establish the internal processes that take place in an employee’s mind before subscribing to the change you want to introduce. This is my potential area of interest. In this part, the reaction of very affected persons is considered a behavioral science that differs from an individual to another depending on the time and the manner in which the change is to be implemented. Everyone in the Organization has his/her ambitions that when merged with those of the organization, make it possible for the two parties to continue working together. Therefore, it is automatic that before these internal processes take place, change management is not complete as they bear an impact on the final outcome of the whole exercise.
Throughout my interactions with various well-known companies in the world including Taylor Real Estate Group, Meridian Technologies and PNC financial services group, I have drawn great applause for my outstanding contribution. All these could not have been possible without proper qualification. Going forward, it’s essential to continue learning and discovering more through research so as to be able to take my career to the next step.

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