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Euthanasia: Suffer Or Die Dignity

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Euthanasia: suffer or die dignity

A few days ago, I heard in the relevant noticas that occur in the media a word in singular "euthanasia", which lashed out at the listeners seeking to be taken into account. The reporter mentioned with great circumspection: "Woman with degenerative disease struggle for decent death in our country". It was a 42 -year -old psychologist who was diagnosed with polyomyelitis at 12, bad that has paralyzed his muscles and did not allow him to continue with a life routine that every human being deserves. Perhaps many think that providing death to someone is something unworthy and is attentive against nature, but the situation changes when the patient in the terminal state is disturbed and devastated with the condition that afflicts him, in some cases, living isworse than dying, since the afflictions caused by a disease make life a Averno, where death may seem like a humanitarian act. Given this situation, several ideas occurred to me, which made me refer to the belief of people about death as deepRight to the protection of life and go against destiny. But because it is an act of humanity, it must be legalized in Peru. Next, the definition of euthanasia and its history is detailed through time, the bills for approval in the country, as well as the western and oriental beliefs about death, will also be treated about the medical perspectives on thissubject and your possible contribution in life.

Dignified death constitutes a right that every person must have, above all, if he is in a terminal state where there is no recovery option.

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A lot of people who are prostrated choose to end their lives so that they do not continue to support the ailments. Or in the case of plant patients, their relatives, seeing them suffer want to be the approval of death without pain;But this is not feasible because the laws in our country go against this principle. The legalization of euthanasia in Peru is a very controversial issue since most people indicate their acceptance in case they are in a state of gravity. This leads to that euthanasia is voluntary intervention, which accelerates the death of a patient with the intention of avoiding suffering and pain of the individual. It is directed for people with a very deteriorated state of health, that is, they have no autonomy of themselves and are available to others, in this case their close relatives.

From ancient times, throughout history, eutagy practices and suicide for humanitarian reasons were carried out exempt and were quite frequent in primitive peoples. In the European continents, there were numerous defenders and some detractors of euthanasia, as testified by ancient facts and writings. Death was a very feared and ritualized event that occurred in different ways. When died naturally, it was believed that the soul left the body and returned to its place of origin, this occurred in most archaic cultures. But when a person was a severe condition and did not support the supplications, he was given a decent death, making a ritual so that his soul is released and remained at peace, it was a ritual of good death, that is, death aslast process of health and life of man.

On March 4, 2015, the parliamentarians of dignity and democracy together with the Congressman not grouped Sergio Tejada presented a bill that is in favor in the authorized practice of euthanasia, project 4215 – 2014 (1) (1). Which proposes to repeal article 112 of the Criminal Code, which sanctions with prison sentences up to three years the crime of pious homicide. It also institutes passive euthanasia, which consists in giving the terminal patient the right to deny or suspend any medical procedure that counteracted their incurable disease. According to a survey prepared by Ipsos;He points out that 52% Peruvians are in favor of euthanasia, while 40% disapproves. But, the difference is when asked if they are in favor of euthanasia for terminal patients in a plant state, where 63% are favor and 32% against.

As the writer Mario Vargas Llosa points out “the horror of death is deeply anchored in Western culture, mainly due to the Christian idea of transcendence and eternal punishment that threatens the sinner. Unlike what happens in certain Asian cultures, where death appears as a continuation of life, as a reincarnation in which being changes and is renewed but never ceases to exist, death, in the West, means lossAbsolute of life -the only verifiable and living life through the self-and its replacethe transcendence. Therefore, the decision to end life is the most serious and tremendous that a human being can take ”(2). As mentioned by the renowned writer, in our country, there are certain beliefs that enclose the Peruvian in his idiosyncrasy of perception regarding death. In the case of more developed countries, where the writer refers to the Orientals, they have a different thought about death, so in many, the right to euthanasia for people with terminal and plant diseases was validated.

Euthanasia is, according to many, the violation of the right to protection of life and going against destiny. The beliefs of most South American countries, test the existence of certain customs and beliefs close to death, so performing euthanasia is going against their principles. However, there are many cases where the belief of people generates the suffering of others, this is the case in which the convalescent family chooses to leave it prostrated until the day of his death;which leads to validate the idea to choose euthanasia. This is also known as assisted or painless death, because it facilitates relief for both the person who has a terminal disease and supports many afflictions, and for a patient who is in a vegetative state, since suffering is too much andcannot use itself. A certain part of Peruvian society, according to their beliefs, considers euthanasia as an inhuman decision, because full freedom is allowed to exercise the life of the sick, since it must be taken and removed by God. That is why the relatives of the patients fall into a feeling of guilt, producing a negative thought, believing that, if death is accepted without pain, it will interfere in the will of the supreme being and therefore in the destiny of their relative.

It is believed that medicine and all its advances should prolong health and life, not cut a life expectancy. The new knowledge and techniques acquired go hand interminal status, euthanasia should be preferred. Which helps to culminate with the suffering of the patient, since when he dies he goes to a state of peace and tranquility;What I didn’t have in life. That is why the approval of death without pain (euthanasia) must be done, since suffering from patients affects their relatives in a certain way.

It is considered reasonable for the doctor to help in euthanasia as a way of dying with dignity. For the evicted patient, the condition can go beyond pain as the effect of the conditions in which it is found, which make life unbearable;As an example of this we have, the gradual loss of movement and activity, the patient loses freedom and depends on others, various physical discomforts occur, the inability to eat or speak, the fear of death, weakness, the loss of dignitystaff, dementia, among other sufferings that afflict the person. So life loses all quality and meaning, so that death is preferable.

According to the medical point of view, euthanasia goes against ethical principles, because an oath was made that is still currently in force, the Hippocratic oath, where the doctor makes the promise of saving lives, but not to remove them, so supporting euthanasia would be to violate the rules and laws that govern medicine. But keeping a prostrate person, where his life depends on an artificial environment, is not human and many doctors agree on it, that is why ancient beliefs should be supplied since in most cases they are misguided andThey do not contribute to the development of life.

"By not legalizing euthanasia, the patient will be in a situation without perspective, where his only option is to endure supplications". Therefore, the approval of pain without pain will help to take the definitive step to those who, for various reasons, see in death a form of release, at the same time evaluating all the necessary precautions to ensure that it is making a genuine decision,being in perfect condition, with the respective knowledge about what will happen.

Thus, the death releases the patient from his regret and generates relief, both in his family, so euthanasia should be approved in Peru since many people scream to be able to relieve that intense pain that does not allow the patientexercise your routine life;That is, he takes away every opportunity that makes him not want to exist. “Death is not the greatest of evils;The worst is to want to die and not be able to do it ”.

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