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Excessive Use Of Social Networks At The Miguel Grau School

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Excessive use of social networks at the Miguel Grau school


We can currently affirm that our reality is different from that before, since over time technology has been progressing and innovating rapidly, generating many opportunities for society. While it is true, social networks are important and indispensable for adolescents, young people, etc. Since it allows them to communicate, relate, establish distant friends with people from the outside world and be informed of what happens in our reality .Through this article, it details about the results that were achieved from the survey that was conducted at the Miguel Grau Public College to students, in order to obtain necessary information to help contribute to academic progress and the best performance inStudents, according to the results obtained, there were 60% of students who constantly spend most of the day connected to their networks since this generates low classroom performance due to the little attention they pay to the topics discussed .However, the inappropriate use of social networks can harm both personally, academic and socially, since this would lead to psychological damage and addition in most adolescents. In definitive social networks must be used responsibly, giving good use to the various benefits it provides to avoid certain risks.


With regard to the great technological advances, it should be noted that as a result of this social networks emerge, this being one of the most visited on the Internet, which serves as a means of linking, between users or organizations, which are established fromof common interests.

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Taking into account that, through them, communication can be established efficiently, in real time, without obstacles and regardless of the environment where they are located.

Its origin is based in the 1990s, with the existence of the Internet for immediate use, generating the appearance and presentation of the social network to the virtual world. In 1997 Sixdegees was, being considered a more frequented social network, because it allowed users to have a profile and add other participants in a format similar to the one we know today today. The pioneer site came to have 3.5 million members, he finally closed in 2001, but he was no longer the only.

Social networks allow establishing relationships regardless2014). It has been possible to verify that the controlled use of social networks has allowed notable improvements in patients who have suffered cerebral traumas. It was observed that the patients who used the networks

Social developed strategies that compensate for neurological deficiencies and had better adaptation to real life, compared to patients who were rehabilitated with traditional techniques (Bennett & O’Donohue, 2014, cited in Arab & Diaz, 2015).

Some users use social networks for educational, business purposes, consulting, business, institutions, foundations, among many more. However, a large percentage is used simply as entertainment, therefore, publications made are different.

In general, social networks are all the same;However, the same social network can be more than one type. The most common classification names the following: social entertainment network, where the main objective is to consume content;Professional social network, whose objective is to create professional relationships with other users;Niche social network, are those aimed at professionals or people who have a specific interest in common.

It is the university students who spend much of their time connected to social networks, within the most common we mention: Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Webchat, among others. Various views have been raised on the influence that the various applications in the behavior of young people exert, in many cases in their academic performance (Aruguete, 2001).

According to the above, the following question arises:

Are the excessive use of social networks, are destroying our young people or are immersing them in a globalized world?

Through this article we want to know the degree of influence of social networks in the behavior of our young Cañetanos, especially in the student stage where the personality of them continues to form.


The Miguel Grau Public Educational Center (MG) Quilmaná-Cañete, is one of the high school public institutions with the largest number of students throughout the district, which has an organizational structure with 557 members.

The present study is basic descriptive, since the variables of adolescents, addiction and social networks were described, taking into account that the results obtained through the survey conducted were worked.

Likewise, the educational center approximately has 515 students, for the completion of this survey, we worked with a test of 30 students which the objective of the analysis was the excessive use of social networks in the adolescents of the school (MG), the typedemonstration is non -probabilistic, on the occasion that no formulas were used.

Similarly, for data collection, the survey tool was applied through a question questionnaire, in order to demonstrate how it affects the low performance of school students (MG). However, the results obtained will be shown in the graphics.


After the survey conducted to the students of the Miguel Grau school, where three exponents were established: addiction to social networks, low student performance and guidance of the good use of social networks and the consequences.

Social networks addiction

Regarding question N ° 4, are you considered addicted to social networks?, 10% of the students surveyed were obtained, since most of them have an active social network. While question No. 3 do you use social networks in class hours?, which the figures thrown were 23%, because students usually pay more attention to the publications made in the networks, leaving aside to address the topics discussed in class hours. In conclusion, it tells us that the students of the College (MG) most are considered addicted to social networks due to the constant use they give, they also pay more attention to unnecessary information provided by social networks that largely do not help contribute to contributingWith the improvement of students’ knowledge.

Low student performance

Regarding question No. 5, do you think that the constant use of social networks can affect student performance?, It can be noted that 57% of the students accepted that the constant use of the networks, if it affects student performance, and also that it is a distracting component in class hours. While in question No. 10, do you think that the use of social networks is more important than the content of a course?, It shows us that 27% of the students responded that no, since for them it is important to attend the courses they teach daily at school. In conclusion, they tell us that the students of the College (MG) making use of networks in class hours can harm at the student level in the students, causing low notes.

Orientations of good use and consequences

Regarding question No. 8 by your I.AND.P has received some orientations about the good use of social networks and their consequences?, It can be shown that 26% of students who have received guidelines about how to give good use to social networks, in addition to the consequences that must be prevented to avoid certain risks, in short, for the educational center it is fundamentalthat their students receive necessary and required information to guarantee an improvement in education, according to question No. 7 have you been a victim of cyber bullying or cyberbullying by colleagues from the educational center of the educational center?, It reflects that 10% of students who have suffered bullying from their classmates due to personal, school and family issues;However, this can be avoided with more attention from teachers towards students, avoiding more cases that may occur, in view of this response it is concluded that the educational center have received due orientations also has been the interest on the part of the educational centerWith your students, also bullying and cyberbullying can be avoided by taking corrective measures.


(Aruguete, 2001), affirms that social networks influence the academic performance of students, since the addiction they develop, make them neglect their studies or subjects. In that same way, the young people of the I.AND. MG of Cañete recognizes that social networks is an addiction, and being more attentive in their states, walls, etc. Of each social network, they tend to neglect their academic development, thus presenting low notes. Drastic rules for the prohibition of cell phones within the classroom are required during class hours. Today only a small sign is put on the finals is dead letter.


Within the exposed analysis we have reached the following conclusions

Social networks have greatly influenced the passage of time as it generates many opportunities and development for humanity, in addition to creating potential communities where they can interact common activities;But this influences adolescents because they are usually more related to the world of social networks and the applications that they provide, Sim However, using social networks in class hours could generate disadvantages, which would not help contribute to contributingThe improvement of students in the educational process, since it is a distracting factor which would prevent students from achieving the objective of learning and improving their knowledge. This however leads to generating dependence and addiction by adolescents, since they look at social networks as an escape to their problems without knowing the great risks they would face.

In the same way, to combat these potential risks, it is essentialAddiction by adolescents.

Bibliographic references

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  • Arons, d. Barzola, l. (2018). Addiction to social networks and academic performance in psychology students of the University "Peruvian Alas". (Professional Thesis Educational Psychology). Cesar Vallejo University, Ayacucho, Peru.
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