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Existentialism In The Second Sex

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Existentialism in the second sex

Existentialism against stereotypes according to Simone Beauvoir and transmitters in gender and religion through normalization in people’s thinking and in the way parents teach their children to use certain toys establishing patterns in theirpersonalities

Existentialism is a philosophical current which addresses existential issues, which is why Simone Beavoir stated that the second sex, that of women, does not fully perform their freedom but does so based on others. Thus, according to Chirinos, this theory argues that each body is free by itself. That is, every human being should follow their same behavior patterns and not let the idealized thoughts of the rest act in them. According to existential philosophy we must be free for the simple fact of being alive and that we exist, because we are protagonists of our lives since, we forge and decide our own actions that influence our behavior and thought, making them unique and authentic beings. 

In this way, we understand by being free to the action of making our own decisions, following our perspectives and our own ideas without letting us influence others.

On the other hand, the transmitters of gender stereotypes that are formed since one is a child from the family, social and school environment, thus generating positive or negative ideas regarding the feminine or masculine. Thus, according to Zapata and Ruz, ideological transmission is considered a way to maintain domain in society.

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These transmitters often cause inequality in both sexes. Among them we have the family, the media and the school. Therefore it is very important to file stereotypes in these contexts. 

Finally, from the social context in which the individual develops and whatever marks his childhood, it will be an important part to acquire certain ideas or thoughts about something, in this case it would be to the genre.

On the other hand, stereotypes in religion have been created as a way of indoctrinating people through a punishing God if the society is not fulfilled by society. Thus, according to Rodríguez, religion has an still conversational position against sexual education, and it only accepts the biological difference between men and women as a determinant for gender. This means that people who teach the subject of religion impose, their students, doctrines to have children’s sexuality control through erroneous thoughts related to a false gender ideology. Thus, we can see it reflected from a historical context, in which different conservative approaches deny that the person can choose their sexuality, even some understand this as a cause of sexual diseases. However, for psychology it was not so and rather considered that the form of breeding from parents to children, the education they choose to the people we have as referents from our childhood influences to determine the identity of our sexuality.

In short, religion seek to impose from religious educational institutions to families, and thus systematize children in their sexuality, supporting that a correct way of life is established by the male and female figure, but not by the samesex.

In another order of ideas, the normalization of stereotypes in people’s thinking refers to the fact that it begins to classify the negative forms of the individual’s behavior as “correct”, since it grew in an environment of aggressions, hate and machismo;where the main thing was the interdependence between the different family members around him. Thus, according to Carranza, stereotypes can show a general idea of the behavior and/or characteristics of people, which to some extent contribute to the establishment of interpersonal relationships by providing preconceptions of tastes, lifestyles, types of personalities, etc. within a society since "(…) are part of the repertoire of categories that are used in social interactions to classify and position individuals". 

Specifically, normalizing stereotypes indicates that from a privileged position we do not understand the depth of the situation because it does not happen to us, but it is something that passes every day and the way to avoid it is through the implementation of an adequate gender approach.

From another point of view, the stereotyped teaching of the parents towards the toys is given since the infant is born and they begin to assign certain roles for the way of playing and what they should use to do so, as categories for the women’s toy and anotherFor the masculine.

It is not a problem that each child likes to play with a type of toy or identifies it a certain color, but the problem is how parents transmit that teaching, the idea will be that the child does not think that he is negative or that he will be rejectedfor like the pink color or because you want to play with a doll, as for girls. 

In conclusion, society has caused parents to have an erroneous thought about each child depending on their sex, a toy must be assigned for such a condition, but in truth it should not affect that but what matters is that the toy that the childChoose your preference.

On the contrary, stereotyped patterns in the personality of women are given because society starts that women are weak and submissive sex, so according to them it would not deserve the same rights as a man, since he assumes the role ofA superior being.

The first was chosen because through the constant acceptance of stereotypes by society, women begin to accept the role they impose and develop a submissive and resigned personality, and that in many cases at the time of having offspringContinue with this way of thinking and instill gender stereotypes with those who have been formed in their childhood, thus creating stereotyped patterns that are possibly repeated from generation to generation. 

In short, the patterns assigned to women under stereotypes of society are created from a retrograde thought, since it lacks valid foundations and is rather based on the misogyny that you have towards the sex of women for the simple factin that case.          

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