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Fight To Combat Homophobia And Transphobia

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Fight to combat homophobia and transphobia

"The question of sexual diversity refers to the condition of being diverse, that is, to the fact of being different and suggests a distance from" the norm ", which is heterosexuality" (Weeks, 2000).1 According to Jeffrey Weeks (2000) 1, diversity implies a continuum of behaviors in which an element does not have a more fundamental value than any other. For some theorists, sexual diversity encompasses "plural, polymorphs and pleasant" sexualities such as homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality and transgender, either as "essential identities or as sexual practices without identifying character". In fact, it is considered that the category of diversity is relative and is open to change and the inclusion of new identities according to the historical moment and the specific cultural context. In turn, it is important to consider that gender diversity includes diverse plural identities inside.

“The male model advocated by our society has some very prominent characteristics that define it schematically: men and children can be somewhat rough but noble, they do not usually put too much emphasis on the externalization of their feelings since this is a sign of weakness, they canbe lovers of adventure and risk, they must be assertive and forceful in their decisions, etc. The female model also has its corresponding characteristics: women and girls are sensitive, tender in their relationships, they easily express their feelings, they incline to help other people, and they also need protection, safety and stability ”(Leal García, 1998).

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2 But there are other types of behaviors and that is when society puts the moral with the abnormal, then aggressive, incomprehensible and denial reactions are triggered;In the opposite, the thought that demands and demands acceptance is proclaimed and becomes stronger and more frequent, is one that breaks the barriers of the "natural", the "normal" and the "morally acceptable" to change the damages andStereotypes of society.

Sex and gender are totally different concepts, the first on the other hand generates the question. What are you?, And the last question who are you?, This being a social construction about what you expect to be and behave as such representing who you are. “These characteristics that make gender determine what it means to be a man or be a woman in a culture and a certain historical moment. They are those that define the opportunities, roles, responsibilities, ways of feeling and ways of relating to people. Therefore, it is said that gender is built by people, in the same way that cities are built ”. (Basic Guide on Sexual Diversity, 2006).3 Likewise, it can be said that the culture of each society also influences the construction of the characteristics of each individual, since they establish ways of living and expressing their sexuality, in addition to always keeping in mind gender stereotypes.

Each individual has a gender identity, that is, whether or not he identifies his biological sex, but the question is in the treatment given to people who do not identify with their biology (transgender), which does not mostlyIt is adequate for idealization, lack of culture or education in general. For them, it is only enough to observe their appearance and how that person presents himself, and thus offer a decent and complete treatment and for this it is not necessary to say a law such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, approved in 1948 by the AssemblyUnited Nations General and the declaration on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Approved United Nations Humance Council in 2008. Colombia has not been left behind with respect to this situation in article 1 of Law 1482 of 2011 on "anti -discrimination" says: "This law aims to guarantee the protection of the rights of a person, group of persons, community orpeople, who are violated through acts of racism or discrimination ”.4 This law defends and guarantees the protection of the rights of a person, group of people, community or people, since it allows progress in the fight against any type of discrimination, including those expressed against the LGTBI population.

The evening and almost never expressed question is whether gay men and women are less men or less women for their sexual orientation. “That is why they have addressed the close relationship between machismo, understood as the extreme adoption by men and women of the gender roles assigned, and the rejection of homosexuality, while homosexuality represents a threat toGender stereotypes that exist for both men and women ”(Castañeda, 1999).5 At present, despite being in a society that is supposedly inclusive. People who are judged feel persecuted and harassed by the mere fact of having a different sexual orientation and identity, which forces these individuals to maintain a low profile in society, as the study done in the union saysEuropean homophobia and discrimination due to sexual orientation and gender identity in EU member states in 2009 “(…) Many of LGBT people adopt an invisibility strategy due, among other things, to fear of suffering transfobia, homophobia anddiscrimination. Once again, this strategy, as well as ignorance of rights, prevents LGBT people from denouncing experienced discrimination incidents ”.6

To talk about equality and inclusion is to talk about the principles of liberal democracy, since the ideal of this political regime is the achievement of equality in terms of representation and practices of election, and the inclusion of all citizens in terms ofequal rights. Discriminatory practices such as exclusive, are present in what has been called homophobia, the latter "(…) must be understood primarily as sexual prejudice, heterosexism and stigma, and not as a disease that causes social rejection". (Gregory Herek 2004).7 This author considers that the combination of sexual stigma, heterosexism and sexual prejudice allow to know the origin of rejection and propose a social solution to discriminatory and exclusive practices against sexual minorities. It establishes that the first difficulty to face is shared social knowledge of the negative of non -heterosexual relationships, identities, relationships, and communities, the second is the cultural ideology that perpetuates sexual stigma and negative attitudes based on sexual orientation. In this way organizations arise that fight with the aim of influencing the public policies of the State and making its members visible as social and political subjects;They realize this by doing community work, practices, meetings, workshops, personalized advice where they train and educate about sexuality, values and legal scope that entails sexual diversity, they also give emotional support to people who require it, in other words they fight against theignorance about the issue and create emotional support links.

Gender diversity is the theme of the 21st century, we see how a cultural transformation is necessary to cover this issue properly;thus establishing the manifestation of the human being (acts and attitudes) as a right that must be valued and respected physically and morally. To date, the visibility strategy is not only social but political, which requires the public expression of sexual orientation as a condition and argument in favor of compliance with certain rights or the realization of the necessary reforms in order toguarantee the equity of this minority. We observe how conservative society over time advances in terms of equality and equity giving spaces with greater openness and recognition towards this community.

It is here that we see how gender diversity is an issue that is emerging and taking power in the daily life of society in general, however as everything that is new and frowned upon during the course of history, they have their opinions foundthat generate endless and incomprehensible debates on the part of each face of the currency, despite society, society believes to be in reason with respect to this issue and values such as respect, understanding and acceptance are coming out gradually.


  1.  Weeks Jeffrey. 2000. Sexuality, Mexico, DF, Paidós.
  2.  Aurora Leal García. 1998. Diversity and gender in interpersonal relations university automation in Barcelona. Department of Psychology of L’E Educació Bellaterra (Barcelona). Spai educate 22-23, page. 171-179
  3.  Basic Guide on Sexual Diversity, 2006. Ministry of Health of the Nation. Argentina.
  4.  Law 1482 "Antidiscrimination". Colombia Criminal Code. November 30, 2011
  5.  Marina Castañeda. 1999 The homosexual experience, Mexico, DF, Paidós.
  6. Homophobia and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in the EU member states. 2009. Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union, Vienna – Austria.
  7.  Herek, Gregory M. 2004 “Beyond‘ Homophobia ’: Thinking Sex. 1, no. April 2, San Francisco.

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