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Florence Nightingale
Born to a family affiliated with gentility in 1820, Florence Nightingale was an Italian nurse. She was, however, raised and bred in England where she died in 1910. Unlike most English women, Nightingale did not indulge in domestic and house duties, the stereotypical idea accorded to females in their society. Albeit her parents dismissed her ambitions on class and moral grounds, she rebelled and instead, fulfilled them in a German Institution. Florence Nightingale was determined to fight for civil liberties ensuring that people lived in freedom.
The Crimean War that took place from 1853-1856, witnessed Nightingale’s influence on civil liberties. The nurse, together with other colleagues, was well prepared to take care of individuals during the altercation between Russia and France (“Florence Nightingale” Encyclopedia of World Biography). Right from her career choice, it is salient that Nightingale possessed a heart of helping other people. As medical works are considered a calling, it is safe to infer the nurse’s passion toward eradicating problems and difficulties in people’s lives. Nightingale ensured that the soldiers in The Crimean War received medical, physical and psychological care. Her significant role during The War between France and Russia intensifies the activist’s indulgence in acquisition of rights and freedom among citizens. “The Lady of the Lamp” was a title accorded to the nurse due to her actions of literal and figurative illumination apropos of these soldiers during war.

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Nightingale’s civil activism during The Crimean War reduced the chances of suffering and death within the army.
As a result of her success in The Crimean War, Nightingale’s output was required during The American Civil War in 1861 (Grant 1). Her expertise and prowess on medical issues was necessary in preparation of the war. Nightingale’s acts of social and civil liberty instigated fame and prominence regarding her influence in medical matters. She was not only noticed by governments but also, by media houses that published articles and spread news about Nightingale’s achievements. While most nations do not understand the essentiality of proper health services, the nurse assisted some Americans in acquiring them. The social activist’s experiences, however, despite encouraging most individuals, did not augur well with other citizens that were still fearful regarding effects of the American Civil War.
Additionally, Nightingale drafted reforms and recommendations for an improved health care system. An American activist, Dorothea Dix, was interested in her work and strived to share her reforms with different parts of the world. Dix’s journey through Nightingale’s lifetime enlightens individuals on other achievements by the latter. She also developed hospitals where patients acquired top-notch health and medical services. The Atlantic was one of the regions that disrupted Nightingale’s works due to their refusal to accept the healthcare reforms. As a matter of fact, it was both the American government and army that interfered with acceptance of Nightingale’s work. Ironically, the American citizens had faith in the nurse while their leaders were uncertain about the nurse, despite her salient activism.
Florence Nightingale, in exercising civil liberties, addressed both humanitarian and administration necessities. Her actions portray clearly the role that she played in ensuring both individuals and groups were satisfied accordingly. In assisting patients with their personal needs, she also offered input on the policies and administrative structures of proper hospitals. Nightingale also facilitated the existence of material and equipment requisite for these patients and medical practitioners. In encouraging civil liberties, she was also interested in sharing the beauty of nursing as a fulfilling career and profession. Her main focus, being on soldiers and wars, it is evident that Nightingale managed to promote the importance of medical care for armies and troops.
In a subtle but effective manner, Florence Nightingale’s efforts are seen to influence medical and health care post the American Civil War. There were numerous changes and improvements that included administration and hospital cleanliness as per Nightingale’s reforms. Despite her evident role in these developments, most people did not recognize her input. The Crimea War, as a result of longevity and effects, is seen to hide Florence Nightingale’s significant actions in areas of health and medicine (“Florence Nightingale”). In point of fact, it is for this same reason, that the nurse’s reforms were dismissed by the American federal government and its armies.
In lieu of addressing Nightingale’s achievements in activism, most pieces of writings focus on negative criticism hence, diluting and contradicting her evident contributions. In fact, Nightingale’s affiliation with a male-dominated career and lifestyle interferes with her ability to acquire recognition as a successful female. She is, therefore, classified together with prominent males rather than fellow women such as Dorothea Dix, an American activist. Nightingale’s indistinguishable nature with Frederick Law Olmstead is indeed evidence of the activist’s alienation with homely and domestic duties of women, during the time (Grant 6). Notwithstanding, these stereotypical ideas and notions did not compromise Nightingale desires to fight for civil liberties. Olmstead, a man affiliated with the U.S. Sanitary Commission, concurred with Nightingale on the essentiality of data and keeping of records in an attempt to cater to the needs of soldiers, troops and armies.
As discussed, Nightingale’s actions also integrated elements of development and future progress. While fighting for people and their well-being, she was also interested in straightening health and medical systems. The nurse also placed her ideas and reforms in writing as she jotted down preferable medical initiatives for armies and militaries. Other topics incorporated in her writing included public health, hospice administration and medical directives, among others (“Florence Nightingale” World of Health). Her works were so influential that she received tribute from countries that she had not visited. Despite India harboring the best medical expertise, the nation admired Florence Nightingale for her role in the field as well. Most importantly, the nurse’s contraction of a terminal illness did not hinder her from exercising civil activism.
Throughout her lifetime, Florence Nightingale was dedicated to serving other people. She mainly focused on soldiers in war; due to her understanding of their unbearable conditions. By portraying male qualities according to the society, some of Nightingale’s achievements were undermined. The nurse’s role in The Crimean War influenced her participation in America’s Civil War. Her extensive participation in these wars interfered with her health. She was, therefore, forced to halt the physical process of activism. Surprisingly, as prior mentioned, she still managed to influence the health care system through writing. It is also important to note Nightingale’s negative perspective apropos of some feminist movements. She concluded that most of these women only cared to fulfill and satisfy their self-interests. Her feminine side was observable due to the soft spot she acquired toward these soldiers and men in the army. Regardless of the criticism regarding Florence Nightingale’s works, she was an influential nurse and social activist during her time.
Works Cited
“Florence Nightingale.” World of Health. Gale, 2007. Biography in context. Web.20 Sept. 2016.
“Florence Nightingale.” Encyclopedia of World Biography. Detroit: Gale, 1998. Biography in context. Web.20 Sept. 2016
Grant, Susan-Mary. “New Light on The Lady with the Lamp: Susan-Mary Grant looks at Florence Nightingale’s influence on medical care in the Crimea and the US Civil War.” History Today 52.9 (2002): 11+. Biography in Context. Web.20 Sept. 2016.

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