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THE IMPORTANCE OF READING IN AUTONOMOUS LEARNING INTRODUCTION Critical thinking constitutes one of the concerns that with greater interest are debated in academic forums, occupied ...

The importance of reading comprehension Introduction Reading is a skill that is not learned naturally. The development of this skill is being acquired little by little over the yea...

The importance of children's theater in the classroom The theater in the children's classroom is a resource of the most valuable that we can find for the global education of......

The habit of reading as progress for the human being Through time, humanity has managed to expand its range of knowledge in areas such as science, philosophy and politics, thus......

The fundamental importance of a good writing The structure consists of words or symbols which form sentences to conve. Scripture requires proper calligraphy, spelling and coherence...

The foreigner and its history Introduction Within the difficult chronology of World War II, 1942 was the least auspicious years for allied forces: London daily endured the air atta...

THE DEVELOPMENT OF MAGICAL REALISM IN THE WORK PEDRO PARAMO Introduction This is a text comment on literary work Pedro Paramo, written by Mexican Juan Rulfo. Next, some of the......

The benefits of promoting reading Introduction. This should not only encourage students to read texts, but also to write. In the activities that will be proposed in this project, t...

Technology in the student and professional field At present, technological development processes applied to architecture require a more trained professional in information manageme...

TEACHING OF CHILDHOOD LITERATURE In this text the author, Teresa Colomer, intends that the reader understand and understand the importance of literature in the integral and systema...

School recreation and interior or table games Introduction Recreation as necessary activity for the correct performance of the life of the human being, exerts its influence on chil...

Relationship between reading, understanding and learning "Reading is the process by which written language is understood". In this understanding, both the text, its form ...

Reading report: Gracia, Finland Some time ago, before formally entering the pedagogy career, I felt excited about the education I had Finland, because seeing a documentary called: ...

Reading in the youth of the current era Introduction We are currently in an era where technological advances and globalization govern todayThis knowledge that reads us in books, st...

Reading is a practice that enriches the person Introduction In Peru, the education system seeks to achieve a complete training of the human being, it is for this reason that......

Reading in the first years of a person's life Introduction At present, take a book and sit down to read, a simple and fun gesture, which, mysteriously, is getting more......

Reading compression as a tool in education. Introduction. Reading understanding is defined as a double process: on the one hand, a process of decoding a written message and on the....

Reading comprehension strategies Introduction. Learning to read is an activity that we do little by little since we are very small. Our whole life depends on the way we use......

Read, habit that would improve our human condition Reading around centuries has been fundamental for the understanding and communication of the human being. Reading is not only an ...

Reading and writing as a fundamental instrument Reflection on reading has become a central aspect in different disciplines (psychology, linguistic, psycholinguistic, didactic, amon...

Program 21 or Agenda 21 in environmental aspects Program 21 or Agenda covers aspects of environmental sustainability, economic balance and social equity. Which depend on the citize...

Processes involved in reading learning   Reading is a "process of interaction between a reader and a text, medium through which the reader tries to satisfy the objectives tha...

Poetry in primary schools: educational problems by exclusion of literature in Paraguay Awareness on the reading of works by Paraguayan writers Readings, especially literary, have e...

Pedagogy and didactics in education in the 21st century The challenges posed by the 21st century is an education that develops the ability to acquire and transform knowledge and sk...

Of prison reality to Libertad by Arguedas When I buy a book by José María Arguedas, I usually wait for the same usant theme, the difference or conflict between two......

Octavio Paz and the Loneliness Labyrinth The Labyrinth of Soledad is a book published in 1950, by the Mexican writer Octavio Paz, the work is formed by a series of......

Novel La Peste by Albert Camus   Albert Camus at the beginning of his novel mentions the city of Oran, where you can see its negativity towards it, mentioning that......

New literacy: your daily practice and classroom learning To begin with, the main themes to be played in this book are the following: literacy, literacy and illiteracy. According to...

Memorization versus critical thinking It is known that to carry out the teaching-learning process effectively, it is necessary to make the latter significant for students, being th...

MATHEMATICAL REASONING Crossing of the Lecto Writing   The human being throughout history has been in relation to mathematics, for being a science that at all times of his daily.....

Main challenges of reading in Mexico in the Internet era Introduction Reading is a compression process where its objective is to promote learning, three definitions for reading hav...

Literature focused on the little ones Introduction SEPPIA et al. They express that in children's literature, productions are found in which siminutive use, complicated onomatopoeia...

Literary review about the incredible and sad story of the candid Eréndira and her heartless grandmother Before all, we must always start with a small introduction or a summary to....

Literacy in university students Introduction. This work is intended to indicate disinterest in academic literacy;Especially in engineering, where the writing, understanding of text...

Learning Difficulties Dossier: Dyslexia Decoding is the ability to recognize words and in addition to being one of the two most important processes of reading, their domination imp...

Lead in preschool children cause learning disorders "Young age are especially vulnerable to the toxic effects of lead, which can have serious and permanent consequences in the...

Julio Cortázar and Magic Realism Cortázar used fantasy a lot, the magical and connected reality with the fantastic, often making the character delirious and confuse the reader, c...

Integration, segregation and discrimination Introduction Without a doubt, the issue of more controversy in today's world is the immigration of Hispanics to the United States. Today...

Influence of literature in our society   Literature is a very important aspect for our lives and since it arose, it has become indispensable for us since it does not......

Infectious disease called Tuberculosis Summary Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by mycobacteria that is called mycobacterium tuberculosis. The vector through which it i...

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