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Processes Involved In Reading Learning

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Processes involved in reading learning


Reading is a "process of interaction between a reader and a text, medium through which the reader tries to satisfy the objectives that guide his reading processes". In the same way the reader actively constructs the meaning of the text depending on their previous knowledge and experiences and the objective that guides its reading.

On the other hand, the RAE defines to read how "to look at the written or printed understanding the significance of the characters used". Therefore, you can say that reading is a form of communication as well as listening or speaking and you have to integrate it into the classroom as something essential in life.

What is writing?

It is a process by which a significant written text is prepared. The term writing has been, and continues to be, very confusing. Creekly talk about writing referring to the material act of writing, reproducing letters on paper. Another very propagated belief is that writing is to transcribe the spoken language through signs.

The first conception focuses its attention on the necessary motor skill for the correct construction of letters, calligraphy. On the other hand, the second refers to the correct exchange of each phoneme of oral language with its spelling also known as graphophonic. This language is present in the student’s school life from the first moment.

RAE also defines the act of writing as "representing words or ideas with letters or other signs drawn on paper or other surface".

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Processes involved in reading

What process does the reader follow to understand the text?

There is no single answer for this question. Today there are three theoretical models that try to explain how to understand a text.

  1. The ascending model assumes that in reading there is a processing from the smallest units (letters and sets of letters) to the widest and most global (words, text). So to read, it starts from the letters that form the words, of the words that form phrases, of the phrases that form a text. The text is the essential element in the reading act, so it is essential that this dominates the decoding mechanisms and that the text is read completely and orderly.
  2. The descending model is the opposite of the previous model, reading processing occurs from the most global units (words, phrases) to the simplest (letters, letters of letters). In this process the reader anticipates the content of the text using their previous knowledge and experiences about the text. "The more information a reader possesses about the text you are going to read, the less you will need to" look at it to build an interpretation " 
  3. Finally, the interactive model does not focus exclusively on the text, such as the ascending model, or on the reader, as the descending model does, it is true that the use that the one reads makes of their previous knowledge and experiences for the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of text. What the subject sees in the text and what the reader contributes are two simultaneous subprocesses and in close interdependence.

When the reader stands before the text, the elements that compose it generate expectations at different levels (that of letters, words …) so that the information that is processed in each of them works as input for the next level; Thus, through an ascending process, the information spreads to higher levels. But simultaneously, since the text also generates expectations at the semantic level, of its global meaning, these expectations guide reading and seek their verification in lower level indicators (lexicon, semantic, graphophonic) through a descending process. (p.23)

Processes involved in writing

Research on the operations used by those who dominate writing indicate that the task of writing a coherent and adequate exhibition text for their purposes is not carried out directly but in several and recurring stages in which the one who writes must coordinate a set of specific procedures. 

That is why the writer carries out a series of processes and subprocesses for the composition of the text that do not have to occur linearly, the act of writing consists of three basic processes: plan, write and review. During the planning process, the writer elaborates a mental representation, still little defined, of what he wants to write and how he wants to do it. The subprocess to generate entry to the information that the writer has stored in memory and that is activating during the composition at different times and with various purposes. 

The subprocess of organizing is responsible for classifying the data that emerge from memory while formulating objectives elaborates the objectives that will direct the composition process. In the first years of schooling, the planning process is usually done in a group and aloud, children, are directed by the teacher, this will generate different ideas for the elaboration of the content of the text of the text.

On the other hand in the writing process, the writer transforms the ideas generated in the text, an intelligible and understandable speech for the reader. In this process, a large amount of knowledge are put into operation, some low -level qualified such as understanding words and other high -level qualified, such as lexical and syntactic components for example.

In the first stage of schooling of children, a good way to put this process underway would be through a “transcription” carried out by the teacher on the board or on paper while the students dictate the text. This activity can be carried out in small groups, large or individually.

The review is the last process that intervenes in writing, being the moment when the writer returns on the writing, rereading it totally or partially and later reacing it in those aspects that he considers necessary to improve the text. It is not a unique and final review but these are continuous reviews that the writer performs throughout the writing process. Obviously, in Early Childhood Education, the review will be carried out in groups. Planning and especially review are fundamental operations in writing, they are part of its very essence. Unlike oral language, written language carries the mark of these planning and revisions: it is not a spontaneous language but anticipating, calculated, evaluated, polished reconsidered. 

Reading learning phases

In the study of the reading acquisition process, most authors recognize three phases. Although each author calls them differently as they put the emphasis on one aspect or another, but all agree on the recognition of the main characteristics:

  • The first stage is the logographic phase that begins when the child shows interest in finding the relationship between written and oral language with the aim of understanding what she sees in the written universe. That is why the infant begins to recognize some written words related to his own interest for example his name, cartoon titles … but he is not yet able to decode every letter that makes up a word although he can recognize words that previously They have facilitated. In addition, he raises the first hypotheses "What do you put there?”The adult being the first source of information during the process. It is not possible to forget that during this phase the boy or girl imitates the act of reading adopting an attitude of reading in front of the book is therefore that motivation while this imitation takes place is very important so that this act does not leave aside this side.
  • In second place is the alphabetical phase The phonological acquisition is an essential part in this phase since thanks to it the child will be able to decrease the written signs. The objective is to learn that each symbol is associated with a sound being able to recognize vowels and consonants making combinations between them. At first it is normal for the letters "toad with soup" to be confused, because they do not pay attention to the exact order of the letters can also confuse similar forms of letters "D or P". So with the development of phonological consciousness they will begin to pay attention to those errors that were unable to recognize in the previous stage. On the other hand this phase is a great development of the personal autonomy of the student since she will not need to depend on the adult when knowing information about the text. But that decoding carried out by the child sometimes will not be sufficient so it will require interaction with literate adults to become an expert reader.
  • In third and last place is the spelling phase being necessary not only that the student knows how.

Phases of writing learning

Evolutionary description of the process of appropriation of the concept of writing, structured by five levels:

  • The first level is to write as a reproduction of the act of writing in the literate person also known as the phase of undifferentiated writings in it the children reproduce the gestures of the act of writing and some formal graphic characteristics such as the absence of figurative elements the linearity and linearity and The separability of graphic elements. The productions that achieve with this act of writing are circles, lines, hooks etc. In addition, in this first level the act of writing has a function of designating since for the infant what is written is the name of the object for example León occupies more in the space than butterfly so for them they will write it larger.
  • The second level Write as formally regulated production for the creation of writings Differences In this phase the graphic signs used for writing are more similar to conventional letters. The boy or girl begins to show interest in the specific characteristics of writing such as the number of letters that is why the following three hypotheses are proposed:
  1. Quantity hypothesis states that there must be at least a minimum of characters per word being these three.
  2. Internal variety hypothesis argues that there must be variety between the letters used since many equal characters do not serve to designate. For example, they know that potato is not written only with.
  3. Hypothesis of external variety state that there must be differences in change in the order of graphic signs between writings to say different things. 
  • The third level is the syllabic segmentation phase, the infant discovers this stage when he is aware of the relationship established between writing and sound pattern. In this case, they recognize that the words are formed by syllables, therefore the number of characters used to write this word is equal to the number of syllables of the same. That relationship that they establish between writing and the sound in question is developed according to two hypotheses:
  1. Quantitative syllabic hypothesis to each syllable recognized by the child makes him correspond to a graphic representation, although he has no conventional value. In such a way that, if you write three symbols for potatoes that have three syllables.
  2. Qualitative syllabic hypothesis The infant writes to each symbol a symbol and this symbol corresponds to one of the letters that represents some of the sounds that form the syllable. Being both a vowel and a consonant, taking the previous example would write to say potato = aaa/ptt.
  • The fourth level is the syllabic-alphabetic segmentation phase as in the previous stage the child is aware that the words are formed by syllables, but in this case instead of using a grapheme for each syllable uses more than one For example potato = pattaa. In addition, there may be occasions in the lack of any of the letters that form the word Little Red Riding Hood.
  • The fifth and last level is the syllabic-exhaustive segmentation phase, the infant establishes and generalizes the correspondence between sound and spells, that is, he reflects on paper everything he knows how to pronounce. On the other hand, there are still a series of problems in the writing of reverse, locked and complex syllables until the connection between phonemes and spellings are created. Even so, writing is already fully understandable.

What is literacy?

On the one hand, the RAE defines the term as "ability to read and write". On the other hand, as I understand it and after having document and informed I consider that reading and writing are considered dynamic components in which people can write, receive writing as listeners or readers, or make use of a written text with symbolic, practical or communicative propositive.

Methods involved in learning literacy

The steps to follow to achieve a goal is understood by method. Reading and writing teaching systems are based on the mental processes that the child has to continue to learn to read and write. Therefore Bigas, M. And Correig, M. (2008), different three great methods:

  • First we have the synthesis method, in the child, learning begins by the minimum language units, to get together as the knowledge of them progresses. 
  • Second is the analytical method, which induces the child to begin learning by units of meaning words or prayers of which their simpler units will be analyzed, until they relate graphemes and phonemes. 
  • In third and last place we have the global method in which the child starts from prayer and understands some words and its meaning of previous knowledge that has.

Role of students in the process of literacy

The student during the development of literacy will act autonomously, reflectively and criticly since it will depart from previous knowledge because she is an active subject in need of interaction with the environment by exploring and discovering. Achieved in this way that the child has significant learning by the teacher using the previous ideas she has about the subject.

Professor’s role in the process of literacy

According to Bigas, M. And Correig, M. (2008), participatory observation is the main instrument to obtain information in relation to the reading and writing of the child in the classroom. Therefore, some of the observation -based instruments that can be used in class are the following:

  • Observation guidelines (reading and writing table)
  • The dictates serve to verify the evolution of each child and can be made 3 or 4 times a week.
  • The personal records where the aspects treated will be noted, the student’s response and the proposal of the next session. They usually have a file format and filled after interactions that the teacher considers significant.
  • The class class where the teacher writes the reflections and observations of her about the progress of the child with respect to the literacy. It is open and has no guidelines.


  1. Carlino, p., and Santana, D. (nineteen ninety six). Read and write with meaning: a constructivist experience in early and primary education. Viewer learning. Madrid.
  2. Cassany, d. (1988). A cognitive process: in describing writing. Barcelona: Paidós.
  3. Cassany, d., Luna, m. and Sanz, G. (1994). Teach tongue. Graó. Barcelona.
  4. Ferreiro, e. And Teberosky, to. (1979). Writing Systems in child development. XXI century. Madrid.
  5. Bigas, m. And Correig, M. (2008). Language didactics in the language in Early Childhood Education. Education Synthesis: Madrid.
  6. Royal Spanish Academy: Dictionary of the Spanish Language, 23.ª ed., [Version 23.2 Online].
  7. Scardamalia, m., And Beriter, C. (1992). Two explanatory models of written composition processes. Childhood and learning
  8. Solé, I (1992). Reading strategies.Graó/Ice. Barcelona.

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