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The existence of God Introduction. There is Russell's metaphysical argument against the term "contingent", at least, the one presented by Father Copleston in a debate in ...

The economy, consumerism and the new rules of capitalism In the sector of the economy in which we are, we are all accomplices of the biggest problem that society faces,......

The deception that is hidden in promotions The purpose of this writing is to address the issue of "ethics and social responsibility in marketing" oriented to one of its s...

The crucible movie and its relationship with macartism in the 50s Introduction The crucible a film directed by Nicholas Hytner based on the theatrical work of Arthur Miller, writte...

The British referendum around Brexit In the Brexit process they highlighted misinformation, exaggeration and deception;However, we cannot limit ourselves to what happened in recent...

The art of war, strategy book The art of war is a strategy book of all time, with more than five hundred thousand years old, it is one of the......

The art of war, necessary skills In this book called The Art of War with a Sun Tzu character was a Chinese general who lived around the 5th century BC,......

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The art of war and its strategies Introduction In this essay we will see what the book of art of war was discussed, talking about this literary work leads to......

The art of war and its reflections The book The art of war, a book that was written by the military Sun Tzu, in which we mainly realize that it......

The art of war and its ideals Introduction This work shows what are the strategies in battles that General Sun Tzu denoted, in which he teaches the supreme tactics of......

The art of war and its factors Sometimes people ask if there will be an instruction to win a war. Sun Tzu was a Chinese general who lived around the......

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The art of war and how to get victorious Introduction Within the present essay I will address very particular points of view and I will present my opinion on what......

The art of war and application of tactics It is a book written by the general and military strategist Sun Tzu approximately 2500 years in ancient China. With this work,......

The art of loving and the study of jealousy This essay is an in -depth study about jealousy and has been carried out based or putting a thought that the......

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The ancient Greece: Return from Odysseus home Introduction The Odyssey tells us one of the many stories of ancient Greece, Odysseus' return home; He shows us all the obstacles and....

Tax reform for the middle class or a simple political deception Introduction Nowadays we live in such an instant, easy and rapid world to acquire information from various kinds, bu...

Summary of the work The art of war This book created by the Chinese author and strategist called the art of war, consists of 13 chapters in which we will......

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Sports motivation and doping in adolescent athletes Drug abuse to improve performance (De) represents an important problem in the world of sport. The use of PED violates the spiri...

Sports betting portals Introduction Although they are far from being a new theme, illegal bets returned to the center of the scene in the sports universe. But this time they......

Social networks and adolescents   Social networks are forms of social interaction, which allow us to communicate, investigate, create, etc. In recent years there has been a techno...

Sexual and labor exploitation in society The trafficking of people although it was known as the trafficking That human trafficking is all people, not only women, who can suffer thi...

Scope and limits of freedom and how to achieve it Introduction In this essay an extensive analysis of the concept of "freedom" will be glimpsed, based on two key question...

Relationship between ethics and accounting Introduction Due to accounting and financial circumstances, he not only implied the bankruptcy of the company, the collapse of the main b...

Raising free will on Bandersnatch   The Bandersnatch film introduces us in a story where we are able to make decisions for the future development of the life of the......

Prostitution in the administrative field Introduction In the Spanish legal system we can find three opposing priests in regard to the legislative scope of prostitution;the abolitio...

Procrastination in Higher Education Procrastination consists in the habit of postponing activities that can be resolved at a certain moment, replacing them with other activities of...

Possession and bad faith Introduction Possessing etymologically have the possibility of taking a seat in one thing, in order to occupy it and have it. The Escrache Legislation Dict...

Poem 'You love me Blanca' and the influence of modernism and postmodernism A well -recognized author in Latin America is Alfonsina Storni. She was born in Sala Capriasca, Switzerla...

Pandora's box Introduction Pandora's name comes from two Greek words: bread that means everything and Dora that means gifts because all the inhabitants of the Olympus gave him a gi...

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Naturalism in the novel The Patrick Süskind perfume Can we consider the work "El Perfume" a naturalistic novel? "The perfume: the story of a murderer" is the f...

Most important aspects of the book The art of war Introduction In this essay I will announce the most important aspects, as well as my opinion of the book "The......

Medea: Feminism in Greek mythology Medea, a woman from another era Medea is a work written by Euripides in the year 431 to.C, which had a lot of prestige around......

Measures of El Diario Super to combat fake news Summary Presentation of the different theoretical processes of media literacy argued in authors that exhibit important content for t...

Meaning of apology in the Apology of Socrates When I started doing the work, the first thing I did was analyze the meaning of apology. Word of Greek origin that......

Magic vs Reality Delivery Advertising Why do brands deceive us? Advertising has always been in our lives over the years from radio wedges to an advertising fence that we can......

Madame Bovary: A love and punishment story Introduction How Madame Bovary is related to the current social context? "In life there are no prizes or punishments, but consequenc...

Loneliness;A romance about history and the nation   Soledad is an interesting love story because on the surface, it is a simple plot and love story, however, at a deeper......

Jean Jacques Rousseau, Social Contract The general will is always determined for the public, but when choosing this will, they do not always have this balance. You want to have......

Intranet Security Policy Introduction Security means having means that will reduce as much as possible, the vulnerability of information and resources; Although 100% security canno...

Infidelity in the times Introduction The issue of infidelity is so important these days, that it is usually one of the main reasons of conversation or appears almost safely as......

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