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Victim Impact Statement

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STATE OF ____________,)
VS.) CASE NO. ___________
DIANA ______________,)
COMES NOW, the victim in the above-stated case and enters this her/his victim impact statement before this Honorable Court and the Honorable Judge, ____________________, on this the_____ day of ____________, 2018.
I, __________________, was assaulted by Diana _________________, on the 26th day of February 2018. The individual, Diana __________who assaulted me is the ex-wife of my current boyfriend, David ____________. I have given sworn testimony to this court about the attack upon me and how I was in fear for my life since the defendant, Diana _____________ stated she was going to kill me while holding a knife in one hand and holding me by the hair of my head in the other hand. The impact of this attack and attempt to kill me has been incredible. The emotional toll that this has taken on me is tremendous. While I was lucky enough not to have suffered serious physical injuries, I did suffer from scratches on my body and damage to my scalp where Diana pulled out my hair. I was severely traumatized by this attack. I am not the same person since I was attacked by Diana. The emotional effects have been much worse than the physical pain I suffered from the attack. I am nervous all of the time and paranoid about my surroundings. I was never like this before being attacked by Diana. I am in fear for my life after giving my testimony because I believe that Diana will retaliate against me seeking revenge.

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I have read the other victim impact statements online, and while I did not suffer to the degree that others have physically suffered, this incident has irreparably harmed me emotionally.
I request relief in the form of a permanent no-contact order against the defendant.
I also request that this honorable court disallows the defendant, Diana ______________ to plead guilty to a lesser charge and that the felony charge is not reduced to a misdemeanor.
Finally, I request the maximum sentence even if a plea deal is entered into between the state and the defendant.
The defendant, Diana _____________ is an expert at deception and will undoubtedly paint a lovely picture of who she is to the court. The reason I am so certain is that after she attacked me, she ran from the apartment screaming that she was being attacked, attempting to deceive the crowd that had gathered because of my screaming.
Finally, I want to express my gratitude to this Honorable Court and its’ Honorable Judge for allowing me to submit the victim impact statement. My feelings can be best summed up by referring to the statement of Aly Raisman in her testimony at the sentencing of Larry Nassar who stated as follows:
“Your honor, I ask you to give Larry the strongest possible sentence, which his actions deserve. By doing so, you will send a message to him and other abusers that they cannot get away with their horrible crimes. They will be exposed for the evil they are, and they will be punished to the maximum extent of the law. Let this sentence strike fear in anyone who thinks it is okay to hurt another person”.
RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, this the _______ day of ___________________, 2018.
Victim’s Name
____________________________ (STAMP)
Sworn to and subscribed before me this the ______ day of _________________, 2018.

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