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TABD U5DB Response 1 AND 2

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Pages: 1


Response #1
After considering your discussion, I would like to raise a few points in the areas that I feel you have done well as well as sections that may you need to improve on in the future. Your discussion was well executed and was based on the information provided within the class setting. You also seem to have relied on research from reputable institutions such as the Internal Revenue Services. This helped you come up with precise definitions of different regulations on the concept of tax and how it applies to charitable contributions. It seems you miscalculated the contribution allowance since you stated it at $115,000 while it should be $1,150,000. I got to learn a lot from your discussion on how the allowed charities are identified. Your recommendations also helped understand the concept of tax ramifications. In the future, focus more on research that ties to a particular theory and not on general areas such as the form used in the contributions.
Response #2
I would like to state that this is one of the most exciting and informative posts I have read on this particular topic. You have a good grip on the concept of tax as well as the different regulations that are applied in the field. You have addressed the idea of deductibles which is vital in understanding how different firms contribute to charity as well as the motive behind such contributions. You have also done well in terms of calculation which helps all readers engage with your material and understand your flow of thought.

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You have also clearly outlined the specific regulations required in filing such tax requirements. One also gets to learn a lot from your discussion on the concept of carryover and how such excesses are handled. However, the analysis fails to offer recommendations that can be used by JIM to ensure prudent tax processes in the future.

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