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Humanistic education and the creation of human beings Talking about a humanistic education involves mentioning the type of education that tries to completely create human beings, a...

Homicides and forced disappearances in Mexico   Forced disappearances of women during 2019 in Mexico In this essay you will find information about the insecurity that exists in Me...

History of Troy, the Iliad and Homeric Quest Introduction The Achilles shield is described in the XVIII song of the Iliad, an epic whose authorship is discussed. In this work......

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HISTORY OF EDUCATION OF THE SPANISH LANGUAGE Introduction Language is a term with many uses. In this case, we are interested in the definition of language (the verbal or gestural.....

Hispanic -American modernism and current traits Introduction Hispano -American modernism is not a literary school. Today, there are no works capable of highlighting a complete pano...

Happiness and multiple factors that cause it ‘’ Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the objective, and the end of human existence.’’ -Aristotle. Happiness in gene...

Greek literature: Oedipus Rey Introduction. Within the universal literature, emblematic stand out that have become eximious writers for their history and the various literary resou...

Gender Performativity: Beauvoir and Butler Introduction. Starting with the concept of otherness we can say that it is the concept that describes the situation of women with respect...

Funeral rites and their practices in antiquity Introduction. The beginnings of the practice of funeral rituals date back to the time of the prehistoric man specifically to the Nean...

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Free will or puppets of destiny Introduction The Bandersnatch film introduces us in a story where we are able to make decisions for the future development of the life of......

Freedom within the modern world Talking about the modern world and the characteristics that encompass this, is an extensive and controversial issue, especially if it derives in how...

Feminism before and feminism now After World War II, in most European countries and in some American countries, women had achieved the right to vote, so that was no longer......

Feminism as a political and controversial movement Feminism is a very interesting topic for many, and usually feminism has always been a very controversial issue that has impacted,...

Fatal mix: psychoactive substances and fun Introduction Current societies enjoy a space dedicated to fun and game, becoming a basic need that is associated with negative health con...

Existential vacuum: in search of the meaning of life Introduction.  That is the main belief of those who experience the heartbreaking feeling of the neglect for living, the weight...

Existential theory about the meaning of life Existential psychology does not assume determinism in order to explain human behavior, rather it means that people are free to choose t...

Evolution of Arab poetry to this day Introduction Poetry is one of the most characteristic and ancient features of the Arab world. Classic Arabic literature, from pre -yslamic time...

Eva, an approach to female independence INTRODUCTION The role of women within society has always been indicated by the constant fight against oppression, against universal rights a...

Euthanasia in adult minors with terminal diseases Euthanasia can be the end of suffering in cases of terminal diseases or that represents constant and unbearable suffering This is ...

Euthanasia a look from ethics and morals As students we have heard through our lives the existence of an ethical dilemma when it comes to supporting an antinatural procedure such.....

Ethics related to moral study Introduction This essay will present what the concept of ethics is in regard to philosophy, also examples will be presented with works by great philos...

Essay The Leadership Paradox A story about the true essence of leadership Be a leader .. In the book La Paradoja, a story about the true essence of leadership, the......

Essay on plastic pollution in the world I have decided to campaign on the use of plastics and pollution because I think it is a very serious issue that many......

Enigma Code, The Language of Mathematics The actor Benedict Cumberbatch has been creative in the incarnation of isolated personality and social life and imposes his authority, and ...

Emotional maturity and the acceptance of the truth Introduction Knowing that sometimes life is not how we want it to be and on many occasions it is not fair either......

Democracy and vote: comparing countries Juan Bautista Alberdi once said: “Ignorance does not discern, look for a tribune and take a tyrant. The misery does not deliberate, it is ...

Death in the Viking town The Vikings were a great Guerrero town, a town that had to face hard winters, reaping was an arduous task, however they managed to innovate......

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Current knowledge depends totally on past knowledge Knowledge is a tool that all human beings possess. It is the ability we have to understand, know and discover new facts through....

Current immigration: perspective that bothers or racism, xenophobia, and hidden patriotism The topics for this edition had been interesting. I did not know, at first, which one I w...

Cultural Transformation: Gender definition  The idea of sex as a biological determinant of the genre has been questioned for more than sixty years. Simone de Beauvoir aroused a co...

Critics review of Gabriel García Márquez's book Let's talk about our beloved Colombian writer of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982, that is, he is the renowned character Gab...

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Countries in search of the reconstruction of Haiti Introduction The administration of Presidents Bush, Clinton, and others has affected Haiti in his government administration, his ...

Context between metamorphosis and subsoil memories For this first analysis, two literary works are taken into account: the metamorphosis of the German author Franz Kafka that achie...

Comparison of the missile crisis and the Votnamon War, TET offensive Stage of the missile crisis and the Vietnam War was included in the Cold War, a period that goes......

Comparative analysis: Pascual Duarte's family Pascual Duarte, is a book that basically recounts in 19 chapters and letters directed towards Mr. Don Joaquín Barrera López, the mom...

Comparative analysis between the works: Oedipus and Oedipus Rey Introduction In the introduction to the translation of Heracles de Euripides the German philologist Wilamowitz defin...

Classical Children Literature Introduction "The singing of mine Cid" (Anonymous), published in 1140: the singing of mine Cid cannot be considered as a classic of children...

Children's quality of life improvements through child psychology Introduction This essay will talk about child psychology, whose objective is to improve the quality of life of chil...

Book Las Venas Open of Latin America "America discovered according to the history made by the conquerors, it was the best gift that the Old World could find the injustices,......

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Bicycle trips if you want to travel Cuba Introduction Visiting Cuba and traveling the island by bicycle is not an absurd idea and that is why there are many people......

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