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THE IMAGE OF GOD FROM THE CONCEPTION AND ORIGIN OF MAN Introduction The conception of man in Christianity made is based on the fact that God became a man through......

The history of chemistry and its importance in the development of humanity The history of chemistry is inseparable for the development of humanity, because it begins with the trans...

The history and evolution of classical music From the beginning the music was studied from the artistic and aesthetic panorama in ancient Greece. As a history, we know that calling...

The historical tour of health and disease Introduction Throughout the centuries, the concept of health has suffered a series of transformations regarding its understanding, going f...

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The historical context of the Renaissance, beginning and end Historic context The term rebirth derives from the Italian expression "rinsecita", a word used for the first ...

The hidden beauty captured by instinct Introduction Beauty, a very important characteristic in the human sense we will learn more about it and know how to observe its different poi...

The great story of Zeus Introduction Zeus, in the ancient Greek religion, the main deity of the pantheon, a god of heaven and the climate that was identical to the......

THE FUNDAMENTALS OF BIOLOGY AND ITS BRANCHES The word biology- from Greek bios, life and logos, studied- was coined more than two hundred years ago;Biology had its origins as a......

The figure of a judge in society Introduction The work of judges and magistrates, as administrators of justice and servants of general interest, acquires utmost importance for the ...

The ferocity of Dilophosourus Introduction Dilophosourus was a genus of dinosaurs that inhabited our planet during the Jurassic period, about 125 million years ago. This specimen i...

The existence of God Introduction. There is Russell's metaphysical argument against the term "contingent", at least, the one presented by Father Copleston in a debate in ...

The evolution of society from the dark era. Introduction: In the following analysis it will be developed from the most relevant analytical points that have been considered appropri...

The ethnic origin in historical analysis INTRODUCTION Sometimes at the time of the analysis of a historical process, it is commondetermined within the community framework that is b...

The economy in ancient civilizations During the history of economic thought there were great advances in the economy, that is, it was evolved differently over time, however, moment...

The duration of time Introduction It is related to the events of the fable, divide at the same time by: duration, sequences management and frequency. Time per duration: it is......

The diverse evolution of dinosaurs Introduction Deepen these fast data on dinosaurs for children of all ages. Discover why the tyrannosaur had sharp teeth, where does the name ‘d...

The cruel destination of the work of Oedipus Rey In the Greek literature a classic work composed of Sophocles is accentu work, so that it has been estimated whose importance......

The creation and origin of the universe and everything that is the reasoning  The reasoning of Hesiod in his theogony can be taken in different ways, as the first measure......

The contribution of philosophers to society The contribution that philosophy has given to science in general is magnificent and in fact, is greater than the one that science has be...

THE CONCEPT OF ETHICS AND ITS ORIGIN Introduction As the science in charge of examining the intention of the acts of the human being is as we call ethics, since......

The concept of epistemology and its different approaches   In 1864 the publication of an article was made which was the first to expose the word epistemology by James Frederick......

The Byzantine Empire and its Artistic Expression Introduction The starting point of Byzantine art begins from the moment this city became the capital of the Roman Empire by order o...

The Babel Library story by the author Jorge Luis Borges The present work seeks to explain clearly and concisely how Borges shows his literary work, beyond only words;Given the case...

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The artistic and cultural movement of the Renaissance in Italy in the fourteenth century  Renaissance is an artistic and cultural movement that arises in Italy in the fourteenth c...

The artemis temple, a wonder of antiquity The temple of Artemisa, a wonder of antiquity was located in the ancient city of Ephesus. Today there is nothing practically about him,......

The analysis of the work tragedy of Antigona   Sophocles tells the story of Antigone Valerosa who disobeys the arrogant and exaggerated King of Thebes, who prohibits not burialing...

The address as a connection factor   The concept of Domus was known in Roman law and still retains its importance in civil law. Here, however, we discuss the address......

Technological University of Honduras Introduction The theme assigned to investigate, was the origin of philosophy, the issue is very important and we go back to the history of the ...

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Symbol of wisdom through literature Introduction Literature is one of the most glorious arts that exist. Among them we have one of its origins, a guy that is based until......

Study of the Homero work Introduction This work, called at the origin of the corporeality, presents a wide theme. It is a study of Homer's work, of the classic of......

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Stereotypes of the Greek woman in Medea de Euripides Reflection on Medea How was your understanding of the cultural and contextual considerations of the work through interactive or...

Stages and History of Greek Culture The objective of this research report is to know the stages and history of Greece. From its beginnings to the fall of the Greek......

Space exploration: Uranus Introduction The third largest planet in our solar system was only discovered with a telescope in 1781. His rings were not found until 1977 with the help....

Sophocles and his greatest work in Ancient Greece, Oedipus Rey Introduction This work was written by Sophocles, who was one of the greatest writers of tragic theater in ancient Gre...

Siginified of the Bible and its origin: Old Testament Introduction According to the National Pastoral Plan: the Bible comes from the Greek Bible that means written daughter or writ...

Shadow - Edgar Allan Poe Introduction This parable written in 1835, a dead Greek man who describes his own testimony of life, mentions that he had already traveled the region......

School uniform and its relationship with the law  Introduction Under the former Law 149 of July 15, 1999, “Organic Law of the Department of Education” according to amended, in...

Roman Emperor Augusto and his Antoniana Constitution  Emperor César Marco Aurelio Severo Antonino Augusto says: “It is necessary first of all to refer to the divinity the cause...

Review and analysis of the antigone work Introduction Antigone, a book full of tragedies where misfortune remains in each of its lines, implying that each mistake is paid with pain...

Review about Tragic Hero of Antigone of Sophocles In the Antigone work of Sophocles (496-406 AC), one of the most important authors of the Greek tragedy together with Euripides (48...

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