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Iván Moreno Carretero Group: A3 Introduction The rite, in the funeral sphere of ancient Greece has been practically since the beginning of Greek history. This is because of the Gr...

Influence of Christianity and Origin of Man Introduction The image of man in Catholic Christianity, man must be integral and must contemplate all his dimensions such as: his spirit...

Influence of Alejandro el Grande Ell Macedonian Kingdom To begin, it is noteworthy that the Macedonic Army, one of the most important and powerful of antiquity, not only led to......

Important Libraries and the Medicci family One of the libraries that we must mention is the Bodleiana Library, the main research library of the University of Oxford. The Bodleian L...

Implications of the Peloponnese War in Greece In the first place, it is necessary to resume and analyze the main implications that the Peloponnese war had for the Greek context......

Impact of Roman architecture today Introduction Roman architecture has had a great impact on architecture from its creations to this day, its architectural style is used so far as ...

Immigration in Europe and its changes  During the last decade, Europe has been the main objective for world migrations, since according to various statistics, these have increased...

Image of God: Jesus Christ as God became man Introduction. The theme of Greek philosophy and Christianity have always been very controversial issues for many, the study of the diff...

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Humans without essence and stereotypes Why do we try to fool ourselves when judging? When we follow a stereotype we put aside our true identity and go on to make......

Human Being Philosophy Introduction Nietzsche's philosophy hidden under mascará. Nietzsche reconsider the past of tradition in the western world and repulsible with fervor all cus...

History of the Spanish language worldwide The Spanish language is the fourth most spoken language throughout the planet, after Chinese, Hindu and English. Today there are more than...

History of psychology and different types of behaviors Introduction As we know psychology was one of the sciences that had a great impact on society years ago as at present,......

Historical comment of a Greek text The text of this practice is a text of historiographic origin, dating from the year 121 D.C, in the full republican Rome, it still......

Herbivorous dinosaurs and their importance in the food chain The presence of living dinosaurs lasted more than 170 million years and extended during most of the Mesozoic period (mo...

Greek mythology: J. R. R. Tolkien and his work Introduction. Greek mythology is stories that are part of a certain religion or culture or can also be known as cultural......

Greek literature: Oedipus Rey Introduction. Within the universal literature, emblematic stand out that have become eximious writers for their history and the various literary resou...

Greece is a territory with customs and traditions Introduction Greece, a country that currently covers the territory located in the south of the European continent, is one of the m...

Funeral rites made in ancient Greece Introduction The Greeks believed that, when a person died, his body and spirit separated and that he was heading to Hades, the kingdom of......

Funeral rites in ancient Greece Introduction The Greek world is fully surrounded by mysticism and spirituality, it is integrated into all areas of his life, and as such, it is......

Freud in the 21st century. CONSEQUENCES OF ITS DISCOVERY Introduction Sigmound Freud in the 21st century took the step to discover through its theories psychoanalysis with a backgr...

Franz Kafka's novel: The process Introduction We think of that legacy that Kafka left, one full of knowledge, culture, teachings and learning of what is the right, a right that......

Fire ants: description, habits and habitat Three species of fire ants inhabit the southwest of the desert: the Xyloni solenosis, the fire ant solenosis and amblyila solenosis solen...

Eugenics from the cinematographic world The issue of eugenics is very controversial. On the one hand, we see how in films, eugenics is taken as a solution to all problems......

Ethics, happiness and virtue by Aristotle This synthesis addresses the relationship between ethics and the concepts of happiness and virtue addressed by the Greek philosopher Arist...

Essay on the origin of man To start, according to what is stated by Angelis & Zordan, the main Greek thinkers related to the conception of the image of man......

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Essay on philosophical movement: Humanism Humanism was a philosophical and lesson movement that was born in the cities- state of the Italian Peninsula in the 14th century. Its maxi...

Essay on Geometry in Architecture Over time numerous civilizations have left extraordinary legacies of their culture, such as legends, languages, traditions, crafts, constructions,...

Epistemology theories and its philosophy   One of the great virtues that we humidly have and that the difference of other inhabiting beings of this planet, such as animals is......

Eiffel Tower: Most famous metal structures in the world Introduction Without a doubt, steel is one of the most versatile, useful and durable materials that can be implemented in pr...

Effective leadership as an organizational strategy Introduction In the epic poem the Iliad written by the ancient Greek Homer is about a prohibited love story. The conflict was tha...

Dynamics: Causes that cause the movement of bodies The dynamic is the part of the mechanics that study the relationship between the movement and the causes that produce it (the......

Dinosaur: The most famous animal Introduction What is a dinosaur? Dinosaurs are among the most famous animals in the world, but paradoxically they are also among the least known. W...

Dinosaurs that ruled the Mesozoic era The term dinosaur was coined in 1842 by the English biologist Sir Richard Owen. The Name Dinosaur literally means "terrible lizards"...

Deontological Ethics and Teleological Ethics (Consequentialist) When we talk about ethics, everyone thinks that it is a philosophy that studies the principles of human behavior, bu...

Democracy: Right to vote and choose Introduction Democracy has the purpose that all people have the right to choose and vote for our sovereign and as regards the political decision...

Critics review of the Odyssey and the Iliad   The author of the Odyssey and the Iliad was the same;And he is recognized as Homer who was a Greek poet......

Critical thinking about Matrix Is reality real? Question that has always aroused restlessness in relation to the subject with the world. And so, there is another followed question,...

Contributions of the seventeenth century scientific revolution While it is true the scientific revolution had a great historical value, especially in the seventeenth century for it...

Contemporary Art and the works of Juan Bordes Introduction. In order to know the character of the work, intentionality and in conclusion its iconography must know the intentions of...

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Constitution: Supreme Law of a State Introduction In this section we will talk about the first concepts of Constitution, which move away from the modern term, but that allow the......

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