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Subrogated motherhood is a moral dilemma Subrogated motherhood is a moral dilemma, which has invaded intensively in political, social and media discussion debates. Subrogated mothe...

Study of Legal Feminisms The fact that a certain type of underwear is considered sufficient argument in this case only demonstrates and reflects that the right in much of the......

Studies related to the problem of unemployment In this work we will be presenting and analyzing two studies related to the problem of unemployment. Between the two studies we have....

Stress and job satisfaction Introduction According to his thesis entitled: “Stress and job satisfaction” study conducted with the collaborators of footwear, clothing, electroni...

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Story the judge's wife by the author Isabel Allende In the story the wife of the judge, author Isabel Allende writes a pretty story that seizes the issues prevalent to......

Steroids in sports: risks when using steroids Alterations with the use of steroids in athletes What would be the main risks when using steroids in athletes? By making known each......

Society and social isolation: A frequent fact Introduction Loneliness and isolation in older adults is an increasingly frequent fact, because at this stage a series of experiences ...

Simone de Beauvoir's life and work Introduction. Simone de Beauvoir, the writer, teacher and militant feminist who achieved her worldwide fame after publishing Le Deuxième Sixe in...

Simone de Beauvoir and the feminist reading of the master and the slave Since time immemorial women have had difficulty accessing studies for having a secondary social role, it was...

Sexual jealousy and relationship Sexual jealousy is the cognitive response to a situation in which a person believes or knows that his partner wants or has had sex with a......

Sexuality in the elderly Introduction Throughout life a person from the beginning to their end is considered as sexual beings and at no time from it can be removed from......

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Sexuality An important part of the personality Sexuality is an important dimension of personality and health status that is expressed differently in each of the people. Not everyon...

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Sexual identity within society Sexual and gender diversity (DSG) or simply sexual diversity which this is the term used to refer even so that all sex diversity as well as......

Sexist stereotypes on television Introduction First, sexist or also called sexism stereotypes are social beliefs and practices, in which men and women perform certain roles, charac...

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Sexism, a patriarchal order Sexism, derived from the patriarchal order of society, is a cultural guideline to which almost all laws in force in the western world are opposed today,...

Sex education and contraceptive methods The work organized between the UN and more organizations (1) alludes that sex education is a right that has the objective of promoting and p...

Sex and Kamasutra to play with the machine in love Introduction Let's not fool ourselves most of the catalogs of sexual positions that are seen around are just a lot......

Secularism and religious freedom Surgery is a political and social uprising that protects people's freedom of knowledge and supports the secularism of the State, in other words, de...

Second sex analysis and Simone de Beauvoir Simone de Beauvoir's second sex is the most important feminist book ever written, and yet English readers have never known exactly what h...

Search for freedom for women Introduction With this work I intend to make visible a black stage of Spain. Many were the women who were in the look during the......

School uniform and its representative values Introduction To begin the meaning of uniform comes from universe that means unity by individuals belonging to the same group. The unifo...

Schizophrenia, Psychotherapy as part of the treatment   Schizophrenia was discovered since 1850, the term “Démence Précoce” was established to refer to cognitive deficit sta...

Reproductive health and family planning Introduction. Family planning more than being a strategy to reduce maternal mortality is a permanent tactic that will fully achieve sexual a...

Representation of patriarchy in polygamy Introduction Since the issue we address in this research is about the causes of polygamy in the Fang ethnicity, and which in turn constitut...

Promulgation of rights in gender diversity Introduction Different initiatives have been promulgated to promote equality and contribute to break the crystal ceiling, which women fac...

Problems with academic development due to gender violence Introduction Gender violence in educational units prevents students from developing their academic development in totally....

Poverty in Peru today, possible solution alternatives   Poverty is a problem in force in many parts of Peru, to date among other things, the State has not achieved with......

Porn as a form of violence against women Paulina Sepúlveda Garrido, in the article “Is porn a form of violence against women?"Talk about the Erotic Salon of Barcelona of 20...

Poem 'You love me Blanca' and the influence of modernism and postmodernism A well -recognized author in Latin America is Alfonsina Storni. She was born in Sala Capriasca, Switzerla...

Physical and emotional changes in childhood and adolescence When we talk about childhood changes to adolescence, most are able to talk about it, since it is an issue that we......

Personal essay on feminism Feminism is a social and political movement that formally begins at the end of the 18of the group of men under their different historical phases of......

Pedagogical model of the State and its relationships Introduction The model reflects the set of relationships in which the subjects of the educational process are immersed, in that...

Oppression and discrimination of women Introduction For lagarde, he uses conception as a basis for defining the term of women, according to Lagarde, there is a generalization of hu...

Opinion on gender equality and inequality Article 14 of the Spanish Constitution establishes that all Spaniards are equal to the law, without making any gender distinction. However...

Novel La Peste by Albert Camus   Albert Camus at the beginning of his novel mentions the city of Oran, where you can see its negativity towards it, mentioning that......

Nora character's evolution within the work Casa de Dolls Introduction The work Casa de Dolls first published in 1879 in Teatro Real de Copenhagen correspondence to the genre Drama,...

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Myths and truths of male sexuality Introduction Call it prejudices, myths, fables or legends. I call it as you like, there are preconceived ideas about male sexuality that are not....

Modernity in the Indianism of Fausto Reinaga Summary Modernity as a theme of study is not only modernity by modernity, but also in it the other modernity is recreated. On......

Medea: Feminism in Greek mythology Medea, a woman from another era Medea is a work written by Euripides in the year 431 to.C, which had a lot of prestige around......

Mattered woman, a silent plea    Gender violence has become an urgent social problem to be treated we are living in a macho society, in which the woman is being......

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