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Importance of oxygen concentrators Introduction Portable oxygen concentrators (PIC) are an essential part of complementary oxygen therapy for people with lung diseases who want to ...

Importance of geopolitics in a nation INTRODUCTION The importance of the study of geopolitics, today is undoubtedly the same that has been giving in previous times, to understand t...

Importance of creativity in the business idea Creativity is a way of living the existence that covers originality and establishes unique connections between seemingly different ide...

Importance of communication in organizations   Through the thorough review of specialized texts and authors, epistemological orientations that contextualize communication as an ac...

Importance and characteristics in green logistics Introduction Life on the planet is threatened by the different consequences caused by the almost inevitable way of how we discard ...

Immigrant protection benefits Introduction Suárez in a publication made in the scientific journal Foresetti, entitled Libertad at the expense of constitutional protection: immigra...

I discover 7 reasons why a father is vital in the development of his children Introduction Historically, the raising and education of children was a task for mothers. The parents,....

I am different from everyone... Like the others Repeat and repeat. And from so much repeated, it is consecrated, acquires independence and governs, beyond good and evil. When I won...

Humor theories Introduction Humor has manifested itself in very varied ways throughout history, which is why several theories have developed. Next, four types of theories about hum...

Human physiology and mobility Introduction When we talk about the issue of mobility, it is nothing more the freedom that all people have to move freely from one point to......

Human nature and human being Introduction The human race throughout his life has transformed nature by adapting the resources he has at his disposal for its use and benefit that......

Humanitarian aid that came to Venezuela Introduction Humanitarian aid that arrived in Venezuela is insufficient due to the serious crisis of the country donated by the Red Cross fa...

Human food and nutrition A food is a substance that has the property of giving a certain organism the nutrients and energy necessary to fulfill its basic functions. Because the......

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Human development and the evolution of its constructions Today the human being has developed certain skills for its existence in society which caused results such as the existence ...

Human Being Philosophy Introduction Nietzsche's philosophy hidden under mascará. Nietzsche reconsider the past of tradition in the western world and repulsible with fervor all cus...

How to promote adolescents resilience It is a fact that difficult problems and situations cannot always be avoided, which, in addition, is not recommended. Adolescence is a particu...

How does autism physiotherapy affect Mental health is defined as a dynamic state that is expressed in everyday life through behavior and interaction in such a way that it allows......

How cerebral plasticity is produced Introduction Cerebral plasticity: The term "plasticity" has been used to describe various exchange rates associated with neuron and it...

Historical problem related to youth crime Introduction Youth crime is a problem that has been historically treated from various moral, religious, psychologists, legal and even biol...

Healthy adult healthy life  Introduction Aging is the stage where the human being has changes as in his physique, in his health and psychological. There is no exact age to......

Health system in Colombia Introduction  Health is a state of physical, mental and social well -being and not just the presence of evil or disease. Therefore, contemplates the heal...

Health status in the Honduran population The administration in the country's health and social sector becomes very limited in terms of functions and the beneficial effects of the s...

Haunted House and its horror novelist Introduction The renowned horror novelist Mike Enslin only believes in what he can see with his own eyes. But after a series of bestsellers......

Growth and development of the little ones Introduction The next report is going to talk about the different evolutions we have at birth, either why we are gaining some of......

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Grown Children Seminar Introduction Who are called gifted?. Children who have a CI of 130 or higher are endowed and have exceptional characteristics such as good performance, high ...

Great benefits of taekwondo for children Taekwondo for children can be an excellent tool to strengthen the person in their growth processes. Not only in the physical aspect, but al...

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Good Christians and Honest Citizens  When we talk about being good Christians and well citizens we are referring to the legacy left by our employer Don Bosco in which it......

Globalization, appearance of economic blocks The world over time has evolved in all its areas, has had an extreme, radical and global change for decades. We are currently in a......

Globalization and its economic effect in Venezuela As Venezuela has been seen in recent years, it is one of the poorest countries, not only in Latin America but also in......

Germany responsible for creating two wars Introduction Germany, responsible for creating two world wars and the holocaust, today accept immigrants and that is that the worst abuser...

Gentrification as an expression of urban extractivism Gentrification as an expression of urban extractivism The gentrification process constitutes a clear expression of urban extra...

Genital herpes, chronic sexually transmitted infection   Genital herpes is a chronic sexually transmitted infection, caused by herpes simple herpes virus (VHS), this can be known ...

Gender salary gap in the United States The gender salary gap in the United States is real, and statistics now are that women earn 80 cents for every dollar a......

Gender inequality in the world All human beings we are born with our similar organs, it is our reproductive system that makes us direct and mark the existence of what......

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Game therapy by Virginia M. Axline To understand the therapy developed by Axline, it is of primary importance to visualize the specific issue that this attends. As he expresses in....

Fruit productions in Ecuador Introduction Ecuador's interest in the EU is due to the fact that consumers in these countries have high purchasing power, additionally these countries...

Friendship in highly sensitive people   Being sensitive is a real privilege if we achieve from our first years of life identify that our way of perceiving emotions is a......

Freedom your Irrigation of Power Introduction The subject or individual determines his thinking and behavior through the culture or social group to which he belongs, the political,...

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Freedom and its risks today One of the themes considered a strong dish of ethics is freedom and I call it that because it has become a controversial theme, from......

Freedom and its risks in our time To start, I consider that for Michel Focault freedom "... is the ontological condition of ethics. But ethics is the reflected form that......

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