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Free Prevention of Substance Abuse Essay Examples and Topics for Students

Substance Abuse Disorder and Mental Illness Name Institution Course Instructor Date The expression “chasing the dragon” refers to the positive reinforcement act of continual cr...

Week 11: Substance Abuse Disorder and Mental Illness Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Substance Abuse Disorder and Mental Illness In the article, the author explains the ...

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War on Drugs Name of Student Institution Affiliation War on Drugs Since the implementation of the war on drugs policy in 1982 by Reagan’s administration, the level of drug use......

Summary and Lessons from the Research Name Institutional Affiliation Summary and Lessons from the Research Outlining the past to present the history of the study of current policie...

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Outline Thesis Employ Family Treatment Courts to Cut Number of Children in Foster Care Introduction Role of the family treatment courts in reducing children in a foster care home T...

Assessing Mood Disorders Name Institutional Affiliation Assessing Mood Disorders The case study concerns a 16 year old girl named as Brenda. The adolescent has an escalated problem...

Research Proposal Name Institutional Affiliation Population and Sampling Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD) mainly involves two types of therapies namely Cognitive...

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Why Teenagers Make Risky Decisions “Today, ladies and gentlemen, the spectacular hallmark of adolescence is the level of risky ...

Alcohol and Substance Abuse among the Elderly Student’s Name Institutional Affiliations Alcohol and Substance Abuse among the Elderly The growing concerns on the substantial incr...

Dealing with Addiction in a Family Student’s Name Course Title Institutional Affiliation Tutor’s Name Date It is not accurate to make the claim that all members within a given ...

Substance Abuse Social Worker Questions Student’s Name Course Title Institutional Affiliation Tutor’s Name Date Social workers are key individuals in every community whose work...

Name Professor Course Date Smoking Smoking has detrimental effects on the people's lives. The multimedia presentation targets young college and university students between the ages...

Adolescent Depression Student Name Institution Affiliation Adolescents face developmental problems that lead to stress. They include developing bodies associated with puberty, peer...

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Comparing Counseling Approaches Student’s Name Institution Affiliation This paper focuses on two different counseling approaches; cognitive behavioral therapy and person-centered...

Need for Support Groups for HIV-Positive Haitian Immigrants Name Institutional Affiliation Need for Support Groups for HIV-Positive Haitian ImmigrantsThe project is relevant to the...

Cognitive Failure Name Institution Abstract From the article, it is clear that a number of literature exists on the topic of cognitive failure. The publication is a systematic of 2...

Prevention of Substance Abuse Name Institution Prevention of Substance Abuse The last time I recall being offered material on substance abuse prevention I was 12 years old. I remem...

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Congresswoman Maxine Waters Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Congresswoman Maxine Waters Background analysis Maxine Waters as a congresswoman adds to the list of the grea...

Consequences of Use Name Institution Consequences of Use Drug use is quite a contentious issue in our society. Individuals abuse drugs for several reasons and in nearly all cases, ...

Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Name Date Medical Care for Individuals with Dual Diagnosis Similarly, to other individuals in the society, individuals with mental issue...

Overcoming addiction challenge Student’s Name Institution’s Name Addiction can be a brain disorder that involves compulsive engagement with a substance or behavior, for the sak...

Name Tutor Course Date The Effects of Substance Abuse on the Individual, the Family, and the Community For many years, substance abuse has been one of the major challenges facing.....

The American teen drama series 13 Reasons Why was first released on March 31, 2017. The drama was released at a time when college bullying was on the rise. According......

Addition and dependency Name Institution Affiliation Date Addition and dependency Hearing about addition, many images come to our mind. An addition is presumed to be linked to misu...

Substance Abuse among the Disabled Name Institution Substance abuse among the disabled Substance use disorders occur when the persistent consumption of alcohol or drugs triggers cl...

Discussion Board Post Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Discussion Board Post During the first year of my graduate training, I got to learn about various theories that ...

Addiction and Substance Abuse Name Institution Addiction is indeed a chronic illness characterized by substance seeking and utilization that is obsessive or challenging to contr...

Addiction and Substance Abuse Name Institution Affiliation Research question Impacts of addictive, but highly effective narcotics and failure to fully explore non-medicinal pain me...

Thesis Revision: Substance Abuse amongst the Youth Student’s Name Course Title Institutional Affiliation Tutor’s Name Date Hello everyone, Based on the feedback I received from...

Handling Drug Abusers Name Institutional Affiliation Date Abstract Drug abuse has become quite a huge problem in today’s society. However, since there is the chance to turn one�...

Name Professor Course Date Single Family Household The issue of single-family household has evolved through the years. Until the late 19th Century, only a few people expressed inte...

Journal Entry Student’s name Institution Affiliation Journal Entry For two weeks through my practicum, I had not experienced any case involving a psychosocial disorder at the Den...

Psychopathology Name Institution Personality disorders are broadly categorized into three clusters; A, B and C. The first cluster is known as eccentric and comprises paranoid peopl...

Journal Entry: Renal Disorder Student Name: Email address: Practicum Placement Agency’s Name: Preceptor’s Name: Preceptor’s Telephone: Preceptor’s Email address: Journal En...

Students’ Name Professors’ Name Standard Deviation on Child Behavior Date Question 1 Standard deviation is the measure of the extent to which numbers are spread out from an exp...

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Case Study of Brandon Teena Student Name Institutional Affiliation Case Study of Brandon Teena What diagnosis would you give Brandon Teena? Why? The diagnosis that I may give Brand...

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Feedback on Co-Occurring Disorders #1(E.J) Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Feedback on Co-Occurring Disorders #1(E.J) The sources used in the paper present a clear under...

Research Critique Name Institution B. Determine the level and quality of the evidence using a scale ( The scale below...

Harm Reduction Program Student’s Name Course Institution Date Addictive behaviors mostly brought by substance abuse tends to make the community vulnerable to harm. As a public...

Therapy Name Institution Therapy Psychology is a science of the mind and the behavior applying thoughts and feelings to address a particular problem. Psychology specialist is known...

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