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Future of Public Relations

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Future of Public Relations
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Future of Public Relations
The level of education and demand for various goods and services has increased leading to more expectations for further improvement. This has led to the increased demand to improve the marketing strategies. The trends in the marketing and public relations industries highly contribute to the improvement as they try to fit in the competitive world. To meet their goal of satisfying the clients’ needs, I expect improvements and growth in the public relations as I will discuss in this paper.
To improve skills, I expect more business institutions to be opened so as to provide knowledge and training to the people practicing public relations as well as those willing to join the field. This will not only improve their knowledge but will also help them improve their expertise, in turn, improving the level of efficiency for the whole industry. Through employment, people will also be encouraged as they will be assured of job opportunities. It will also improve the level of professionalism as members of the various organizations will have the know-how on how to deal and perform their work (Alfonso 2006).
Most clients prefer dealing with firms who have effective communication platforms. I, therefore, expect that the public relations practitioners will provide personalized ways, for instance, directly communicating with the clients in order to understand them and deliver what they need to the best.

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This is so because of the trust issues raised concerning the media. The industry should also consider hiring individuals who are well experienced and have high levels of communication skills (Alfonso 2006).
Public relations practitioners sometimes face the challenge cultural and language barrier while in the field. To sort this issue, I expect that the members should be educated and trained in various languages as per the market expectations so as to reach all parts as per the needs of the client. Interactions at the international level will also improve their performance. To meet this goal, the practitioners should also consider exchanging what they have with their competitors so that they can be able to point out where they need to change which has not been the case before (Alfonso 2006).
Sometimes it requires a linkup so for the customers to meets their best providers who are a responsibility of the public relations. I, therefore, expect this firm to build better relationships with the embers of the public and the press. This will help it to grow its trust as the clients will have more confidence in them as they get promised of quality content. This is important as this is a long-term deal which needs to be built on and updated on a daily basis (Toth 2009).
There is much which need to be accomplished in the next century as the technology evolve daily. Therefore, I expect that the technology to be used in the public relations firm will also grow at the same speed so as to meet the technological level of the nation. This is also expected as the behavior and attitudes of the customer’s change may be due to monotony as sometimes the press may use the same strategy for a long time. Therefore, reviewing the strategies daily will be a great way of presenting the work (Toth 2009).
The main objective of public relations is to meet the needs of both client and customers. This means that if these expectations are met in one country, then they should also be implemented in the whole world as most companies are run in many countries worldwide. This will be possible if programs offering training in the field will be implemented and made accessible in means where everyone will be able to reach them. This will change the world to a greater level.
Alfonso, G. H., & de Valbuena Miguel, R. (2006). Trends in online media relations: Web-based corporate press rooms in leading international companies. Public Relations Review, 32(3), 267-275.
Toth, E. L. (Ed.). (2009). The future of excellence in public relations and communication management: Challenges for the next generation. Routledge.

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