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Gender Equality

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Gender Equality
Since ancient times gender equality has been a nightmare. Men and women should be given equal right to decent work, education, and healthcare since there is no gender that is better than the other. Though we have to acknowledge the variances in sexes, that men are muscular than women, this should not form the basis to treat men and women differently. The idea that women work is only to nurture children should be fought by all means possible. Given knowledge, skills and exposure women can perform better at work. Efforts in fighting for gender equality have paved the way for women in the workforce, economic decision making, and politics. Despite the progress made in fighting for gender equality today, women still face gender-based violence and discernment in many parts of the world.
In the play “Medea,” when Medea meets with Jason, she promises to assist him. Jason promises Medea that if she assists him and succeeds, they would marry. Medea works so hard until Jason succeed. Medea marries Jason However, Jason later decides to marry Glauce. Jason’s decision hurts Medea. To Medea, this is an indication that Jason values himself. This is evident when Medea tells Jason that every time she opens up a road for him, she closes one for herself (Euripides and Morwood 37). With all the sacrifices that Medea makes for Jason, he decides to abandon her. Jason thinks that he is more important than Medea and that’s why he mistreats her. In “A Doll’s House” when Torvald falls sick, Nora needs money to help him.

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Though Nora is not employed, she decides to borrow money from a bank where Torvald works. She approaches Krogstad who is a junior employee in the bank to assist her. Nora forges the signature and Krogstad helps her get a secret loan (“YouTube”). When Torvald returns to work, he decides to sack Krogstad. Nora requests Torvald not to sack Krogstad, but he remains determined to sack him. Krogstad expresses interest to reveal Nora’s crime to Torvald (“YouTube”). In these scenarios, women are never appreciated by men. Men feel superior, and that is why they don’t value what women do to them. The society gives men higher status than women. Though these beliefs are changing, there are societies that still practice them. They consider men as the sole family providers and women as the homemakers. Thus whatever men demands, women must obey. Tom Findlay claims that he cannot marry Susan with her two children and therefore, Susan kills her children so that he can reunite with Tom Findlay (Rekers. 14). Gender equality is indeed necessary to give women a chance to express themselves and not to following all what men orders.
Medea, who is a character in the play “Medea,” ignores the beliefs of ancient Greek society. Medea’s fearless acts are condemned by women as according to them, the evil acts that Medea is involved suit men but not women (Euripides and Morwood 28). The society does not associate women with murder. Only men are associated with murder. However, Medea contradicts society’s view and murders many people. Despite the fact that Medea is a woman; she does not feel the guilt of her evil activities. Medea helps Jason get the Golden Fleece. After some time Jason starts to mistreat her. Medea plans to revenge. She believes that her husband will be hurt most when their children are dead. That’s why she kills her children (Euripides and Morwood 45). In another scenario, Nora struggles to prove to Torvald that she is a good wife. Torvald does not take her seriously as to him; Nora is just a wife. Torvald treats Nora is a sex object. At one time Torvald tells Nora that she should always give in to his sexual demands (“YouTube”). Despite the role women have in bringing up children, Nora decides to abandon her role as a mother because of the cruelty of her husband. Torvald thinks about himself only, and he doesn’t care about Nora. This is evident when Torvald claims he would prefer guard his honor but not sacrificing it for the sake of Nora (“YouTube”). Such abusive marriage shows how women are treated by Men. In marriage, men and women should respect each other as both have equal rights.
Children trust their mothers most. Unfortunately, some mothers may decide to relieve their anger by acting adversely on the children. When there are differences between the wife and the husband, women should not transfer the problem to the children. Women should know how to handle such situations. In the play “Medea,” when Medea faces challenges in her marriage, she plans revenge on her husband. She kills their innocent children just because her husband Jason is a love affair with Glauce, daughter of Creon (Euripides and Morwood 40). In “Susan Smith material,” Susan Smith decides to kill their two young children when she broke up with Tom Findlay (Rekers 39). This condition in women may be as a result of lack of gender equality. Therefore embracing gender equality will help women make decisions without Men’s influence.
Motherhood is a state that women cannot avoid. Motherhood becomes a challenge when a woman is employed and need to take care of the family. It is not an easy task for them. In the “Confession of a Juggler,” Tina Fey talks about difficulties she faces as she tries to balance between her professional career and family. Fey is worried that her child is not happy because she does not get enough time to interact with the child (Fey 64). It appears difficult for Fey to have a second child and still manage both her family and job. Hillary Clinton, who is a mother, has family responsibilities that she has to perform. Therefore motherhood responsibility may pose challenges to her when executing other jobs (“Choice 2016 | PBS”). Motherhood thus may limit women from effectively executing other tasks assigned to them because they have other family responsibilities especially when they have young children.
In our society today human equality is vital, there are several ways being used to fight for gender equality. Such include; providing employment, businesses and leadership to women. The government is steadfast in changing the current situation of women by formulating legislations that protect gender equality. Therefore, Women should embrace these changes for the betterment of their lives. They should work hard to get a quality education, employment and compete for leadership positions in organizations, society, and politics. By doing so, women will become economically empowered and independent and hence contribute to country’s economy and thus gender equality shall prevail.
Works Cited
Euripides, and James Morwood. Medea: Hippolytus ; Electra ; Helen. Oxford UP, 1998.
Fey, Tina. “confessions of a juggler.” The New Yorker 87 (2011).
Rekers, George. Susan Smith: Victim or Murderer. Glenbridge Publishing Ltd, 1996.
“The Choice 2016 | PBS.” FRONTLINE,
“YouTube.” YouTube,

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