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Goldhagen’s Evil Indictment of Germans

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Goldhagen’s Evil Indictment of Germans
In this review, I buy Goldhagen`s nation that the Germans population were in support of the genocides. The war made the participants to be paranoid of each other. The Germans themselves had suffered victimization that was caused by the adverse impact of the war(Jonah, 402). The anti-Jewish atmospheres in Germany was enhanced by paranoia that made all Germans feel threatened of begin wiped out by genocide. Therefore, the Holocaust in their defense was strategic measures put in place to avoid their own perish. Hence, I buy Goldhagen`s idea that the German population was also an active participant in the actual holocaust.
In the midst of the war, many Volksdeutsche was also known as ethnic civilians. Germans were killed in thousands by either military personnel or civilians from Poland side. The main aim of the Poles was to occupy their business premises and farms from the German communities. In 1939, these attacks killed 58000 civilians from the German community (Jonah, 409). The attack was termed Bromberg Bloody Sunday. In my opinion, this attack had the potential of influencing many Germans to be alert of their enemies and when the anti-Jewish campaign hit them they had to deal with the Jewish as a precaution measure. In 1941, Theodore Kaufman who was a Jewish American released a book that was based on influencing the global community to sterilize all German people (Jonah, 413). The primary contents of Theodore`s idea were to eliminate the entire German ethnic.

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In short, this Jewish was the first person to call for the genocides ideology (Jonah, 413). In Goldhagen`s idea, the Jew threaten the Germans with a genocides effect and the Germans had to implement it first for their own survival.
In 1944, the drafting of the Morgenthau plan was established by Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt (Weber, 4). Their primary goal was to blackmail Hitler into an unconditional surrender. Therefore, the content of the Morgenthau Plan was implemented as strategies that would adversely impact Germany. They deprived Germany the opportunity to import goods. The economic paralysis increased the possibility of German civilians dying from starvation, unemployment and high cost of living. Additionally, in 1944, the Soviet had killed many civilian Germans in a village called Nemmersdorf (Weber, 4). In 1945, the allied air force initiated the Dresden bombing that killed thousands of Germans civilians. In logic, it can be argued out that Germans were threatened by any form of an enemy either big or small. Therefore, they support the holocaust in the quest of advancing their security and also preventing their ethnicity from extinction.
Simultaneously, the Germans reactions to Jewish cannot be seen as evil in the worldview. For instance, the Pearl Harbor attack advanced by the Japanese caused the Americans to round up all people of Japanese ancestry in concentration camps immediately after the attack (Weber, 4). The American government termed the exercises as a national security measure. On the other hand, the Germans rounding up the Jews was not instantly instead it was rather hesitantly and slow. It was until the soviet-Germany battle that the Jews were rounded up and the Holocaust actually began. Therefore, in German’s defense, the Holocaust was based on a nation security precaution that they were obligated to implement as a country.
In conclusion, in 1935, the American had laid down a long-standing policy that prohibited white Americans from marrying Negroes and Caucasian (Weber, 6). In the same year, the Germans adopted the same ideology in the Nuremberg Laws that was based on prohibiting Jewish-German marriages. In response to this, the Jewish killed German diplomats based in Paris and the Germans retaliated through destroying Jewish stores in Germany. In short, the German holocaust was based on a retaliation mechanism influenced by the massacre of their fellow civilian Germans. Hence, I totally buy Goldhagen`s idea in issues relating to this topic.
Work Cited
Jonah Daniel. Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust. New York: Knopf, 1996. x+622 pages. Print
Weber E. Charcles. Goldhagen`s Evil Indictment of Germans. Institute for Historical Review, 2016. Print

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