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High Performance Equipment And Its Characteristics

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High performance equipment and its characteristics


"A successful person finds the right place for himself. But a successful leader finds the right place for others ”, this is one of John C’s most iconic phrases. Maxwell, writer, "coach" and American lecturer. A good leader knows how to develop the maximum potential of his team and moves them to tune in their actions to the final objective. This is the basis of the concept of high performance teams, where there is a leader who inspires, motivates and integrates a group of people from various knowledge, towards the right direction.


The thinker, scientist, doctor and writer, Gregorio Marañón said: “Synergy is life, and the best example is the functioning of the human body. All organs collaborate with each other ”. The biggest challenge we can face by wanting to establish high performance equipment is to confuse what is the VS group concept. It is easy to confuse both terms, but they are not synonymous. While it is true that a team is a type of group, but it is more than that. We can say that a group is a set of people who share certain characteristics from each other and interact with each other. But team can define them as: “It is a set of two or more people who interact with interdependence to achieve common objectives’ (Castro-Cossío E, Guerrero-Ramos R., 2002). Just as our human body has organs that work with each other, with different functions, but with a common objective.

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This is how teams work.

“High performance teams are formed by a group of people with special skills, capacities and competences that, working together and having common objectives, achieve extraordinary results, providing creativity, initiatives, achievements, value and coordination above the rest of thecompany ”Bayón (2017). High performance teams have three main characteristics: they have common goals, they work together to achieve the results and each member contributes with their skills and skills to complement each other and that is the biggest challenge that the leader have.


Steve Jobs talking about high performance groups. This commitment cannot be imposed: it must be built ". For a high performance team to be successful, it must have three important qualities: passion, commitment and determination. The effect of these qualities is to enhance each team member, with the purpose of focusing and achieving the expected results. Passion is that force that moves to reach goals and purposes. It is born from the interior of each member, is to give the best of itself and it is to put the soul and heart. The commitment is that duty, which each member has to strive and give the maximum, in purpose, in harmony and in collaboration, so that the team achieve results. Finally trust, which is necessary to be deposited in all and with hope, that everyone is aimed in search.

While it is necessary to have these three elements: passion, commitment and determination, so that each member can enhance their skills to the maximum, it is also necessary to develop the characteristics that differentiate from a group, a high performance team. These characteristics are: having defined objectives, each team member must be clear in their tasks and where you want to go, to develop the necessary actions for that purpose;the clarity in the definition of the roles, each member has the clarity of what it is in the group and that of others, so that they can complement each other;The definition of the process, allows each member to know the way to be effective in achieving the goal, good communication, without communication all Lass equipment and everyone’s participation, everyone has a background of knowledge and skills to contribute. We can add that high -performance teams are composed of people from different work areas and various knowledge, which are integrated for a set, to make their contributions. High yield teams have a leader who guides them and motives to achieve an environment of unity and cooperation.

According to Gomez-Mujica, to., & Acosta-Rodriguez, H. (2003) On the advantages of offering high performance teams in organizations are: “Increases work quality, collectivist spirit and commitment to the organization are strengthened, times in research are reduced, institutional expenses decrease. There is greater knowledge and information, new ways of addressing a problem arise. Decisions are better understood, the points of view are more diverse, there is a greater acceptance of solutions ”.

Although not everything is perfect, in the formation of groups of high yields in organizations we must take into account, these considerations, so that they do not become a disadvantage and lose the direction of the proposed objectives. The need for coordination is very important, each member when performing the tasks requires time and participation to be able to execute them. Avoid conformisms and stimulate the participation of each member, with their ideas and opinions. Be vigilant that there is no member wants to manipulate or want to have equipment control and the objectives are lost. Be aware of the conflicts and problems that may arise, to maintain the harmony of the team. Be clear about the tasks to avoid ambiguity.

Some threats that could affect high yield teams are: communication problems, the leader must ensure, that there are no problems in the transmission of the message and must be pending feedback, to ensure that everyone understands the message;Individualism about group good, one thing is an environment of competence and another an environment of cooperation and integration;Personal problems could affect the performance of the group, the atmosphere that brings conflict affects the healthy environment and harmony of the group;Disinterest in the company’s managers, it is possibly a problem of being able to transmit a message, where the perceived is the opposite and shows lack of interest, cause discouragement in the equipment and the lack of clarity of the goals, affects the address and execution.

On the opportunity I can say that it is infinite, when everyone strives with passion, commitment and determination to achieve in harmony and cooperation, they will have incredible results.

Examples of companies

Many successful companies use high -performance equipment, such as Apple, Google, Starburst, Coca Cola, Southwest among others. The results, that these high -yield teams have put on these company, instead that are worldwide.

The Southwest airline is an example, “its excellent human resources policy includes clear goals and shared tasks that are executed by efficient employees, treatment of their employees” (Barceló, 2018).

Google is a global company, Google’s culture is: people are what Google really do the company that is. We hire intelligent people and with determination, and put the ability to work for experience … we strive to maintain that open culture that is usually given in the beginning of a company, when everyone contributes in a practical way and feels comfortable to theShare ideas and opinions.

Starbucks Corporation, “The world’s largest coffee company… its executive director Howard Schultz has designed leadership model that includes the involvement of teams that‘ are part of ’that great company. In addition, very interesting collaborations are established among the different teams that make up each store ”(Barceló, 2018).

What Apple is today, owes it to Steve Jobs, as a leader, but also his staff behind him. Not only in the development of the Apple brand, but in the success achieved, in the world of design and innovation. Placing Apple in one of the world’s large companies in informatics, computation and technology. Each Apple employee puts their efforts, skills and abilities in every detail, to present high quality work. Everything is due to the conviction of Steve Jobs in high performance equipment.

The success of Coca-Cola, is not its secret formula, but for the formation of high performance equipment, placing Coca-Cola a more internationally known drinks brands.

If there is a company that has used high performance equipment to the maximum. Nestlé has many brands, not only in chocolates and sweets, but also oriented in bottled water (Purelife), dog and cat food (purine), coffee (nescafe), seasoning and culinary variety (Maggi), cookies (cookies (cookies (McKay) among other brands. Nestlé is a multinational company in the presence in almost all countries. The work teams keep Nestlé, in a global order company, with an excellent communication department.


We have seen the importance, characteristics and how world -class companies have used this high performance equipment method. As a saying goes: "In the union this force". That force, which is achieved, when there is a group of people who with passion, commitment and determination, put their talents and abilities to achieve a common purpose at the service of the team. Where there is a defined objective, where the process is clear, each one knows what their place is in the team, where everyone participates and gives their ideas, to efficiently and focus with success.


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