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How You Can Steal Our Information

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How you can steal our information

How can our information and what crimes comment

Today we live surrounded in the world of computer science where personal computers or computers are not only used to perform daily or auxiliary tasks for work or development of some programming software, but also computers have been a useful means for the Information theft, and key factor for the birth of computer crimes. According to the Computer Forensic division in its report about computer crimes, “46.71 % are computer crimes such as falsification or computer fraud through the introduction, deletion or suppression of computer data, or interference in computer systems”. (Computer Forensic Division, 2019). The big problem that arises from these crimes is that in reality most people who use cloud storage, do not know about these crimes and do not know how to avoid them.

Using Cloud Computing media to store our information can be somewhat risky. The majority of cloud services offer us and guarantee that our information will be safe and also with the implement of new services such as access and location within their cloud infrastructure, guarantee in a healthy way that the information will be fine. On the other hand there are situations that pass outside the cloud that have played against the cloud storage services, it is worth as an illustration with an example of a well -known cloud service Facebook, with what happened with a famous pollster “Cambridge Analytica ”, who many claim that they used information from more than fifty million Facebook accounts for Donald Trump’s political campaign.

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After a few days in an interview conducted by “The New York Times“ Mark Zuckerberg himself, denies everything about the use of personal accounts information and that were cyber frauds that intervened for the use of information, since Facebook cannot go against its objectives of offering safe software and especially going against the security triad.

When one enrolls his son or daughter in the nest, the director of the nest guarantees that the child will be under all the care based on security status and a diversity of constants that allow the child to be insurance before any danger. But what happens if a terrorist attack is coming that is stealing children and for unknown reasons to the nest where you enrolled the child and all the children of said nest are kidnapped for children’s organ trade. According to the director of the nest he handles all kinds of implements and guaranteed that the child was going to be in a safe environment, but it was not so. With this exemplification I want to clarify that in the storage in the cloud very similar situations happen. It is clear that cloud storage developers guarantee that your information will not be modified, or manipulated, since it goes against their policies, but what can happen outside it as a theft of information or some type of computer crime is An external problem that can occur both due to ignorance or ignorance of users or may be inevitable robberies of information.

If we go back to the Trojan War, there was a wooden gadget that had the shape of a horse so its name "The Trojan Horse", this gadget allowed him to use as a strategy to enter Troy. This type of strategy that seems somewhat conventional and that perhaps cannot be used in the world of computer science, but in reality it is one of the many ways with which we are exposed and we always fall. But how can this type of strategy be used for theft of information?, The answer is simple, sometimes one receives false emails or called “spam” that usually bring files that one due to ignorance and curiosity downloads it, but we give ourselves with the surprise that when we execute said file there is nothing inside and It is more likely that it is a virus that between silently and steals our information. This virus entered the horse to Troy, dare from a document that entered our device. Once inside a laptop, on table and even the same pocket computers, they can steal personal information such as email accounts, and as we well know the cloud storage services is handled through user accounts, Therefore they can steal our accounts and access our storage. This method for years has been able to steal enough information. The PUCE computer law professor, the DR. Santiago Acurio del Pino, in his document "Computer crimes: Generalities" refers to this type of program manipulation fraud or "Trojan horses"; “This crime is to modify existing programs in the computer system or in insert rule". (Del Pino, 23). To this type of routines we can include cloud computing, which has been involved as new objectives for fraud. We are strange to us how to enter access accounts to the cloud, so one of the phrases that Bruce Schneier leaves “if you. Think that technology can solve your security problems, so you. does not understand security problems and does not understand technology ".

According to the NIST, the security of our information stored in cloud storage services is based through the safety triad, consists of three aspects mentioned in the first argument. The big companies that offer the cloud storage service such as Google and Evernote, comply with the safety triad, but then this guarantees that our information is safe. According to the Computer Forensic division “a 43.11% are crimes against confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems. Within this category, the behaviors that are most repeated are 63.89% crimes related to illicit access to computer systems, and with a 36.11% All criminal behaviors related to interference in the functioning of a computer system ”. (Computer Forensic Division, 2019). The Computer Forensic division emphasizes that the dissemination of information is not by companies that offer cloud service, but it is the computer criminals who do it.

Ignorance and ignorance is inevitable for human race, new concepts that are taken to technology come out every day. With reference to fraud there are many cases of theft of information that are carried out through the unconsciousness of users that are seduced by false surveys or forms. Next I will refer to a fraud that is usually used very commonly in these times of email use and synchronization with the cloud. The "Pushing" is one of the new modalities that are being used for the theft of information and turns out to be somewhat seductive to the victim. This type of fraud is about to do is deceive the user through false mails, these mails are passed as developers of a cloud service that make us fill out form requesting real data of the user, the mail by having an appearance Like the developer, users fools these forms and send real data to some computer offender. This type of technique for the theft of peshing information is known as the falsification of the email sender shown by the address from which the email is supposedly sent (the sender), said field corresponds to the head of the message, this head is modifiable by the sender at the time of sending the email, thus being falsified; In addition, to add more credibility to phishing, the name of the supplanted sender can be specified in the header, next to the email address ”. 

When one is about to build your home and sudden Lock we install at the doors. If we buy and install the cheapest locks, it is most likely that thieves find it easier to enter, on the other hand if we buy more expensive locks to thieves, it is difficult for them to open. Security depends a lot on the person in any field that we find ourselves and as we well know the cloud storage services are handled through user and password accounts. If we place strong deciphering password, most likely that the algorithms used to steal information do not work, but if the password deciphering is weak the entry to the cloud service account will be immediate.

In 2016 “the company that develops the Cloud Dropbox service, confirmed that they stole the passwords and access to more than sixty -eight million account, almost 32 million of stolen passwords have a fairly strong and encryption Difficult to decipher by hackers, so it will not be an easy task that they can get the real password, while the rest are encrypted with a somewhat weaker algorithm ‘(2016, Roberto Adeva, Adslzone). 

Simple passwords result to the good or bad memory of users. It is easy to remember the simplest passwords, but this also allows easy access to others that can discover our key and even some our acquaintances could deduce our password.

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