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The Gun Control
Gun control is a law that is intended to impose legal measures to give a license, organize, or give restriction to the ownership of a gun by the associate of the community. The gun control differs significantly all around the world. Some countries have a very little restriction on gun possession while other have very strict restriction on gun ownership (Jacobs, 94). The responsibility of the gun control sponsor should be to make sure that the criminals, young people, and other individual who could attempt the high risks with the gun not to get access to them. Some change such as the prohibition of a person from owning the gun or registering does not hinder the individual from having a gun since there are no constitution barriers to such measure and no important social costs.
With the gun control, the government limits the individual’s rights of armed self-defense as illustrated in the second amendment. The second amendment in the constitution gives the right for an individual to bear arms in any situation due to self-defense. The gun control and the gun right have a long and good record, even if both sides in the gun argument claims to have history on their side; every has presented a privilege report of the past. A good example of such constitution is the constitution of the United States. It contains the Bill of Rights and the second Amendment. It states that a well-regulated militia is a necessity to the security of a free state and the right of people to keep and bear arms should not be infringed.

Wait! I have listed my thesis below, could use advice on that as well. May be too long / combine Main ideas paper is just an example!

Gun control does not control the crime or violence in the area. In the most cases in the area where there are fewest gun control laws and the highest gun ownership rates, the reported cases of the crime is very low. The state of the Virginia does not suffer the crime problem, even though, every individual has a gun, and the gun control law is very loose. The increase of crime, it is not due to the results of gun ownership. Since the area with the most guns ownership has the lowest crime level, the further addition of gun control law is ineffective and does not put off or reduce crime. In fact, guns are a tool that people use to commit crimes.
Every person is responsible for following laws given to keep everybody safe. By completing, the gun shot safety course and taking your God given responsibility to protect individuals and the family by practicing constant training on the use of weapons. People who believe that training is the essential to a well-regulated militia feel that stricter control and national governments indeed an infringement. Some supporters of the constitution claim that the Constitution is their supports. They believe that where there is no ruling government, the reports of crime cases is very high.
Gun control causes the crimes cases to rise at a high rate; there is an interconnection between the crime and the control. Most of the leaders use high crime and gun control as a tool in order to have more control over the population (Cochran, 100). It was proven that fewer lawfully owned gun leads to fewer crimes, even though guns are considered to be a defensive weapon.
The democratic gun right should not call for the gun control law, because, the gun control law only protects the criminals and does not, at any point, protect the innocent law abiding people. It is true that the criminal does not abide the rules. Thus, it is irreverent to a substitutive debate on gun changes, and the discussion does not say anything about the proper effect of an action a society should take to advance social products. Most of the people oppose the gun reform; they argue that such a reform only harms law-abiding people making it more difficult for the innocent citizen to get a gun that can be used use for self-defense. It is ironical that, though the laws are made to improve social results, they hurt the people who follow them.
The only real solution to reduce the crime rates is upon the government to put real prevention to the criminal. Through increasing the cost for those found in crime business, to the point that the criminal prefers to choose other occupation. If the government successes in reducing crime rates, the reports of crime cases decreases and hence every individual benefit. Instead of increasing weapon to deal with the crimes the government should increase, (Nisbet, 88) the penalty to criminal and thus will help to reduce the number of crime cases. The other way to deal with crime is by increasing the risk factor for the criminal more than their suitable shareholder increases in their organization.
The further negotiation of anti-gun control points engages claim that if more states passed obligatory sentencing laws for a criminal who uses a gun in the commission of crimes. Crime would not be affected since the past such laws failed to bring down the evil. If the government can achieve to control the number of people who can acquire the guns, and how many guns they can acquire, therefore there would lesser gun, and hence the crime cases will reduce.
The current proposal of the national government for stricter gun control will also not be in a position to reduce crime, but it will increase the size of the national system of government. This proposal will possibly increase the violent crime and identify the two type of firearms owner as the ordinary owner and the violent offender. The stricter gun law is highly needed to help bring down the violence of the gun, although they are not the magic solution to prevent future calamities. The federal guns act taxes the manufacturer and the sales of the firearms. The law requires the distributor of the gun, to register the guns with a brief general and ask for the sale information. The introduced act of the gun control give the law requiring that the manufacturers and sales people of the gun should licensed nationally; this law does not also allow the interstate sale of weapons.
In the government laws, as Spitzer (97) notes “every individual in the society is entitled to the right to self-protection”. The constitution gives the right to people trained and responsible to bear arms. As a good citizen, people should put their guns off the street and out of the hands of everybody to step back, and follow the law that they have created.

Work Cited
Spitzer, Robert J. The Politics of Gun Control. New York, N.Y: Chatham House Publishers,2000. Internet resource.
Nisbet, Lee. The Gun Control Debate: You Decide. Buffalo, N.Y: Prometheus Books, 1990. Print.
Cothran, Helen. Gun Control: Opposing Viewpoints. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2003. Prin
Jacobs, James B. Can Gun Control Work?Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. Internet resource.

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