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Importance And Evolution Of The Nurse Uniform

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Importance and evolution of the nurse uniform

In the following trial, the importance will be announced, highlighting the main functions granted by each of the garments that compose it. Which the uniform is something primary of a nursing figure, since it not only represents its characteristic emblem within a professional area towards its patients, but also the commitment that should be reflected towards all around us.

The use of the uniform is fundamental since it is a commitment towards oneself and towards others and also for the identification towards any work field that is required.

Over the years and today it is essentialOffice, as for patients who are treated, nurses is a very fundamental element that meet these characteristics since they are the main ones that face direct contact with patients, since in some cases they may be at risk or exposed towards apollution crosses one or more patients. 

Also taking into account that apart from the importance there is the symbolism of the uniform since within a professional area and different positions in which each one has different types of color and uniform fabric, so that of nursing is white, also giving doctors that their uniform is also white, one of the most important and significant difference factors is the white color, which represents purity, transparency, sincerity and serenity towards patients.

With the white coach, a symbol of honor, distinction and responsibility, the nurse (O) of other members of the health team is identified, such as the professional dedicated to the care of people.

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From the epidemiological point of view, the co -affia must protect the nurse’s hair (O) so that it does not fall on the workflling, so, the hair must be collected and placed in the internal in the internal of the co -defia. The uniforms in health environments in addition to providing protection and security to personnel, contribute to projecting an image of professionalism and security, it is indisputable that their use must be adopted in hospitals and clinics, and that the garments that make them up must always be maintained in good condition. For centuries the white color has been the one that symbolizes the medical environment and continues to be the most used, both by psychological impact factors on patients, and for practical issues.

The nursing uniform, also called Ambo, is a fundamental element in its profession identifies it within a group, recognizes it and differentiates it from others. It is a clothing that gives it security, identity and acceptance in a group, within which it is classified and positioned. Therefore, it must meet certain requirements and standards imposed by the hospital for possible use in the health area: hygiene, health, washing resistance and at high temperatures, durability, user protection and structure such that it allows to avoid any accident thatIt can occur during surgical operations, transfusions, etc. It is also important to convey respect, trust and seriousness;that is a comfortable, useful, practical uniform that is easily accessible and that allows mobility.

The creation of the uniform occurred in the nineteenth century., Being a starchy uniform, which evolved with comfortable unisex bats, but its styles are based on the country in which they worked, the period of functionality and time. Before the 1800s, the uniform is based on the informal uniform used by the monks and nuns who cared for patients in military hospitals and churches. At that time, nursing was not considered a respectable profession until the evolution of military nursing during the Crimea War. It was also in this period that the nursing uniform was mainly formal and recognized evolved. 

The first uniforms of the nurse derived from the nun’s habit. Before the 19th century, the nuns attended the sick and injured, so it was obvious that the laity trained nurses could copy habits of the nun, since they adopted rows like "sister". One of the first students of Florence Nightingale designed the original uniform for the students of Miss Nightingale Nursing School. Before the 1940s, minor changes were produced in the uniform. The clothing consisted of a suit especially blue. The hospitals are free to determine the style of the nurse’s uniform, including the nursing cover that exists in many variants.

The first uniform is a whole gray dress, with white aprons and covered the body with only the hands and the face is exposed. This type of clothing that allowed them to treat patients effectively and maintain respectable appearance and. Its uniforms were developed over the years due to the practicality, functionality, safety and safety of patients. Since 1800, it has evolved from white and gray dresses with whites can use pantyedia to tunics and bushes. However, there are employers who prefer traditional white batters that because they want their nurses for a professional and respectable aspect, while others prefer thickets, since we want them to be comfortable and fashionable. Some bushes exist in plain colors, while others come in prints from different designs.

The evolution in the model of nurses’ coffes from the first religious cofa to their total abandonment, reflects the history of care. The so -called touches become an element of the range and certain attachments such as medals, shields and crosses decorate the service provided in military institutions. Being the first care dispensing in many cases religious women for colonized countries, (who covered their heads as part of their habit) not preventing them from socialating careful women;part of the people who offered care from the transmission of popular knowledge to carry out healing from nature sciences.

Through the history of nursing, it has been identified by four symbols, which justify their identity, these are: white dress, layer, lamp, and cofia. 

Historically, a typical nurse uniform consisted of a dress, apron and nurse hat. In some hospitals, however, nursing students also carried a nursing pin, or the apron of the apron can have been replaced by a shoemaker -style apron. This type of nurse’s dress continues to be used in many countries. The "nurses" who had to attend the sick at night, had to move through the streets of the city almost without light and with much danger, so they decidedWhite cone and they also wore an oil lamp in their hand. 

In a special ceremony the layer was imposed, “ceremony in which the nurses of their distinctive classic were covered. The meaning of the layer is to make them feel the weight on their shoulders of the responsibility they have contracted with society having chosen the nurse career;by providing care, love and dedication, which have become obvious and characteristic of nursing schools since its creation. This was a felt fabric, this material was used due to low temperatures, as they generally made 24 -hour guards, being long and cold nights.

Evolution in the Nightingale Florence Nursing Uniform, who played a fundamental role in the professionalization of nursing, was one of the pioneers to change the uniform, even if he continued to keep similar to the religious uniform. The outfit consisted of a long gray skirt and velvet jacket that allowed to see the fists and neck of the blouse, in addition to a head in the head. 

The Red Cross, meanwhile, used a white apron with its logo, which was also included in the cofia, underneath they wore a blue blouse. In the first years of the twentieth century, the whole was bleached, narrowed and shortened, 1910 nurses were characterized by wearing a long white dress to the feet with peak necks. A white drool covered the nurse’s torso to the waist, where the folds went down forming a giant apron. World War I brought significant changes in uniforms because nurses had to be fast and capable of providing care and attention to soldiers in the most effective way possible, so pockets and sleeves were added to facilitate movement.

After the war, no nurse wanted to get the old bulky dresses and the gigantic aprons of the previous decade again. A simple white dress that fell to the ankles replaced the heavy suit of the past and became the new base of the sick uniform we know today. In the 30s the white dress (or robe) with neck and the cofia was normal for nurses during this decade. He used to accompany with white pantis.

The aprons and uniforms became much simpler during the middle of the 40s. The length of the apron was shortened, the right thing to protect the front of the dress, the hem of the skirt was raising a little more, following the style of the women of the time. In this way, washing a contaminated apron was a much simpler task than having to replace it with a new clean uniform. Nurses had to be very careful not to spread disease through their clothes.

In the 50s according to the style of the time, the skirts and the sleeves of the gatums became short. As for the hats or co -foundations, many times they were folded paper pie. Years 60 The dresses became simpler, facilitating washing and ironing, in addition the rise of washing machines and dryers facilitated the cleanliness and replacement of uniforms at daily work.

It was in the 70s when the nurse suit became practically one more work tool, which responded to the characteristics of own comfort and functionality with which it must count on professional work clothes. The nursing uniform was then complete. In the 70s, the nurse’s cofa disappeared during the daily use of work.

In the 80-90, nurse’s uniforms began to look like everyday clothes, with some nurses replacing the usual costumes with a white jacket games and jacket. Open neck shirts and pants became very popular in the 80s as men like nurses were incorporated. 

Finally, the nurses were able to stop wearing heels, and began to wear comfortable footwear. You can find them in different styles, new fabrics, colors, prints, designs, etc. Today, the way to recognize a nurse is through the identification plate of the uniform or by the uniform color differentiation that the hospital or health center does.

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