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Importance of education

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Education is very important as it helps the society to think on rational lines. Education supports knowledge that produces the sustainable advantage to an individual or company. It is considered by many as one of the essential necessities of personal life. Without education, the world would be very backward and underdeveloped. Therefore, education enables one to improve himself and become a better person in the society. However, there are several influences on education. This essay describes some factors that influence student learning.
Technology and Learning
Evidently, the policymakers have been keen in making sure that technology is well integrated into student learning. The American learning system is much integrated with technology that is used in making learning much better. The use of technology in learning makes sure that students can interconnect, unravel problems, think analytically, conduct a reliable research and make better choices. Technology in education helps students to make reasonable choices linked with their outside in the most convenient manner (Harry & Klinger 53). Likewise, for a teacher to ensure that the right measures of technology are well employed in learning, the teacher must be well acquainted with technology-led tutoring. The education technology that is advocated for learning is schools leads to better-informed decision making and context in the real world.
However, there are challenges linked to the incorporation of technology in learning. First, there are students who have a lesser access to computers that they can make use of them in advancing their technology or even learning more about the latest technology.

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Therefore, it is the responsibility of the government to make sure that they provide all the schools with all these computers to support learning processes. Making sure that technology is well distributed in learning will be a better idea that will work in making sure that all students embrace technology in their education. On the other side, Some teachers who are not ready to embrace technology should be encouraged to embrace change as technology is much important in learning. Some may argue that the use of technology is time consuming and expensive, but it is worth it. Such claims should not be encouraged as they will have discouraged the better student from doing their best or performing well in class. The school administrators who have embraced the use of technology in their schools have unanimously supported that it has widely supported the learning initiatives.
Parenting and learning
The parents have also played a vital role in supporting the learning process. It is true that special schools demand articulation and parenting, which is a vital skill for any student to perform well in their educational studies. It is also true that parents who spent some time checking their child’s studies and their progress will always make sure that their children work harder in class. They will be there to support them and encourage them to work even harder and perform better in school. Without the parental support, most students would be very reluctant to pursue their learning needs. Research done in the recent past prove that parents work to help their children improve much in their studies and understand their class work much better than before. Due to such reason, parents are encouraged to be positive for their children and give them hope of getting better marks in future, instead of abusing them for having failed in some various subjects (Harry & Klinger 53). When parents talk ill of their children concerning their academic performance, such children get discouraged and lose their focus on education. Another action that the parents ought to do is paying school fees on time to avoid their children moving out of school for a certain period while other students are yet learning. Most schools that offer quality education charge the parents for the extra effort. Therefore, it takes the effort of the parents to ensure that the child gets a quality education. Making sure that their children are supported and guided in their home environment to do their homework is what parents ought to be advocating for. It is by being such positive that the student will love education and learning will be a smoother road for them. A child will learn if taught carefully and guided in the right manner, thus parents having a better co-operation with their children are all that is required to bring a better performance. Again, the child monitoring is another strategy that parents can use to improve their child’s performance in education matters. Once the parents plan the time for the children, they will have enough time to play and enjoy with friends without compromising on their studies. Children who are not monitored are likely to spend more time in other activities at the expense of education.
Ethnicity and learning
Ethnicity appears to have a greater impact on students’ performance. Research shows that ethnicity has a higher contribution towards a student’s achievement in the education sector. Research has established that ethnicity is highly tied to cultural beliefs and norms that also affects education. However, the ethnic group where a student comes from means a lot as a student from a high disadvantaged area tend to have a lower performance as compared to a student from a well-off area. Again, the school type where the students attend has lesser impact in the link to same prior education attainment. Moreover, students who have attained their studies from the state school for the whole of their education sector tend to do well in their secondary education. Due to ethnicity factor, most of the students who hail from disadvantaged areas tend to do less as compared to other students from better areas. The variation was less marked in women who as they were deemed to suffer less under ethnicity circumstances. Gender treatment along the ethnic lines also affects the grades achieved by the students. In some culture, it is believed that the males are the ones who are entitled to a better education than the females. In such cultures, the parents are likely to support the education of the male child in a more pronounced manner than the education of the female child. However, this is wrong since both men and women are equal and should be subjected to the same learning process.
It is evident that technology, parenting, and ethnic background are some of the largest influencers of education. Technology provides the supportive component of the learning process. The parents also provide the motivation and the guidance needed by the children in their education. Ethnicity and culture also affect the perception and the levels of acceptance of education in different communities.
Work Cited
Harry, Beth & Klinger, Janette. Why are so Many Minority Students in Special Education?: Understanding Race & Disability in Schools. New York: Teachers College Press. 2014, Print

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