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Importance Of Scientific And Logical Thinking For Schoolchildren

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Importance of scientific and logical thinking for schoolchildren

What is science?

It is the technique or pedagogy when using in teaching, for students, that they are active, thinking and creative beings, not be those who only do what they say without questioning, since in the world we liveGoing more competitive. 

According to the MEN, (2006), “The objective of teaching sciences in the education of children and young people is not only to fill them with lazy knowledge;It is that with this real knowledge they use it for something useful, that they know what they are used in their own lives, relating it to the world and the environment in which they live ”… ..

There are two kinds of sciences that are, the factual sciences such as C. Natural and C. Social and formal, that only two areas are mathematics and logic;The latter is based on results and operations, being its method through logic and factuals only to study facts being its method mainly observation and then logic.

Science can be characterized as rational, exact and verifiable knowledge. Through scientific research, man has reached a conceptual reconstruction of the world that is increasingly broad, deep and exact.

It is knowledge or knowledge, of several fields, since science is not an unquestionable truth but a certain way of explaining reality, which the human has sought.

According to Vásquez, (2013). Reference to Gopnik. "New theoretical ideas and empirical research show that the learning and thinking of very young children are similar to much of learning and thinking in science.

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", Alison Gopnik, researcher at the University of California, United States, in an article published in the specialized magazine ‘Science’ affirms.

What is the development of scientific thinking?

To favor the development of scientific thinking in the preschool age, implies helping the girl and the boy to understand the phenomena that surrounds him which is very different from repeating incomprehensible data elaborated by others or teaching the language of the scientific discipline of the scientific discipline. The repetition of information prevents the possibility of imagining, exploring, creating new options, burning, solving everyday problems, asking, making decisions, actions of scientific attitude. (Villamil, 2009)

Then, we could redefine scientific thinking as a way of standing before the world, which combines cognitive and socio -emotional components, such as openness and objectivity, curiosity and the ability to amaze, flexibility and skepticism, and the ability to collaborate andcreate with others.

As I have shared with children at an early age, I realize that the curiosity of their environment in which they are is essential for the development of each one, that they are not submissive beings but active and thinking, thus increasing the abilities and skills with the help of the help ofyour imagination:

  • Improves your reasoning capacity and ability to move from basic notions to complex.
  • Learn to solve problems in real situations.
  • Practice the construction of your own learning.
  • Exercise your deductive capacity and learn to create your own strategies and solutions.
  • Improve your relationship with the physical environment and their perception of spaces, forms, parts and the whole.


How does the development of scientific competences influence in the first ages in the early, medium and long term?

Our scientific thinking capabilities argues Cromer (S.F.);They do not develop spontaneously, but must be carefully cultivated in the formal education process. I agree, since these abilities are born with each little person, what should be done is to provide the correct stimulation with what is required according to the child’s age, but would be like an atrophied ability, for the rest of life without the correctdeveloping.

Thus, studies carried out in various countries of the world agree that attending the kindergarten is associated with positive effects on children, both cognitive and socio -emotional, which persist over the years, even to adult life (Camilli, 2010;Sylva, 2010). Because this interaction is a positive complement to the integral development of the child, to train each person with their developed abilities.

According to the Scottish educator Harlen, (2008), scientific thought could be summarized in: the ability to sustain and develop curiosity and a sense of wonder about the world around us. Access to ways of thinking and reasoning based on evidence and careful reasoning. The satisfaction of finding answers to oneself through their own mental and physical activity. Flexibility in thought and respect for evidence. The desire and the ability to continue learning.

What are the basic standards of competencies and learning rights in Natural Sciences and Social Sciences?

The basic competency standards are intended. According to Colombia, he learns.

According to the MEN, (2006), what is ultimately sought with the educational process is the development of a set of competences whose complexity and specialization grow to the extent that higher levels of education are reached. The notion of competence, historically referring to the work context, has enriched its meaning in the world of education where it is understood as knowing how to do in specific situations that require the creative, flexible and responsible application of knowledge, skills and attitudes.

In particular, there is a strong relationship between the age of onset of the initial level and the subsequent academic performance of the students. To cite a local example, a Berlinski study;Cabbage. (2006);carried out in Argentina showed that attending one more year of initial education greatly improved the performances of mathematics and language of children when they reached degree, compared to boys who had not had that extra year of schooling. Since keeping in mind the age of each child, they depend a lot for the development of their abilities and it is advancing as their age and the stimulation received has been adequate.

According to the MEN, (2006) having standards does not necessarily imply cutting school autonomy. As stated, although the General Education Law granted the educational institutions autonomy in the definition of the curriculum and the curricula, it ordered at the same time that the Ministry of Education issued common referents of education quality that contribute to the constructionof equity as long as they establish what all children and young people who study basic and middle education should know and know how to do, regardless of the context, social stratum and place of residence.

Although it should be accepted that the MEN, (2006) is only a support regarding the education that is taught, it must also be taken into account is the abilities and needs of children to educate, not a role, which is regulatedFor institutions nationwide, when it should be for each degree of each town or city, with the items that I manifest should be taken into account to educate.

According to Petiton, (2015) he must be taught to observe society, every thing that happens around him, that he tries and is curious to know how everything works in his environment and that makes it work. That he worries about persevering and maintaining what his predecessors have left him, customs, because he does what he does, that motivates him to investigate and wonder many things. And a question that perhaps we all ask ourselves, at some point, that we need to live well, to be happy.

Since we must understand that social science is what studies us human beings, our motivations and actions;and considering many hypotheses about the human being, if there are so many things around each person why we do not focus on creating better societies for all and not only for some.

Therefore, natural science is responsible for knowledge is not ambiguous or equivocal, it is about the fact that in a boy or girl, he knows and understands the reality of his environment and in this sense, that with the help of his knowledge he manages to contributein something good for the society in which he lives.

The natural scientist also uses logic, investigating whether a fact is truthful, since research methods in this field can be, experiments, calculations through logic, since the basis of inquiry is nature and everythingWhat composes it.

What is the importance of Bloom U taxonomy (objectives of the learning process) in the approach of educational activities in order to promote the development of scientific thinking?

It is very important to use this research, done by Boom, since it is a characterization system with students, when using it is to know what education is failing and in which it must improve, to meet a primary objective that each educational institution arises, "Provide quality education".

I consider that using this method is feasible, because what you are doing, a lotthat teach us Colombians, it has nothing to do with the needs of Colombians. It is real, and the truth costs to accept it;Because the objectives of an educational system may be truthful, viable, but it is not just the will to teach, as Furman states;(2017), even with the best intentions to teach, classrooms are only full of factual knowledge;But we have the solution in our hands, continue asking not factual questions, but to teach them to think, open portals for thought and not monotony in a classroom.       

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