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Inclusive And Equitable Quality Education For All

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Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education for all


The purpose of this essay is to review information concerning how we can guarantee an inclusive and equitable quality education, and promote learning opportunities for all whatever the educational level that is cured. Education is a cultural and learning process through which all people can develop our cognitive abilities, physical skills and base the values ​​and beliefs that allow us to act as good citizens. Access to education is a right that all people possess equally, hence their importance and transcendence in the various areas of human development. The objective of education is the general development of individuals so that they can develop in society, generate critical thoughts, propose ideas or projects based on common welfare and more just societies and balance. 

The essay is prepared, in order to show the possibilities of guaranteeing education at the level of quality, continuous, inclusive and equitable. Since education is a continuous process that is transmitted from generation to generation, therefore, it does not conclude. We constantly learn new things and strengthen what we already know, either through contact with other people, exchange, cultural diversity and experiences. The essay is structured as follows: it contains an introduction, development and corresponding conclusions. It was developed, using the documentary analysis method, reviewing existing bibliography on the Internet.

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The Bolivians usually drown in the short -term discussion and we hardly strive to look to the future, for thinking about a nation image to which we must advance. However, it is necessary to overcome such limitation and contribute to the process of building that country image.

“Educational policies and systems always develop in interaction with societies and their political systems. Education, in some way, tends to reproduce the productive system, social values ​​and consensus (functionalism), although in periods of exchange it is part of the transformations (theories of social change). We must also understand education as a great field of debate, in which State and civil society fight for hegemony, for conquering the will of people and for reaching social consensus ”(Gramsci, 1976, pg. 82).

Quality education

We understand that a quality education is one that forms better human beings, citizens with ethical values, respectful of the public, who exercise human rights, fulfill their duties and live in peace. The achievement of quality education is the basis for improving people’s lives and sustainable development, an education that generates legitimate opportunities for progress and prosperity for them and for the country.

“The concept of quality applied to the public service of higher education refers to the synthesis of characteristics that allow recognizing a specific academic program or an institution of a certain type and making a judgment on the relative distance between the way as in that institution or in This academic program provides said service and the optimal that corresponds to its nature ”. To approach that optimal, a set of general quality characteristics have been defined. With respect to them, judgments on the quality of academic institutions and programs are issued, but the most specific determination and the relative weight of these characteristics will be, in large part, conditioned to the nature of the institution and to that of the academic program in question ”. (UCB Magazine, 2014, PG.1).

In this context, an academic program has quality to the extent that it makes its concept effective, to the extent that it approximates the ideal that corresponds to it both in relation to its universal aspects and in what touches those corresponding to the type of institution to which it belongs and to the specific project in which it is framed and of which it constitutes a realization.

It is possible to synthesize that, the quality of an educational program is understood as a set of specific characteristics according to its nature and category. These characteristics are what are valued to mention the quality level of that program and that the public guarantee of quality at a given time is accreditation by external peers.

Regarding external pairs, there are various institutions or accreditation agencies, in the case of Bolivia, it will depend on the level or educational cycle; In the primary and secondary the State through the Avelino Siñani – Elizardo Peréz Nº 070 law creates the Plurinational Observatory of Educational Quality to measure educational quality; However, to date no global measurement of quality was made. As of 2010, a new educational model called “Productive Community Educational Model” was implemented, despite having changed curricular plans aligned to an ideology of the government party, which, although it has achieved greater inclusion, leaves doubts as soon as to the quality itself, since no measurements have been made to know the level of educational quality. It is noteworthy that in Bolivia there are no measurements of the quality of education since 1997, when the last measurement was made by the Latin American Laboratory for the Evaluation of Educational Quality dependent on UNESCO.

Although, there are no quality measurements at the primary and secondary level since 1997, if there is at the university level, in fact, universities opt for the so -called “accreditations” before different organizations such as the Executive Committee of the University Boliviana, Mercosur, Qualitas and other agencies. These accreditations, they may have emphasis on aspects of infrastructure and logistics for the academic part to function, but somehow allow to document the advances in quality. Likewise, one of the evidences that constitutes a positive factor of university quality is that Bolivians when postgraduate programs abroad do, do it quite successfully; What could not be said of Bolivians who do not have the opportunity to go abroad to study postgraduate. On the other hand, one of the negative factors in university public education is the student teaching co -government that has generated a governance crisis and makes it difficult to improve quality, accompanied by the massification of the student population in the classrooms and the little domain of the English language.

Inclusive and equitable education

Inclusive education is a fundamental right of people, it is a right to be part of society without any discrimination, for this we must legislate so that laws support that educational inclusion be a reality, we cannot fall into The trap of creating laws to which we do not put the necessary means to be able to put them into practice. We all participate in an inclusive education, we all are part of a society that must be supportive in diversity, and this is achieved by opening the difference and being involved with people.

The education sector has the possibility of promoting processes towards a more cohesive social life. Education is a right in itself, and also enables other rights for a full life; It is a way to a more just and inclusive society. Although education does not guarantee a scenario of well -being and stability, without it, approaching that horizon would be much more difficult, since it provides greater qualifications and resources to perform in productive processes and also for a full life in increasingly complex societies. Equitable and inclusive education seeks to meet the learning needs of all people (children, youth and adults), with special emphasis on those that are vulnerable and violated by marginalization and discrimination. There are several types of equitable and inclusive education, which are not exclusive among them:

  • As location: ensure that there are access to regular schools and classes.
  • As education for all: recognize differences in the characteristics, interests, capacities and learning needs.
  • As participation: refer to what and how are they educated, but also do so with the people involved in marginalization and discrimination.
  • As social cohesion: allow the development of competencies and confidence to mold and transform communities.

Bolivia has advances in legal matters that he has achieved with Law 070, which recognizes education as a fundamental right. In its art. 1 establishes that “Everyone has the right to receive education at all levels of universally, productive, free, comprehensive and intercultural manner, without discrimination.”(Law No. 070, 2010).

Permanent Learning Opportunity

The recommendation r. 195 of the ILO of the year 1994 incorporates permanent learning to the challenges of the development of human resources and recognizes education and training as a right to all human beings: ‘The achievement of permanent learning should be based on an explicit commitment to part of governments, to invest and create the necessary conditions to improve education and training at all levels; by companies, to train their workers, and, by people, to develop their professional skills and trajectories ’(R ° 195 of the ILO of the year 1994. Art. 4 b.) In that understanding, permanent learning knowledge is not limited to the years of formal education, but on the contrary this paradigm states that learning must occur throughout life. And, in addition, that knowledge always adds and does not remain. This new approach is very convenient in a changing world where workers must be updating their knowledge constantly. Open education is one of the great pillars to promote permanent learning since it represents the democratization of knowledge.

The challenges that permanent learning now refer to the establishment of articulation mechanisms (open and flexible) between training, professional and technical training, technical education and higher education programs, as well as with the creation and availability of various regimes of programs (complete, partial dedication, distance teaching), permits and facilities for the training of people who work. To respond to these challenges, permanent training is also needed for guiding, teacher and administrative staff so that they can develop didactic materials and strategies according to the new educational modalities and the possibilities offered by learning throughout life. 

In a competitive environment like the one that currently exists, the way of triumphing and exceling is constant training. But in addition to the fact that learning contributes several benefits to what a professional’s career is, so does his mental health since he helps to avoid cognitive impairment diseases (Irigoin, 2002, pg. 103).

Education in pandemic times

A clear example of the application of “an inclusive and equitable quality education, and promote the permanent learning opportunities for all”, we refer to the current global pandemic that we are going through as a society has caused an unprecedented crisis in all areas. In the sphere of education, this emergency has resulted in the mass closure of the face -to -face activities of educational institutions in more than 190 countries in order to avoid the propagation of the virus and mitigate its impact. The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) has stated that, even before facing the pandemic, the social situation in the region was deteriorating, due to the increase in poverty and extreme poverty indices, the persistence of the inequalities and growing social discontent. In this context, the crisis will have important negative effects in the different social sectors, particularly including health and education, as well as in the employment and evolution of poverty. For its part, UNESCO has identified large gaps in educational results, which are related to an unequal distribution of teachers, in general, and better qualified teachers, in particular, at the expense of countries and regions with lower income and rural areas, which also concentrate also to indigenous and migrant population.

In the blink of an eye, the teaching centers have had to adapt to distance learning, which has forced all governments to imagine other alternative pedagogical and didactic methods and to apply virtual education.

They also disturb their consequences on the mental health of students, who have been deprived of the contacts and habits of the school. Even the members of the Z generations (born between 1996 and 2015) and Alpha (born from 2015), which are saturated with technology, have an essential need for social contact and physical experiences, far from their devices.

In fact, the challenge of primary, secondary and university teachers before pandemic, to overcome the dictation and copy, as teaching strategies or the resolution of endless decontextualized exercises and notorious absence of problem solving to learn mathematics or The memorization of grammatical norms instead of aiming to obtain communicative competences, it has been far away. If we should take a leap in education before, we are facing the challenge of making a long triple jump.

The government of the interim president Jeanine Áñez suspended in March the face -to -face classes, just one month after they had begun, as a precautionary measure against pandemic. In June she determined that classes would be taught virtually until December, which resulted in protests by public teachers and parents of the rural area. So the decision of the closing of the school year was made, however, at the level of higher education, classes with virtual modality are still being taught. 


  • Quality education is one that forms better human beings, citizens with ethical values, respectful of the public, who exercise human rights, fulfill their duties and live in peace. An education that generates legitimate opportunities for progress and prosperity for them and for the country.
  • Equitable and inclusive education seeks to meet the learning needs of all people (children, youth and adults), with special emphasis on those that are vulnerable and violated by marginalization and discrimination.
  • OPPORTUNITY OF CONSTITURE FORMAL EDUCATION IS INCASILLED IN CEACH YEARS TO PERFORM THE SCHOOL, OTHERS FOR THE SECONDARY LEVEL AND THEN MANY MANY FOR THE TERITIARY WITH THE OPTION OF POSTGRADED LATER. That is, the formal education model states that it has a beginning and end. On the other hand, there is what is called "Permanent Learning" or "Lifelong Learning" and that establishes that learning must occur throughout life.
  • Education in times of pandemic in a matter of weeks, the way in which students learn, and just these transformations have been changed to the failures in equity that continues to present our educational system, even in the most privileged circles. It is proposed that this pandemic becomes an opportunity to remind us. To ensure that these skills remain a priority for all students, resilience must also be integrated into our educational systems.  

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