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Industrial Automation And Its Effect On Humanity

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Industrial automation and its effect on humanity

From my point of view, industrial automation favors humanity since at the time of any work the intervention of man in dangerous works can be minimized, in large companies the production process and efficiency in a process decreases

Industrial automation favors humanity a lot, since it can usually always achieve more effective management in processes and also increase this production.

For every company it is important to optimize, almost always its operations of operational or administrative procedures since they must always be much more efficient and on the other side that its costs are minimal for this it is very important to invest in automatic developments, thanks to theautomation that can be achieved .Chirico (2002) concluded that reducing operation costs by investing as little as possible for a speedy investment recovery.

As many employees are known they are people who may be faced with various dangers in their day to day, that is why it is better to opt for an automation since it would allow less approach to workers with the process that can harm them ,

For every company, the safety of their employees is the most primary, workers are usually exposed to hazards mostly when the materials they use are high risk, so the best option is to opt for automation since it allows to improve working conditions forthat workers do not get involved with risky processes.

We know that human beings cannot concentrate 100 % in their work centers since several things happen through their environment that do not concentrate and for that reason they do not develop a good job.

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Industrial automation One of its primary benefits that it gives us is that they improve their performances by reducing their mistakes that human beings can make, at the time when a company its productivity is bad, automation increases its growth in a considerably good time and fulfillswith their orders and thus be able to meet the needs of their consumers.

In conclusion, industrial automation is developing favorably, this process helps many workers in a company, since it works in a good way by making a great team between man and machine. Finally, automation reduces the extreme work that a worker does every day, making them in considerable time and that their final work is more precise


  • Chirico, e.(2002).Technical Benefits, Environmental Economics offered by the automation applied to industrial, Venezuela, Dissertion.
  • Chavarria, r.(2005).Machine equipment tool, peru, revolutionary
  • Manyika, J.,Chui, m.,Miremadi, m.,BUGHIM, J.,George, k. et al (2017) Employment and productivity automation .Pennsylvania: McKinsey

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