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Internal History Evaluation N/S

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Internal history evaluation N/s


On December 20, 1989, the invasion of the United States is given to the city of Panama, at this time the cool between Panamanians and Americans seriously affects the community of Rio Hato. This historical investigation will pretend to answer the research question, to what extent does North American intervention influence the social repression of the population of Rio Hato in 1989?

Origin: Garcia, P. Approach to the facts that occurred in the North American intervention in the social repression of the population of Rio Hato in 1989. Lottery Cultural Magazine.


The purpose of the source is to publicize the events that occurred during the US intervention in the social repression of the population of Rio Hato on December 20, 1989 through a national historical perspective. It also seeks to carry out a deepened study on the events, to find their respective motives and consequences.

The historical value of the source in reference to its origin is that, it is a fragment of magazine written by a Panamanian Professor of History Pantaleón García. The value of the source in reference to the purpose is to make known of Garcia’s specialty that focuses on the 1989 invasion, it conducts research related to the events that occurred. 

Finely, the source was taken from Lottery magazine, a mostly academic compendium, increasing the value of the content for the development of historical research thus defining a better research quality.

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The value of the source according to the content is to make known how each event happened in this confrontation between Americans and Panamanians to defend a national heritage.

As for the limitations in reference to the origin, the author of the source is a Panamanian that in turn can cause partialities in the analysis of the facts, as well as their identification with the same. Its authorship, in 2012 it could be a limitation since this happened 23 years ago.

Source 1 is important for my research because it reveals a lot.

Origin: Garcia, P. Approach to the facts that occurred in the North American intervention in the social repression of the population of Rio Hato in 1989. Lottery Cultural Magazine

The purpose of the source is to make known how the events occurred during the US intervention in the social repression of the population of Rio Hato in 1989.

The historical value of the source according to its origin is a fragment written by a renowned Panamanian professor with a specialty in history and coclesan roots. The value of the source according to its purpose is to give a more accurate statement than what happened on December 20, 1989 in the population of Rio Hato and take all the events that were witnessed in that clashes in order to leave a history of history in the countryPanamanian. The value of the source according to the content is to clarify the events that occurred in the invasion specifically in the area of Rio Hato Military Base.

As for the limitations in reference to the origin, the author of the source is a Panamanian who in turn can affirm an analysis of what happened, as well as its identification with the same. Its authorship, in 2008 it could be a limitation since this happened 23 years ago.


The North American intervention influenced the social life of the population of Rio Hato in a particular way, it canIt was even worse to think that in this place was the military base where the greatest combat force of the Panamanians was, it was destroyed by Americans where it is claimed that bombs dropped into the place to eliminate everything that according to themHe caused them problems and hindered him in his plan of destruction to Panama, such as the weapons and soldiers that were in that place, all this resulted in material losses and human lives, of this event there are still a person who tell the story ofHow this and their facts happened as they were a filmmaker for these Americans without any control.

Previously the United States had asked Panama outside the Canal area for the protection of the aquatic road, and thus have greater security at the time of traffic in these areas and thus provide a better way of life to the inhabitants of theplace. Omar Jaén Suárez the lands where the Base of Río Hato was installed, initially they were private property. They were then acquired by the National Government and subsequently delivered to the United States government.

As this person mentions, it is inferred that the lands where the Rio Hato military base was located did not have a specific owner but they were as if they were a juagar ball, they passed hand in hand without finding a specific owner.

It was not then when these lands pass to the American government Cunado find a moment of settlement and it is here when these personalities decide to build the military base of Rio Hato that after a while it was destroyed by themselves in what was the declaration ofInvasion to Panama by the United States. Garcia, P points out that the Fábrega-Wilson agreement is signed. Article V: The Republic of Panama and the United States reiterate their understanding regarding the temporal nature of the occupation of the defense sites referred to.

This firm is given during World War II in 1942, this agreement deals with the importance of cooperation provided by Panama at the time of providing its defense sites recognizing the charge of occupation of these places that were very significant for the Republic ofPanama, the people were forced to the people to leave the territories that the agreement referred to and to explicitly cease a year after having signed the agreement or treaty and that it has entered into execution, after this agreement all the AmericansThey proceeded to take the 134 existing defense sites outside the area of the Canal Zone. After this agreement the United States should deliver the bases two years after the war that was what the agreement referred to.

Hato River before the military bases of the United States were located was a humble town like any other people in the interior. Garcia, P refers to Río Hato had a chapel, a small health center, telegraphy, corregiduría and a small police station. Its population was fundamentally dedicated to agriculture, followed by livestock and finally to fishing.

Refers to how the population of Río Hato was in the forties of the last century, before the military bases stabilized in this region, it can be related to the

Main products that cultivated the residents such as the cultivation of rice, corn, cassava, ñamHogar should be noted that livestock was a production that benefited the entire population so that it was for the consumption of the population and not for commercialization so that they did not have accessibility to passable roads, concrete homes, did not have a worthy aqueduct orMuch less electric lighting.

In relation to the issue, at the time of the ingretion of the military bases to the community of Río Hato which produced a drastic change in the region, its inhabitants completely abandoned agricultural activities and fishing. All this following the great job offer that was presented at the scene and there were not only people from Río Hato employed here, but also from Antón, Santa Clara and the guides. And with this the trade was the first to develop.

Torrero, R, emphasizes that not only workers from the Coclesan region arrived at the place, but also foreigners. Mrs. Casia Martínez says she worked for a German surname Snikh, who had come to work as a work teacher, because of this new recruitment of workers, people from different parts of the country could be observed and not only from the country, but also thatExtrajeras people who arrived at the scene were observed to provide support in the constructions of new military buildings and bases in the Río Hato region, which allowed the place to have a health center, super, streets, daily transport, etc.

With this movement of people there are progress in the population that makes a lot of their residents abandon agricultural work to go looking for better work opportunities in the new industrialized region.

In the same way, this movement caused migrations, abandonment of land and homes to find better salaries.

Through all these changes that occurred in the place, others such as hotels, restaurants, laundries appeared, the doors open to a movie theater, the electricity and drinking water service is installed for the benefit of the inhabitants of thearea. Torrero, R points out that the cinema reached the region, the American military base was immediately installed, the cinema had a capacity for 400 chairs and sometimes it was filled at its maximum capacity, that many people had to see the feet movie.

It is inferred that with the progress of the region there are new opportunities for people to have larger privileges of the previousa movie.

After the new projects carried out in the town of Río Hato, the attack on the American military base located in Río Hato where attacks in the mid -12:30 in the morning of December 20, 1989, 1989. Cortéz, R points out that on Monday, December 19, 1989 in the morning he saw that North American combat planes were on the runway, it had been seen that the American’s war planes played the track.

This character presents his testimony lived in his own flesh when everything was about to happen and that it was like a notice of what was approaching that days for the country and for Río Hato.

Flores, F refers to the daily presence of North American combat aircraft during the days prior to the invasion on the basis was the daily bread

It refers to the fact that they were already accustomed to listening to these aircraft noises on flying in the area without you know what was about to happen in the next days.


In my historical research work, I use method widely used by historians, at the time of the collection, descent and analysis of various sources about a historical fact. The implementation of this method during my research allowed me to know the limitations facing each historian when carrying out his research;This is that the work on the point of view of other people should be based since it is most likely that the historian was the one who collected the information but was not the one that was present at the time of events, but other people than other people thanThey were survivors of this and give their point of view.

This can be assumed as a problem given the availability of sources in a specific relationship to the facts.

Historians face very varied challenges to experts in other areas of knowledge such as mathematics, since unlike mathematics history is not an exact science, history is changing, essential and the work of historians is to understand it and study itBut with a big difference of the mathematicians that after studying it, the essence of history is based on the different points of view, so that from this it is that a critical judgment on the fact studied is issued.

Considering the above, there may be partial causes to register the attack on the Military Base of Río Hato on December 20, 1989, through the Americans in the mid -12:30 in the morning of 20 where this resulted as a consequenceMany requests not only at the Base of Río Hato if throughout the city of Panama, harming many premises, homes and even housing families.


  • Garcia, p. (2012). Clashes and media during the invasion of December 20, 1989. Lottery Cultural Magazine, 22-45.
  • Garcia, p. (2088). Hato River: a community that fights. Lottery Cultural Magazine, 23-38.
  • Méndez, r. N. (1994). The Panama invasion. Lottery Cultural Magazine, 245-260.

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