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Letter of Recommendation Associate Professor

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Letter of Recommendation Associate Professor

I am writing this letter as a recommendation for Mr. Le who through writing approached me to serve as a reference on his behalf.
Personally, I have known Mr. Le since the time he was working as a lecturer in the Faculty of International Communication and Cultural Diplomacy. During that period, Mr. Le served as my assistant, handling some of my classes whenever there was a need. Among the lessons that he handled on my behalf over the two years we worked together include; Translation in Cultural Issues in the year 2014 and Issues of Cultural Diplomacy the following year. He handled his duties and responsibilities to the best of my satisfaction as well as the students’. He achieved this by employing recitations in addition to group discussions. This helped Mr. Le develop a close relationship with the students, an essential element in our profession.

His academic background cannot be doubted at all. Mr. Le exhibited a great understanding and mastery in areas of disciplinary communication, cross-culture, and international relation, and oral expression. This was evident throughout my interaction with him as well as his handling of duty. He was always determined to give his best and got along well with everyone he came across including his students.
His contribution was felt at all corners of the faculty because apart from being a teacher, Mr. Le always created time to help the needy. I recall incidences whereby he could spend the whole afternoon orientating and advising newcomers.

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He also possessed amazing skills in advising his students.He always went an extra mile to ensure that newcomers acquainted themselves well to the new environment. All this shows how concerned Mr. Le was for the welfare of his fellow human beings. This was a huge call indeed.His enormous contribution was also felt at ministry level projects. He oversaw a research project titled; Social Networks and the Relationship between Government and the people and A Lesson for Vietnam.This is where his research skills came out besides being an effective writer and communicator.Mr. Le is also adventurous, interested in discovering new things and solving problems.
Although his English was not perfect, he was able to read and learn the language on his own during his free time and with time showed signs of improvement. I admired his resilience and hard work not only because of this, but also for the fact that he was not deterred by language barrier in his quest to achieve the best for himself and others also.

Mr. Le, as others including his students can testify, was admired by everybody in and around the institution because of his character. He was highly regarded among his peers as well as the students.Another trait that made him likeable and adorable across the faculty was his humour.Mr Le was humorous and through this he was able to solve problems smoothly. In the 2015 Comedy Gala, Mr. Le proved he was also the best in that field by scooping the first position.This brings out the winning mentality of Mr. Le-indeed, he always gave his all in whatever he did.
Based upon all these and my understanding of him, I have no doubt in my mind that Mr. Le is best suited to your need. In a case of any query regarding Mr. Le, feel free to contact me regarding the same.

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