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To: All the Leaders
Subject: Implementation of Fayol’sPrinciples of Administration in the Organization
Table of content
Fayol’s early life…………………………………………………………………………3
Analysis of Fayol’spinciples………………………………………………………………3
Application of Fayol’s principles to work place…………………………………………..7
Reasons for implanting Fayol’s principles……………………..…………………………8
Public administration can be looked at as the general process of implementing government policies. It can also be an academic discipline of studies that that seeks to prepare and enforce civil servants to work in any sector of the public service efficiently. Public administration plays a very crucial role in the strengthening and securing of the mechanisms and the democratic institutions. Therefore, the public administration seeks to prepare the civil servants towards working excellently in the public service. From these definitions, most people tend to think that experts of public administration are limited to government work. However, this is not the case. Instead, they are responsible for the whole government functioning starting from the very local office to the very senior legislative powers and the halls of an executive.
An administrator has the responsibility to handle both the external and the internal management systems. Therefore, they need to be well arranged, organized and coordinated.

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From this, we can conclude that any public administration that seeks to be well functioning demands for effective procedures necessary for legislative development and policies. Adequately defined accountability arrangements between the citizens and the institutions need to be put in place to deliver services to the businesses as well as individual persons.
Effective management seeks to meet the organizational goals and objectives by working through and with people among other corporate resources. This made administration not just a single day’s event but a series or a process of related activities. This makes management a dynamic discipline. As a result, many individuals have been trying all the possible ways and means to invent or improve on the already existing management methods to ease the managers’ work. Many of the current management practices and concepts have their origin in the early management theories. Among the prominent pioneers of management towards the administrative approaches is Henri Fayol.
Fayol is among the early individuals who laid the foundation of modern management theory. He gathered his experience from working as an engineer at a tender age of 19 in a large mining company in France. He was promoted to a director during this period when the majority of the mining companies hired more than 1000 employees. It was during this time when he developed the 14 most essential management principles. They emphasized on the ways and meant the managers should interact and work with their staff.
It was in 1916, just two years before stepping down as a director that he published the book “Administration Industrielle et Générale.” This book contained the “14 Principles of Management.” Besides this, he further came up with six more functions of management that complement the 14 principles. The “14 principles” were among the earliest theories of management to be created. They remain the most comprehensive up to date.
Division of Labor
In an organization, the work should be divided among the employees depending on specialization. Every worker should be assigned a job depending on their skills to ensure competitiveness and efficient completion of the assigned task. This is very important in providing increased productivity and efficiency. It also increases speed and accuracy. This applies to both managerial and technical activities.
Authority and Responsibility
Managers should have the mandate to give out orders. However, they should be aware that from these orders comes responsibility. The powers entrusted to the management gives them strength to give out orders to the subordinate staff. This responsibility should be subject to performance. Therefore, a proper agreement should be considered for smooth running. Fayol concluded by saying that responsibility and authority go hand in hand.
Discipline may refer to the respect, obedience, and behavior portrayed by the workers towards others. It usually considered among the core values of a vision and mission of respectful interactions and ethical conduct. Discipline is the crucial factor in ensuring that any organized activities run smoothly as planned.
Unity of command
Fayol explained this principle by stating that an employee should only receive instructions from a single supervisor. Also, every worker should just be answerable to that particular manager. This is because he observed that whenever guidelines are dictated by more than one supervisor, most conflicts and confusion arises. This helps in efficiently tracking the source of a mistake in case they occur in the course of executing the duties and responsibilities.
Unity of Direction
This is all about integration and focus. This suggests that in an organization the group that shares a similar objective should be having a single plan and a single manager to coordinate the activities. This guarantees maximum coordination. Their events should also be listed in a plan of action. This makes it easy for the manager to monitor the progress of the planned and defined activities successfully.
Subordination of Individual Interest
Fayol stated that the organizational and the own interests must be allowed to coincide to give room for the task to be accomplished successfully. No single individual should be entitled to exercise personal attention at the expense of ordinary interest when a conflict arises. Organizational objectives should be given the priority and not the individual ones.
This principle argues that the employees should be well motivated for purposes of maintaining them productive. This is aimed at rewarding the worker’s effort. Fayol defined two types of remuneration. The non-monetary form of remuneration involves credits, compliment, and more responsibilities. Monetary form involves financial compensation, compensation, and bonus.
The Degree of Centralization
This considers how close the workers are towards the decision making process. He argued that these should be well balanced in any organization that desires to achieve. He further noted that this to a greater extent depends on the size and the volume of the organization in addition to the hierarchy. This principle advocated that decision making should be concentrated in the topmost management which is the executive board.
Scalar Chain
This principle states that a hierarchy should exist in any organization. This facilitates smooth flow of communication and authority. This makes it easy for workers to identify whom they are accountable to and who to get instructions from. However, it hinders the quick flow of information. To overcome this, Henry suggested “gangplank.” This encourages free interaction irrespective of factors such as authority levels.
This states that employees working facilities should be safe, clean and tidy all the time. These resources too should be available to employees for proper functioning.
According to fayol, all the employees should be treated equally and kindly. The managers should consider impartial and fair treatment of the workers. This places the workers in a position to feel they are in the right place.
Stability of tenure of personnel
Personnel planning should be given the priority. Employees turnover should be minimized as much as possible. Managing of staff and deployment should be kept in balance. Sufficient development and regular change of position must be well maintained.
Henri emphasized that employees should be given a chance to express new ideas. This promotes involvement and encourages interest which is an added advantage to the company. He considered it as a strength on the organization side with workers feeling interested and involved. This helps freedom to create new knowledge.
Esprit de corps
This principle encourages unity and team spirit. Managers play the role of motivating morale in the working place both towards the communication and the individual level.
I believe that if these principles can be utilized in our organization, we can quickly achieve our mission, goals, and objectives efficiently. This is because each of them covers a different area in the running of an organization. This is my summary of how I believe that each principle is useful to our organization.
By allowing division of work, we are going to achieve specialization. This will lead to increased efficiency hence improved profitability and productivity in our institutions. Giving authority to managers will automatically make it easy to delegate duties and be respected by the other workers. By accompanying this authority with responsibility will ensure no misuse of power since they will be accountable for their actions. Discipline determines to a greater extent the success of any given field. Proper rules and methods of maintaining high control should be put in place.
Exercising unity of command will eliminate all the possible chaos and misunderstanding that might arise if workers were to receive orders from more than a single supervisor. Furthermore, the unity of direction will help to group departments with a similar objective under one manager. This will maintain high coordination. Subordination of individual interests to the organization interest will make sure that personal attention is not given the priority especially among those in authority like most managers do.
Every single individual feels motivated when appreciated for a work well done. Therefore, exercising remuneration both financially or using nonfinancial means. This I am sure will encourage them to work more. Every individual should be given a chance to contribute towards the decision making. This makes centralization a key factor for appropriate balance. The scalar chain will help each, and every individual stands in the organization. This will create a chain of command that makes giving of instructions an easy task. An order will ensure that every individual is in the right place. Furthermore, it provides all materials are placed where they are supposed to be put. This promotes cleanliness and tidiness hence creating a conducive working environment. By implementing equality, there will be justice, kindness and fair treatment of all workers especially the subordinates.
Embracing stability of tenure of personnel will allow the workers enough time to settle on their jobs. I believe any employee given enough time, can learn more about his career and become efficient. This will guarantee them of job security which most employees seek to achieve. The initiative principle will allow the workers to come up with their plans and execute them successfully. This will contribute a lot to the success of the organization. Lastly, team spirit will create teamwork which will promote unity in the long run. I am sure implementing these principles will lead to a productive organization.
Kindly I am urging that we should give these principles a trial. Though most people are resistant to change by nature, first forming a team to conduct teaching on the way forward of our organization and implementing them in a friendly manner will automatically yield the intended outcome. All we need is patience because this would take sometime before achieving. This is because we are all aware management issues cannot be solved in a single day. But once reached, everything will run smoothly even more than expected.
Best regards,
Work Cited
Fayol, Henri. Administration IndustrielleEtGénérale. , 2016. Print.

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