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How Marijuana almost ruined my life
I am writing this open letter to shed more light on Marijuana smoking and how it almost destroyed my life and social relationship. I know there are a lot of people out there who defends the use of marijuana. To such people, they find it as a stimulant drug, they become more ‘creative’ when they use and convincing such people on why it is not the best option is quite a difficult task. However, after listening to my story, I think a lot of young people out there will change their minds. For those who have not used the dangerous drug, they should never attempt. To begin with, for the sake of those who don’t know, let’s asks ourselves what marijuana is? Marijuana, also known as weed is one of the most abused drugs in the world; it’s a greenish-gray mixture of dried flowers of a substance known as cannabis sativa. It’s one of the most common drugs found on the streets (Volkow, 12)
Positive Experiences
So when I was in elementary school, I was introduced to marijuana by colleagues who were in senior classes. My classmates were senior to me. Therefore, I believed in everything that they told me. I had all the time and money and getting the drug was very easy for me. During such time, I was told that marijuana is used for recreational purposes. I was informed that when a person smokes, the thinking process improves which leads to improvement of performance in class. I then began to use marijuana and of course experience positive results (by the way, I no longer use).

Wait! marijuana paper is just an example!

During such times, it appears as if I was concentrating in class, winning more friends, making love and fun or listening to music seems to have improved whenever I use the drug. On a rare occasion when I was depressed after having conflicts with colleagues or the teachers, taking of marijuana appeared to cool my temper. That’s when I developed a habit of rushing to take two roles whenever I encountered any controversial challenge.
Negative Experiences
Experience 1
I had a successive number of occasions where I altered my behavior whenever I used the marijuana. First, I would feel dizzy whenever I smoked. I could not sit more than one minute in bed. One day, I locked myself in a room. I would see many colleagues having fun with me not realizing that I was an imagination and that I was alone in the house. At one time, I carried the junk of food on the large plate, family food and I would eat everything alone. The worst incident that happened is when I forced myself to carry the big stone in our yard; I would lift 100Kgs and would feel that it was very light. In school, I was very talented in games especially basketball but with time I started becoming weak, and I was not able to play again. Our team coach noticed something unusual in me, but I denied everything and with time I had lost my team number.
Experience 2
I was living with four guys in my large room. I was hoping for a mutual relationship between us where we will get along well, but that became a nightmare. In fact, the group became hostile with one another, and on some occasions, we would get into a fistfight. The reason was that whenever I smoked the marijuana, and my friends smoked too, we disagreed on a lot of issues due to its effects. One day, my friend video recorded me dancing, the marijuana makes me believe that I was in dancehall and I dance for three nonstop hours, yet there was no music playing. Our room became a hell simply because we would pick up fights with one another each day.
Experience 3
I was driving to school after smoking two rolls of marijuana. I thought the effects will cease off by the time I reached the learning institution. I had an exam that day so I was rushing to look at my notes before exam time. On approaching reached the roundabout, I saw ‘green’ light, and I quickly drive. Gosh! I hit one car in front of me. The ‘green’ light was indeed red, and that’s the moment I cased accident and got arrested. Luckily, I escaped unhurt although my parents were forced to pay the owner of the car that I had damaged. Things became worse after I refused to attend to counseling sessions that my mother had booked for me.
I reformed from what was almost becoming marijuana addiction. From my experiences, it is clear that the idea was the delusion; a false thinking that convinces the brain that what I was doing was good. As I write this with regrets hoping to save someone out there who has never tested marijuana, marijuana almost made me be the mad person. It altered my thinking capacity, and I developed negative experiences throughout the entire process of using it. Causing accident was a result of weird mind which showed me wrong signals of green instead of red. Marijuana triggered conflicts with my colleagues and me hence derailing our relationship. The experiences were instrumental such that today, many years after leaving it, I have specific phobia whenever I am driving near the roundabout. It is good to those who read this letter and understand that it’s indeed dangerous to take marijuana not only to your health but also to the welfare of other colleagues who are around us.
In my opinion, marijuana should strictly be illegalized by all the countries because it will affect thousands of youths out there. Some of the major accidents that occur on a day to day basis fight among the people, family conflicts, and marriage break up are the result of marijuana which is smoked behind the scenes. In summary, marijuana smoking is dangerous. You are young people and still in school, therefore, I am urging you not to engage yourself in drugs. You are the future of tomorrow, and if you end up living like my, past we may not have future leaders. Work hard in school and always be optimistic that tomorrow will be a better day than today. As I stand here in front of you, I am a living testimony that drugs are not good. Whatever you do now will determine who you become tomorrow. I wish you all the best in your studies and remember that the future is for the brave, people who are courageous and optimistic. You all have a golden opportunity so it’s high time you utilize well the resources you have in to succeed in life.
Works Cited
Volkow, Nora D., et al. “Adverse health effects of marijuana use.” New England Journal of Medicine 370.23 (2014): 2219-2227.

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